Chapter 504
Following Bai Ze to sneak into Godard Town in the Northern Territory, Kuro Jianyu disguised himself as a Godard girl, wearing a long skirt, a snail turban wrapped around his head, and a gauze covering his face, and Bai Ze was also dressed in Godard's dress , he led the horse, and followed Heijianyu.

"Where are we going now?" Kuro Jianyu asked Bai Ze in a low voice.

She is not familiar with this place, even if the virus system provides her with directions, because she doesn't know the terrain, she doesn't dare to walk around casually.

"Let's find a place to eat first." Bai Ze led He Jianyu to a restaurant, and said a few words to the waiter in Godard, and they found a table and sat down.

Soon, a few big men entered the restaurant, and they sat down at the table next to Kuro Jianyu and the others.

"How many people are there this time?" One of the bearded men sat down and immediately asked.

"Six people, I can make a lot of money." Another younger one immediately said that Prince Fanta, who came to Godard to supervise the army, likes beautiful women, and asked them to send a few beautiful women there every day, so that they could make a lot of money.

"A woman with sixty pearls is indeed a good deal." The big man in the lead was very happy, and shouted at the waiter in the shop, asking him to serve some good food and wine.

"I'll deliver it in the evening. I heard that we will entertain distinguished guests in the evening." The big man poured a bowl of wine for his companion, "It's done."


Several people raised their bowls together and drank with relish.

The dishes from Hei Jianyu's side have already been served. Godard is a border town, and it is also a place where people come and go, but mainly foreigners. After doing business, the business here is also very prosperous. Jian Yu and the others ordered Godard's special food, but Hei Jianyu couldn't eat the big leg of lamb and the fatty meat. She simply took a few bites and put down the chopsticks.

"Eat more." Bai Ze picked up a piece of lean meat for her, "Don't forget that you are not alone now."

Hei Jianyu glanced at her stomach, and continued to eat a few mouthfuls of porridge. Fortunately, Godard can still eat porridge, otherwise, she might not be able to eat it at all.

Soon, after the excitement of the group of big men, they left behind a few fans and left. Bai Ze and Hei Jianyu hurriedly paid their bills and followed.

"Are you sure you really want to go?" Bai Ze is not Chu Huang. Although he is worried about Hei Jianyu, he will not let her go, because in his heart, only Chu Huang's career is the most important.

"Is there still a way out by this time?" Hei Jianyu replied to her.

Stealthily followed those big men, watched them turn a few alleys, and walked into a small courtyard, where there were several women, all of them sitting quietly in the room.

There was a carriage outside the door, which should be used to transport those women. Hei Jianyu quickly climbed into the carriage while no one noticed, while Bai Ze turned over and entered the courtyard, and secretly knocked one of the women unconscious in the backyard.

"Why is there one less?" The big man who watched the women get into the car counted the number of people and found that something was wrong.

"Is there a mistake in counting? They are all here." The young man climbed in and counted, "That's right, all six are here."

"They're all there?" The big man just now scratched his head suspiciously, "I guess I miscalculated."

No more doubts, those big men sent people to the general's mansion.

Bai Ze looked at the carriage going away, turned around, and went to another place. Hei Jianyu had already entered, and he had to find a way to get in too.

(End of this chapter)

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