Chapter 480
When Hei Jianyu woke up, it was already dark outside, and the room was pitch black, and she couldn't see clearly for a while, but she could smell a faint scent of medicine, and she groped to get out of bed.

The candle was suddenly lit, talking about the light of the candle, she saw Yin Li holding the candle and walking towards her, he smiled and asked her, "You're awake, how do you feel?"

"My neck hurts a bit." If you dare to ask, won't you be gentler?I really don't feel pity at all.

Hei Jianyu snorted unceremoniously, because she also calmed down when she saw a familiar person, and sat back on the bed, "What exactly are you looking for me for?"

Yin Li lit all the candles in the room, and the room was lit up all of a sudden, Yin Li put the candles on the table, came and sat beside Hei Jianyu.

"I just don't want my brother to hurt you too much because of me." Yin Li lay down, lying on his back, looking at Chengchen above.

His brother has been planning these things for his sake, just for him to live better. He is very grateful that he can do so much for him, but he really doesn't want him to do something that hurts others for him. .

Yin Li turned around and looked at Hei Jianyu's side face sideways. She looked very healthy, which was something he longed for but couldn't get.

Unable to tell what emotion was in his heart, Yin Li stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Hei Jianyu's face, but just as soon as he touched her, he took it back.

"I won't let you be wronged, I will explain clearly to my brother myself." Yin Li seemed to be very uncomfortable, and his breathing suddenly became short of breath. He buried his face in the quilt, trying not to let Hei Jianyu see his current appearance. appearance.

Hero Jianyu turned around, stretched out his hand and patted him on the back, "If you don't mind, I can help you see your illness, but I'm not sure I can cure you."

After all, this era does not have the equipment she wants. If there is technology and equipment from the 25th century, she can cure any intractable disease.

"Really?" Yin Li suddenly raised her head. Although she was comforting him, he was still very happy. At least someone really cared about him, a sick guy.

"What's the truth? We can start the operation tomorrow if you want."


"Where did the doctor go?" Lingbao asked Zi Yi while sitting in the carriage, playing with her clay figurine.

"She's at Yin's house." Zi Yi hugged Lingbao and explained the situation to her, "Yin Hao's younger brother Yin Li invited her to visit."

"Then why didn't you invite me?" Lingbao raised his head curiously. She and the doctor were together, so why only the doctor and not her?
"Because he didn't see you." Zi Yi pinched Ling Bao's cheek, he was actually curious what Yin Li wanted to do?Why did he only take Hei Jianyu away? Didn't he know that Yin Hao would be angry?

Lingbao seemed to agree with his statement. She nodded, then raised her head after a while, and continued to ask: "Then why didn't you go together? Aren't you good friends?"

This is really a complicated question, and Zi Yi didn't know how to answer it for a while. Yin Hao, who was driving outside, turned around and shouted, "Shut up, don't ask any more questions."

The fact that Yin Li took Hei Jianyu away made him very angry. He knew that he did so much for him, but he still wanted to fight against him. What the hell was Yin Li thinking.

Shouted by Yin Hao, Ling Bao was so frightened that he burst into tears. Suddenly a thunderbolt fell from the sky, and Yin Hao drove his car to dodge in a dangerous way.

"Don't cry, do you want to be thrown here?"

(End of this chapter)

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