Chapter 360 Shameless

"Take a concubine?" Will she agree?Chu Huang stared at the person who was snickering under him, he didn't think she would be willing to give him a concubine, she didn't seem like the kind of person who would share her husband with others.

He stretched out his hand to hook her chin and made her look at him. Hei Jianyu suddenly stopped smiling. She looked at Chu Huang, and Chu Huang was also looking at her. After a while, she heard Chu Huang ask: "Do you agree?" ?”

"It's not that I agree or disagree, but the queen mother agreed, so they will send people over tomorrow." This is not up to her at all, well, in fact, she also has a little selfishness, just to see how Chu Huang will deal with it those people.

It's no wonder that the queen mother agreed, he just said that she is not such a talkative person, how could she simply agree to this matter?
Chu Huang suddenly felt some grievances against Hei Jianyu. If it wasn't for his situation, she probably wouldn't have suffered these grievances.

"Why don't we have a baby and let them all shut up." Hei Jianyu came up with a bad idea. She never thought that Chu Huang had such a meaning, otherwise, she would not bring it up even if she died. Chance Chu Huang beat her to death.

"Aren't you afraid of being threatened because of the child?" He stretched out his hand to tease her, and Hei Jianyu, who was immersed in teasing Chu Huang, didn't see Chu Huang's seriousness at all, curled his lips, showing the coquettishness of a little girl.

"What are you afraid of, can't you even protect your own wife and children?" She said this because she believed in Chu Huang and herself.

The belt was torn off suddenly, and the clothes on her body were loosened, and Hei Jianyu suddenly realized the seriousness. She quickly pulled her clothes, and accused Chu Huang's behavior with wide eyes, "Why are you prostitution in the daytime, you are not afraid Are you being laughed at by the world?"

"Preaching adultery in the daytime?" Chu Huang leaned close to Hei Jianyu's ear, and smiled softly, "It turns out that the princess thinks so, so I have to satisfy you no matter what."

Go to hell, it's obviously just him, a pervert, thinking wildly, how could he crown her head, Hei Jianyu was so mad, is there anyone more shameless than him in the world?

"Don't act recklessly, you will really be laughed at in broad daylight." If those girls in Jinyu Mantang found out, where would she put her face?

"Are you afraid of this?"

Of course not, but it doesn't mean she likes to do these things during the day.

"Stop making trouble." Heijian Yupai patted Chu Huang's hand, and Chu Huang took the opportunity to kiss her on the face. Just as he was about to make further moves, someone broke into the door.

"Doctor, there is an old woman who said she brought a daughter-in-law to Uncle Chu." Lingbao rushed in angrily, just in time to see Chu Huang pressing Hei Jianyu with an ambiguous posture.

Jin'er, who came in from behind, hastily pressed Lingbao's eyes, and muttered, "Do not look at evil, do not look at evil."

But how could this stop Lingbao, she secretly pulled Jin'er's hand away, looked at Chu Huang and Hei Jianyu curiously, and asked with a smile: "Doctor, are you going to have a baby?"

Lingbao is a precocious child, and he also understands a lot of medical theory, and knows a lot about it.

"Who's here?" Hei Jianyu pushed Chu Huang away and sat up. She is extremely embarrassed now. It's not good to be seen by anyone. Why is it Lingbao? She can already foresee that she will be chased and questioned in the next few months , doctor, when will you have a baby.

God, let her go.

"Princess, the two of us brought them here." Ji broke in without any explanation, just in time to see Hei Jianyu with disheveled clothes and Chu Huang with a calm face. But he's just a shameless vixen, in broad daylight, how shameless?

(End of this chapter)

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