Chapter 353 Fertility Medicine

I heard that this auntie only came to the capital in the last few days. As for the reason, the Jin Nanny next to the old matriarch doesn't know, and the Jin Nanny in Zhanwang's Mansion can't tell either. , not to mention that this aunt is still Chu Huang's aunt, so she is also a relative.

After exchanging a few words with Hei Jianyu, Ji Shi and Hei Jianyu went straight to the topic, brought the medicine at hand to Hei Jianyu, and said: "I heard that the princess married into the palace for several months, but there has been no news. This is our Anyang Although the palace's secret medicine is a bit bitter, it works very well, and my two young daughter-in-laws both drink it, as long as the princess drinks it, it will make her a man in one fell swoop."

Hei Jianyu listened to Li Shi's words, and then looked at the medicine, his face was so embarrassing, these people probably wanted her to come here just to urge her to have a baby, right?

Seeing that Hei Jianyu didn't pick up, Mrs. Li continued: "Although the princess has only been married to the palace for a few months, and the princess is still young, there is no need to worry. But the prince is not young, and if the princess doesn't hurry up, the queen mother and the emperor will not be in a hurry. Bian Ke can't explain it. This medicine is for a woman, as long as she takes it for a month, she can keep her pregnant."

This is for women, are there still men for it?Hei Jianyu looked at the medicine, but didn't take it, Jin Nanny took the medicine from Ji's hand instead of her, thanked Hei Jianyu, and put it on the old matriarch's table, although Hei Jianyu I am very disgusted with this medicine in my heart, but I also understand that this is not something that can be disgusted on the public face, because what the Ji family has done is a good thing, and she is also worried about the issue of heirs for the royal family.

Moreover, Hei Jianyu guessed that the empress dowager might be behind this. This aunt lived in Wei and Linzhou, the fiefdom of King Anyang for more than ten years, and had never been to Beijing. This time she came to the capital suddenly. There must be other reasons for the items to be paid as tribute.

So she can't be too shameless, if she offends this aunt, I don't know what she will say in front of the queen mother, the queen mother is not easy to deal with, she has to be cautious.

"Sister-in-law is so anxious, people who don't know may think that Sister Yu is the daughter-in-law of Anyang Prince's Mansion." Lu Shi said strangely from the side.

She really couldn't see Li Shi's diligent appearance, as if their Ming family couldn't do it well. Sister Yu didn't have a child, so would it be good for their Ming family?Of course they also hope that he can have a child as soon as possible, but it is not impossible for Sister Yu to have a child. Didn't she have given birth to Sister Ling before?

Lu Shi snorted, showing his dissatisfaction with Ji Shi on his face.

"It's strange what my sister said. As the concubine's sister-in-law, am I worried that there is something wrong with her?" Li Shi didn't care what Lu Shi thought.

Hei Jianyu didn't eat breakfast, so he twirled a piece of pastry on the coffee table and put it into his mouth. While eating, he heard that his aunt also spoke, not to the old lady, but to Hei Jianyu. He looked very kind and smiled Yes, but the words that come out are not so kind.

"Wangfei, have you ever thought about it, if you can't conceive at the end of the year, when will you plan to take a concubine for the prince?"

Hei Jianyu was eating, and this sentence was enough to make her almost choke. Jin Nanny hurried over to relieve her, and handed her some hot tea. Better, then looked at my aunt and asked: "What did my aunt say, I didn't hear clearly before?"

Taking a concubine for Chu Huang?Is this giving her a good idea, or framing her?Hei Jianyu just heard it, so he choked. I said this just to remind my aunt, so that she should not do it for her. Whether she will have children or not is a matter of the royal family. .

(End of this chapter)

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