Chapter 491 Sudden Fainting 1
Yin Hao gave her a sideways glance. Regarding this mother, he really didn't want to say anything more. Hei Jianyu glanced at Feng Wu, then at Hei Jianying. He really deserves to be a family, and the same goes for his off-line personality. of.

"Didn't you send someone back to say that you were murdered?" I dare to feel that he has been played and applauded by his mother for the past ten years.

"What about this?" Feng Wu raised her head, her expression a bit embarrassed, after thinking about it, she changed the subject, "It's rare that we come back today, why don't we have a meal together? Let Lingbao meet Yang'er, but I This is the first time I see my grandson."

Regarding Feng Wu, Yin Hao could only sigh. He turned his head, but saw Hei Jianyu holding her head, a little in a trance, and she lowered her head, her breathing became heavier, and she kept stepping back.

"What's the matter with you? Do you feel okay?" After being teased by his mother, Yin Hao has no interest in continuing the quarrel, and the enmity with the Heijian family is not rushed for a while, and can be settled slowly in the future.

Hei Jianyu felt that the lower right shoulder was hot again, and the figure of her father and that sentence kept appearing in her mind.

Yu'er, you are my best daughter, you can definitely do it.

Then there is Hei Jianying's smile, smiling very proudly, I believe my daughter will fulfill my wish, District 11 will definitely be built.

No, it won't be like this, she won't help him with anything, she will definitely not help him build District 11.

Hei Jianyu kept backing away, she could feel the parasitic wasp biting her, using its tail needle, stabbing her skin, she felt hot, burning her.

It is about to come out, the creature that has been immersed for a long time, finally intends to break out of its shell, Kuro Jianyu feels an indescribable pain.

"Doctor, doctor, Lingbao found a fun toy that can be kept as a pet." Lingbao took her hand, wanting to show her the new pet she found.

Heijianyu only felt Lingbao's voice echoing in her ears, but she couldn't hear what she was saying at all. Besides Lingbao's voice, there were other voices, which were mixed together and echoed in her ears.

She only felt her head was dizzy, as if countless stars were spinning, she pressed her head, and then she saw the parasitic wasp flying out of her body, circling twice before her eyes, and then flew away.

She reached out her hand to grab it, but in vain, she closed her eyes and passed out.

Before she fell into a coma, she seemed to see Chu Huang's face. He seemed very nervous and kept calling her name.

Hei Jianyu felt very painful in her body, as if being pricked by needles, it was unbearable, she felt that she heard her father's voice, he was calling her name, Yu'er, my daughter, you are my pride, you It can definitely be done.

What's the meaning?What do you want her to do?
Building District 11?Is the purpose of experimenting with mothers to establish District 11?The sacred area, the perfect medical system, and the existence beyond life and death are all bullshit and nothing.It's just the selfish desires of those disgusting authorities, and it's just a concrete manifestation of desires.

"She seems to be in pain." Chu Huang sat on the edge of the bed. He took Hei Jianyu's hand, watched her writhing and moaning in pain. He looked back at Hei Jianying, "No How can I help her?"

"We don't know why she became like this?" Heijianying shook his head, expressing his helplessness.

(End of this chapter)

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