Chapter 509 The Prince's Side Concubine
Hei Jianyu gave him a sideways glance, and nestled into his arms, "Nurse is not willing to teach me a lesson, do you think everyone is like you?"

Seeing that Hei Jianyu seemed angry, Chu Huang only found it interesting. He stretched out his arms to hug her, and watched her wrinkle her nose, as if she was sulking. This feeling is so good, and it makes people feel that she is very real.

Because of Hei Jianyu's health, they took a carriage all the way back, so they were delayed for a few days, and it took 20 days to return to the capital.

Steward Shi sent Shi Hu and some guards to greet him at the gate of the city early in the morning, while he prepared at home.

"My lord." The carriage stopped at the gate of the city for inspection, and Shi Hu hurried up to meet it. The city guards didn't dare to offend them when they saw that it was the carriage of Prince Zhan's mansion, so they inspected it casually and let it go.

"How is the situation in the mansion?" Regarding the matter of the fake princess, the letter sent by the emperor some time ago has written very clearly, saying that she has been put in prison, and asked Chu Huang to come back and give him an explanation.

"The two girls were taken away by the people of Dali Temple. I heard that they are being held in the prison and have not been tried yet." Shi Hu led the guards on both sides of the carriage, and told Chu about the recent events in the mansion. brilliant.

It turned out that the palace was not peaceful either. After Hei Jianyu left, the palace was attacked by assassins twice, and they were targeting the fake princess. They probably wanted to assassinate Hei Jianyu.

"Ms. Chu Xiu and Ms. Ming Xinyue have also come here a few times to chat with the princess, and they have also gone to banquets in the palace with the princess." Now that I think about it, Chu Xiu and Ming Xinyue must have come to sit on the fake princess. of identity.

"Okay, my king knows."

"Your Majesty." Shi Hu hesitated for a while before saying, "The Empress Dowager has gone, and a ceremony will be held in a few days."

There was something that was expected a long time ago, but Chu Huang still felt a sharp pain in his heart. Hei Jianyu reached out to hold his hand, and leaned against him gently. She could understand this feeling, so she didn't want to say What comforting words, but she will always be with him.

"I know." Chu Huang patted the back of Hei Jianyu's hand and smiled.

As soon as he returned to the palace, people from the palace came and asked Chu Huang to enter the palace quickly.

"Go, I'm fine." Seeing that Chu Huang hesitated, Hei Jianyu said.

"Then you have a good rest, I'll be back soon." After going back and changing the palace clothes, Chu Huang entered the palace.

Heijianyu was really tired after a long time of traveling and traveling, so he went back to Fangcaoju to rest, but uninvited guests came to disturb him.

"Reporting to the princess, the prince's side concubine is asking to see me."

The crown prince's side concubine?Hei Jianyu was a little confused, isn't the prince already abolished?

"The second prince was established as the crown prince a few days ago, and the crown prince's concubine is the third lady of the Yongle Hou Mansion." Jin'er whispered in Hei Jianyu's ears.

That's it, Hei Jianyu nodded, "Please come in."

"Wangfei, you are pregnant now, so it is not appropriate to see guests." Jin'er resolutely disagreed, the side concubine didn't even know what it meant, what if the princess was annoyed and her fetus became gassy, ​​what should I do?

"It's okay, this is Prince Zhan's Mansion, what else would she dare to do?" Ye Wanrou was already very satisfied now, she had always wanted to marry the prince, and become a queen in the future, and now she has the capital.

Hearing what Heijianyu said, Jin'er also felt that it made sense, so he didn't stop it.

Soon, Ye Wanrou was brought in. She was the side concubine of the crown prince, and her status was still lower than Hei Jianyu, the princess, so she had to salute to Hei Jianyu.

"Big sister, it's been a long time." Ye Wanrou still hadn't changed her previous personality, and she was mean and unreasonable when she saw Hei Jianyu.

(End of this chapter)

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