Chapter 466 Chasing The Past

After resting for a while, Chu Huang finally felt better. He took out an energy-supplementing fruit that Lingbao gave him before, and ate two.

"Are you okay?" Tang Liyuan sat aside, looking at Chu Huang's appearance, it seemed that he had fought with someone else, and it was still a fierce fight.

He also noticed that the mountain road had been blown up just now, and he still had no idea who the instigator was.

"Go back to the capital, find Mu Cang to get the evidence of the collusion between the right minister and the Tuoba clan, and ask him to get out of Dongcheng for this king." Chu Huang's eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and Tang Liyuan felt a little scared. Chu Huang like this was him. Never seen that before.

However, from Chu Huang's attitude, he also knew that this matter had something to do with Prime Minister Right, and it was probably indirectly related to the second prince. It seemed that Dong Cheng's matter was not over yet.

"Does the prince know about the queen mother? The capital..."

"The king asked Dr. Wu to go back, and told him to let the queen mother wait until the king took her back." It's not that he didn't want to go back to see her, but if he didn't chase after her now, when he went again, Hei Jianyu would Will not have become someone else's wife.

Tang Liyuan saw that Chu Huang was also doubtful about this choice, but after weighing it, this is the best way, but if the queen mother can't wait, it can only be fate.

"It should be a very simple matter for Dali Temple to investigate an official, right?" There is still an army in the hands of the right minister, and all the military power must be taken back to make him fall completely.

"I will investigate and deal with it properly, so don't worry." Tang Liyuan also understood that Chu Huang would not let him follow him to the Shenwu Empire, and he had to go back to Dali Temple to work.

The two separated after a while. Chu Huang set off to the northwest, intending to follow Yin Hao and the others to enter the Shenwu Empire, while Tang Liyuan went back to the capital.

Following them down another mountain road, the ground outside the forest was a little loose, probably because of the rain, as if the ruts and horseshoes could be discerned faintly, and there were eight feet between the wheels. It was obvious that they were riding in a very spacious car. car
It's a comfortable car, but it doesn't go too fast.

Chu Huang regained his energy and gave chase. His horse is nearby. As long as he finds the horse, the pursuit will be much faster. This time the pursuit is much easier. He only needs to walk along the road, because the eight-foot-wide cart Absolutely not on the back road.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and there was no one on the road.

Chu Huang used his body skills and ran for a meal. Although he suffered some internal injuries, his steps were still very light. After running for a while, he suddenly found that the road ahead was as smooth as a mirror, and there were at least two or three No one has passed by, let alone the traces of the car tracks.

How could the cart go missing?

Chu Huang was stunned for a while, then turned back.

This time he walked more slowly and paid more attention. After turning back half a mile, he found that the rut of the cart had turned into a fork in the middle of the road.

He didn't pay attention to this fork in the road just now, because on both sides of this road, there are dense ancient trees and Shi Wengzhong, which obviously lead to the tomb of a wealthy family.

This is obviously a dead end, they can't go this way, Chu Huang shook his head, he was completely confused by these external things.

He returned to the road just now, and then he found bloodstains on the leaves beside the road, because the night was dark, so he didn't notice it.

This should be Zi Yi's blood, he was injured.Just like him, Chu Huang breathed a sigh of relief. He found his horse at the foot of the mountain. In front of him was the border of Jinzhou. After passing Jinzhou, he would soon reach the border. Crossing the border was the Shenwu Empire. The Shenwu Empire rejected outsiders. Man, if he let them in, it would take him a little longer.

(End of this chapter)

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