The remnant king and poisonous concubine: this palace has a system

Chapter 493 I'm going to be busy in the future

Chapter 493 I'm going to be busy in the future

"About Yu girl, things are a bit weird, I just want to ask if such a situation has ever happened in our family." She has investigated the past of Hei Jianyu these days, except that she will use some strange tricks, there is no special.

But the strange thing is that her tricks, the very lethal insects, seem to have a very strange toxin, which is really strange.

"No, where did our family ever have such a situation?" Hei Jianying shook his head, his family only had some abilities to control some elements of nature, and no other abilities.

"That's really strange, she seems to have a lot of secrets." Feng Wu sighed helplessly.


On the third day, Hei Jianyu woke up. As soon as she woke up, she pressed her forehead and laughed loudly. After laughing, she cried.

She has always been suspicious of her time-traveling, and also why this system followed her time-traveling, until now, she finally understands.

From the beginning to the end, she was a test product, no, she was just a pawn being used, and the real test product was a Lingbao. This cognition shocked Kuroma Yupo.

She never thought that Heijianying would make such a mistake. Instead of turning her into a pawn in his hand, she let her travel to ancient times and took away his most proud work.

It turned out that her coming here was just a plan, just to collect viruses, enrich his virus database, and test his system by the way.

But she came through the soul, she occupies this body, the soul and this body gradually fit together, she has almost no chance to leave, but Lingbao is different, Lingbao has the ability to leave, so that guy looked at her from the beginning Yes, it's just Lingbao.

"Doctor, you're finally awake." As soon as Lingbao came in and saw Hei Jianyu awake, he ran over happily and threw himself into Hei Jianyu's arms.

Heijianyu calmed down, stretched out his hand and stroked Lingbao's head, "I'm fine, I'm worrying you."

Lingbao raised his head from Hei Jianyu's arms, pursed his mouth, and looked like he was about to cry, "Doctor, please don't leave me, I can't live alone."

She climbed onto the bed, lay in Hei Jianyu's arms, and held Hei Jianyu's clothes tightly. She was really afraid that Hei Jianyu would never wake up again, "Doctor, the imprint disappeared. Does it mean that the virus system is broken?" It's gone, and the doctor doesn't have to be restrained anymore."

"Yes, nothing will happen in the future."

"Liar." Lingbao snorted coldly, and she pointed at Hei Jianyu's nose, "Doctors wrinkle their noses when they lie, so it must be fake, right?"

It's so clever, it was discovered so quickly, and Kuro Jianyu didn't feel embarrassed, she chuckled, "The parasitic wasp has a special function, it can transmit the body information of the person who was stung to the virus system by biting others, If that person has the virus in their body..."

Hei Jianyu didn't continue to say anything, she only discovered the horror of this system until now, her father wanted to establish District 11, the most complete medical system in the world, and it was said that the ultimate goal was to make people live forever.

Immortality is the ultimate goal of human beings at any time.

Poor organized man!

"Will the doctor be very busy?" Upon hearing the news, Lingbao knew that Hei Jianyu was going to be busy. If the virus system started to keep alarming, then Hei Jianyu would be forced to go to various places to collect viruses. Isn't it every day? I have to go on a business trip.

"I don't want it. The doctor will leave me alone at home when he is on a business trip."

(End of this chapter)

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