Chapter 477

It is really surprising that Mrs. Ye is actually connected with the royal family of the Northern Territory, and she is also the prince of the Northern Territory. Could it be that Ye Wanrou is the daughter of a certain prince in the Northern Territory?Then it is understandable that the second prince would marry Ye Wanrou as his side concubine.

I heard that Ye Wanrou took important information to seek refuge with the Second Prince, this is really valuable.

Chu Huang smiled, he raised his head, the sun was shining hotly, the light was a bit dazzling, he stretched out his hand to block the sun, "This time, no matter what, the right minister must be pulled down, and the evidence of the right minister's bribery has been reported to the imperial court ?"

All of Dongcheng's cancerous tumors must be pulled out. If the emperor can't do it, then he will do it.

Chu Huang suddenly remembered the late emperor's last wish, and his head suddenly felt dizzy. He lowered his head and said, "By the way, go and investigate the affairs of the Yin family and the Heijian family."

When he turned his head, the shadow in the black room was staggering, as if he had fallen asleep inside.He shook his head weakly, "And what happened in the Northern Territory."

Beiyu is very aware of their combat methods, and they use poisonous gas. If Hei Jianyu hadn't prepared an antidote for them, it is estimated that more than half of Dongcheng's army would have been lost here. Chu Huang felt a little headache. This situation is clear, He has not met for ten years.

"I see." After receiving the order, Bai Ze was about to leave, but before he left, he saw a dark figure inside who was drunk and drunk, and asked curiously, "Who is that old man? Do you drink here every day?"

Bai Ze has never seen Hei Jianying before, but he has been diligent these past few days, so he has only seen it a few times, but he thought it was the people in the pass who came to give advice to Chu Huang, so he didn't pay much attention, but many times It's also hard to ignore afterwards.

"Hei Jianyu's father." Chu Huang didn't use the word father-in-law. First, he really didn't want to admit that this man who was drunk all day long and might be poisoned by alcohol was his father-in-law. Second, Kuro Jianyu probably wouldn't admit that this man was her father.

Bai Ze looked back at Chu Huang, seeming to doubt the authenticity of this matter, "You said he is the father of the princess?"

Isn't Hei Jianyu the daughter of the Ye family?
"What kind of situation is this?" Heijianying seemed to have really drunk too much, hiccupped, touched his mouth, and fell asleep on the side.

"The civet cat is replaced by the prince, and this king has never been able to connect him with the suzerain of the Heijian family." Heijianying really doesn't look like a suzerain, but an old beggar who begs everywhere and is drunk.

Bai Ze didn't ask any more questions. Heijianyu's life experience was complicated. He knew it before, but now he knew that she was from the Heijian family, but it didn't matter.

Leaving decisively, leaving everything to Chu Huang, Chu Huang glanced at Heijianying, and continued to deal with official duties.

Although Jinmen Pass is small, there are many things to be dealt with. Chu Huang has to review a lot of documents every day, and he has to deal with all kinds of trivial matters, because there are no officials stationed at Jinmen Pass, and everything is handled by him, the guarding general. to deal with.

From big things like marching and fighting to small things like someone's chicken getting lost, officials count these cases every day and report them to Chu Huang.

Chu Huang was really tired, and he clearly ordered the officials below to deal with it, but those civil servants could only eat, drink and have fun, and didn't know how to relieve the worries of the people at all, and military officers were fighting on the battlefield, so they didn't have time to deal with this matter at all.

In a rage, he sent all the civil servants to the capital, and let a few of his military officers learn to deal with these matters. These cases gradually decreased, but there were still quite a few sent to him.

"Boy, come out." In the middle of the night, Hei Jianying kept yelling outside the study.

(End of this chapter)

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