Chapter 502 Chu Huang is Angry
Looking at Chu Huang's leaving figure, Hei Jianyu was a little taken aback.

She didn't expect Chu Huang's attitude. She just wanted to solve the matter by herself and didn't want to cause him trouble. Why was he so angry?
Unable to figure out the reason for Chu Huang's anger, Hei Jianyu was not in the mood to continue packing her luggage. She glanced at the half-packed luggage and walked out of the room aimlessly.

After the servant girl was sent away by her, no one followed her. Hei Jianyu didn't know much about the general's mansion, so she just wandered around.

"Why did you come here?" Bai Ze was discussing things with a subordinate, but when he saw He Jianyu casually approaching, he sent the subordinate away and went up to him, "The prince is not here, the princess came to the wrong place."

Hei Jianyu didn't care about Bai Ze's words, she sighed helplessly, raised her head to look at Bai Ze, "I seem to have made Chu Huang angry."

Bai Ze raised his eyebrows in confusion, so she came out to wander around because she had a fight with the prince, but Bai Ze really didn't understand why they had a quarrel, Chu Huang has always been very conniving to her, and basically never gets angry with her.

"What did you do?" If you didn't do anything, the prince should not be angry.

Hei Jianyu sat down aside and sighed deeply, "I'm just going to the Northern Territory."

"At this time?" Bai Ze stared at Kuroma Yu in disbelief, when did this woman become so stupid?Going to the Northern Territory at this time, there will be ghosts if you don't anger the prince.

"Are you a pregnant woman?" And she was also carrying a child, so she was thankful that the prince didn't get angry and destroy the general's mansion.

"I can take care of myself, I will not let myself get hurt." Kuro Jianyu promised.

"Even if you say that, can people stop worrying?" Bai Ze stood aside and looked at her. He didn't like Hei Jianyu at first, but he was worried that she would hurt Chu Huang. Will betray Chu Huang, he gradually changed his view of her, but still didn't treat him very much, because Chu Huang doted on her too much and worried that her beauty would be a disaster.

"Dongcheng is at war with Beiyu, what are you doing in Beiyu?"

On this question, Hei Jianyu continued to remain silent. Seeing Hei Jianyu's appearance, Bai Ze knew that she must not have told Chu Huang the reason, otherwise, why would Chu Huang be so angry?
"You deserve it. Do you really think that the prince spoils you, so you can let you do whatever you want? Once you go to the Northern Territory and get caught, what will you ask the prince to do?" Bai Ze felt sad for Hei Jianyu's EQ, " Even if you have the ability not to be caught, the prince will still be worried."

Bai Ze didn't want to continue talking, he didn't have such an obligation to enlighten her, if she couldn't figure it out, then he couldn't help it either.

"The princess should go back as soon as possible, don't make things difficult for the servant girl."

After being kicked out by Bai Ze, Hei Jianyu didn't go back either. She walked around the mansion a few times and came to the place where Chu Huang was working. Chu Huang was having a meeting with some of his subordinates, and Hei Jianyu was standing outside the courtyard. Watch him from the window.

After the meeting, the generals left the study one after another, and soon, Chu Huang was the only one left. He was sitting by the desk, holding his head with his hands, as if he felt a little uncomfortable.

Seeing his appearance, Hei Jianyu almost rushed over, but before he took the first step, he was forcibly suppressed.

When Chu Huang turned his head, he saw her standing under the big tree in the yard, looking at him quietly. Through the window, they just looked at each other so quietly. At that moment, Chu Huang knew that he was about to compromise again. Looking at her, he was always ruthless.

(End of this chapter)

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