Chapter 475
"People here have never left this town, and few people come outside, so this place can be preserved so completely." Zi Yi led Heijianyu and Lingbao across an arched bridge, pointing to the houses on both sides to Heijian Yu look.

Below the arch bridge is a river, one side leads to the distance, and the other side has a turn, there is a family at the turn, a woman opens the door, looks outside, and then a little girl sticks her head out, Looking outside, she seemed to see this side. Hei Jianyu noticed that his gaze fell on Zi Yi, and suddenly shy away back.

Zi Yi didn't seem to notice, he led Hei Jianyu to continue walking, walked across the bridge and crossed an alley, which was another street, the street was very lively, many shops were open, and the business was not very good Fortunately, there are many people chatting, all of them are locals, sitting at the door and chatting.

Someone noticed them, smiled at them, and continued talking.

"What kind of person is Yin Hao?" Following Zi Yi slowly, Hei Jianyu asked the questions he had always had.

She was really curious, what kind of person is Yin Hao?He gives the impression that strangers don't get close, and he is very defensive and repulsive to anyone, but when getting along these days, she feels that he hides a lot of secrets, as if he has some difficulties that cannot be said.

"A very good person." Zi Yi bent down, picked up Lingbao, let her sit on his shoulder, and led her into a shop selling small things. Lingbao took a fancy to a clay figurine.

"It looks like Uncle Chu." Lingbao said to Hei Jianyu with a smile while holding the clay figurine.

Hei Jianyu was still lost in thought. She didn't understand the meaning of Zi Yi's words. Zi Yi didn't seem to want to discuss this topic very much. This Hei Jianyu also felt that he could understand it. After all, it was about his friend.

Ziyi bought the clay figurine for Lingbao, and Lingbao held the clay figurine, beaming with joy, and they continued to move forward, and Dudu pulled Hei Jianyu down.

After a while, Lingbao realized it was Hei Jianyu, she turned her head, and said, "Where is the doctor? Why is he gone?"

As soon as these words came out, Ziyi also knew the seriousness. Damn it, this is a dangerous area. If you are not careful, people from the Heijian family or the Yin family will stare at you. If Heijianyu is taken away, then Yin Hao probably will be crazy.

Zi Yi put Lingbao down and said to her: "You wait for me here, I will go and find your mother."

"But Lingbao will be abducted by others." Lingbao shook his head decisively.

That's right, Zi Yi was in trouble all of a sudden, with a doll, it's really hard to find someone?


what happened?

Hei Jianyu stared at the man holding her hostage in front of her, her head was a little dizzy, she didn't think clearly about the current situation, she was just wondering how to find out more secrets about Yin Hao, and in a moment of trance, she was caught People are kidnapped here.

This is a narrow alley, the houses on both sides are a bit high, covering everything, and it is a little dark inside, but Kuro Jianyu can still see the face of that person clearly, it is surprising, she actually recognizes this face, even though She knows this man.

"Are you Yin Hao's younger brother?" His complexion was indeed not very good, he seemed to be sick, but the virus system didn't sound an alarm, so it probably wasn't poisoning or a rare case.

"Cough, cough, cough..." He coughed a few times, his body seemed to be uncomfortable, he put all his strength on Hei Jianyu's body, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, please let me lean on for a while."

Because he was so uncomfortable, Hei Jianyu didn't object, so she just looked at him quietly, and didn't do anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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