Chapter 472
What a bad attitude.

Hei Jianyu glared at Yin Hao, and made a gesture of hitting him with a fork behind him, Yin Hao seemed to feel something, turned his head and glanced at Hei Jianyu, Hei Jianyu immediately put away the fork, and walked towards the lake past.

"If you want that kid to starve to death, you don't have to listen to me." Yin Hao said coldly.

Threatening him again, this man is really worthless, Hei Jianyu looks down on Yin Hao from the bottom of his heart, but that man has seized on her weakness, she has no way to leave Lingbao alone.

Walking to the lake, Kuro Jianyu was surprised to find that the lake was not very big, but the water was very clear, and most of the lake was frozen, covering the whole lake, so she didn't notice the lake .

There are strange aquatic plants growing in the lake, with red stems, brown leaves, and blue flowers. Black Feather looks at the plants below through the ice on the lake. It was swimming, and there were fish swimming around, Hei Jianyu felt a little strange, she stretched out her hand to touch the ice on the lake, it was very cold, it stimulated her, and she quickly withdrew her hand.

The ice cube was like a mirror, Hei Jianyu smiled, found a cracked place, and forked two fish.

Zi Yi hugged Lingbao by the side, because Lingbao was too sleepy, so he fell asleep, Zi Yi didn't dare to leave her half a step, for fear that her body temperature would drop, he couldn't help but look at the decisive appearance of the black harpoon Zhu laughed, "Didn't expect you to have such skills?"

Hei Jianyu threw the fish on the ice, then turned to stare at Zi Yi, "I didn't know you had the ability to take care of children."

He retorted, but Hei Jianyu's attitude was very friendly, and he didn't have too many bad words towards Zi Yi.

Yin Hao was standing by the entrance of the cave, when a falcon flew over from the outside and landed on his arm, he untied a bamboo tube from the falcon's leg, then raised his hand, the falcon flew over and took the black feather A fish thrown on ice.

"Hey, that's my supper," she called to the hawk, but the hawk ignored her, flapped its wings, and flew out of the hole.

Hei Jianyu was so angry that he threw the fork on the ground. This damn vulture dared to ignore her.

Yin Hao glanced back at her, Hei Jianyu was getting annoyed, so he gave her a rude look, and said provocatively: "Do you have any comments? Let your stinky eagle return my fish."

"It's a goshawk." Yin Hao corrected Hei Jianyu solemnly.

"I said you..." Hei Jianyu looked at him, she didn't know what words to use to describe him, she sighed, "Forget it, I don't care about you."

Yin Hao has been looking at her, he obviously can't understand Hei Jianyu's expression, what kind of trick is this woman trying to play?
Hei Jianyu used Yin Hao to light a fire for Dihuo Zhezi, and grilled the fish. She didn't have the talent for cooking, and Zi Yi couldn't stand it. She snatched the fish from him and did it herself.

"I never thought you had such a side, I thought you didn't care about anything." Zi Yi talked to Hei Jianyu while grilling the fish.

To be honest, he was really taken aback. It was so funny that Kuro Jianyu lost his temper with Zongying just because the eagle took his fish.

She is a very angry person.

"It violated my property, which is absolutely unforgivable." That is her only rule, she can not care about anything, but her own things cannot be allowed to be touched by anyone.

Hei Jianyu leaned against the cave wall on one side, and from her angle, she could see Lingbao's sleeping face, which made her feel very warm.

(End of this chapter)

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