Chapter 367

Thinking of Ji's daughters-in-law who came to their house a few days ago, Lu couldn't help shaking his head, "Taijun, the daughter-in-law is afraid that my aunt and grandma won't stop here, and when sister Xiu enters the palace, they must think that sister Yu is good." Make sure, maybe a few more sisters will be sent in."

Lu's worry is not unreasonable. Ji wanted to marry his daughter to their family a few days ago, but she politely refused. The girls in Anyang Palace are gentle and virtuous, and they are also good-looking, but this personality, really It doesn't please her very much, besides, she has already found a good candidate for her son, and she doesn't need Ji Shi to introduce her.

"No matter how confused Qionghua is, she can't be so disrespectful." After all, they are old sisters for many years, and the old lady Ming still believes in her sister. She sent one of them in, and wanted to send the second one.

Wanting to reassure the old matriarch, Lu became more worried. The auntie and Ji didn't seem to give up so easily. Lu sighed regretfully, "I just hope that sister Yu will not be too angry. If this is the prince If she really likes sister Xiu, or if sister Xiu really took the opportunity to conceive a child, I'm afraid this sister Yu will have a bad life."

This is also what Old Madam Ming is worried about. This person has already entered the mansion, and it will not be so easy to drive him out. If Sister Xiu really conceives a child before Sister Yu, then Sister Yu's life is afraid. Really sad.

"I'm worried about that too." The old matriarch picked up the teacup and suddenly lost interest again.


Sure enough, as Heijian Yuqun thought, Chu Xiu dressed up beautifully that night, wandering around outside Ling Yuxuan, she probably wanted to run into Chu Huang, and if there was some accident, she would enter Ling Yuxuan smoothly and do something else, just sit down and sit down. She has the reputation of fighting the queen's side concubine.

However, Chu Huang stayed at Fangcao Residence and never returned to Ling Yuxuan. She was destined not to be able to fulfill her wish.

Wearing a vermilion smoked gauze dress and a ponytail, Chu Xiu wandered outside Ling Yuxuan with a full face full of spring and a smile on her face.

She was very nervous at the moment, she wanted to see Chu Huang soon, but at the same time she didn't know what to say after seeing Chu Huang.

Guanshi Zhang came back from Fangcao Residence, just in time to see Chu Xiu who was wandering around Ling Yuxuan, and politely called Miss Chu.

Chu Xiu was not happy when she heard that, she put on a straight face, and said arrogantly: "What did you call me just now? Miss Chu? I am the prince's side concubine. How dare you call me Miss Chu? I am here to fight Is the palace a guest?"

She is the side concubine that Chu Huang personally admitted, this person is really not good at handling things, after she sees the prince, he will definitely let the prince drive him out.

The expression on Guanshi Zhang's steady and serious face changed slightly, and he finally left without saying anything, but was stopped by Chu Xiu.

"Wait, where did you just come back from?" Chu Xiu walked over and walked around Guanshi Zhang, "Is the prince still in Fangcao Residence?"

"My lord has been staying in Fangcaoju." Guanshi Zhang really didn't feel anything about this Chu Xiu, so he slightly changed what Chu Huang said and told her.

"What did you say?" Chu Xiu's voice immediately raised two decibels, and her face became grim because of anger, "He wants to stay at Fangcao Residence tonight?"

On the first day she came here, didn't he come to accompany her?But stay with Hei Jianyu, that wimpy woman?

Chu Xiu couldn't bear it in her heart. She also married him. Although grandma and mother begged from the queen mother, he also agreed and gave her such a beautiful wishing yard. Shouldn't she come to accompany her? ?

"My lord has been staying in Fangcaoju." Guanshi Zhang is also good at lying, "And Miss Chu, before the lord admits your identity to everyone in the mansion, please don't call yourself a side concubine."

After saying this, Guanshi Zhang returned to Ling Yuxuan regardless of Chu Xiu's mood.

Chu Xiu watched Guanshi Zhang leave, and jumped up angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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