Chapter 519 Total Conflict
The official straightened up and pointedly accused the right minister, while the officials around him lowered their heads one by one, probably because they were afraid of being implicated, and even more afraid of being killed by the right minister.

That official was an old minister left by the former emperor. He had always been loyal to the imperial court. He had always known about the right minister's ambitions, but he never thought that the right minister wanted to usurp the throne.

"How dare you do such a rebellious thing in the Imperial Mausoleum?" The official was very excited, Chu Tianrui walked past him, drew out his sword without hesitation, and pierced his heart with it.

"Your Majesty is not benevolent today, harms his brothers, and brings natural disasters for the sake of the king. Why not overthrow him?" Chu Tianrui stood beside the right minister, indifferently contemptuously contemptuous of those ministers.

Normally they speak big words in the court, but when something happens, not all of them become cowards.

"What does the prince mean?" Another official came out, "As the prince, do you want to usurp the throne?"

According to Chu Tianrui's identity and ability, after His Majesty abdicates, he will be able to ascend the throne smoothly. Why do you want to do this?
"Usurping the throne? This palace is not such a rebellious person." Chu Tianrui sneered, "Your Majesty is now deeply trapped in the imperial tomb, and the gate of the imperial tomb can no longer be opened. This palace is following the destiny to succeed."

"It's really a high-sounding reason, this prince is really disgusting." Mu Cang watched coldly from a distance, and couldn't help evoking a contemptuous smile.

"The prince is locked in the imperial tomb." Bai Ze reminded Mu Cang of this serious matter.

"It's okay, at worst, the imperial tomb will be blown up."

Had he been planning something like this all along?Bai Ze looked sideways at Mu Cang, this guy is really sinister.

"Then what are we going to do now? Rush up?"

"Look at the situation again, someone should take action soon." Mu Cang said confidently.

Mu Cang's news was always accurate, Bai Ze never doubted what he said, and this time was no exception.

"What an amazing speech. Don't you feel ashamed to say these words so grandly?" The man in black with a big knife appeared in the crowd openly.

Chu Tianrui narrowed his eyes and looked at the man suspiciously. Does he not know this man?
"Who are you? How dare you break into the forbidden area of ​​the imperial tomb?"

"Trespassing into the forbidden area?" The man sneered because of this question, "The prince is really joking. I have been guarding this place all year round. How can I talk about trespassing?"

"Guarding all the time?" Chu Tianrui frowned slightly, "Are you the late emperor's swordsman?"

"Oh, the prince actually knows about swordsmen?" He took the sword off his shoulder, and he raised his hand high, "Since you know, then I'm not going to be polite."

The big knife came down from the air, bringing a strong wind, and all the people around were shaken out. Because Chu Tianrui noticed his actions in advance, he escaped a catastrophe.

"It's so powerful." Bai Ze couldn't help but sigh.

"There's a good show to watch now."

Bai Ze turned his head and looked at Mu Cang. He didn't know why, but he always felt that Mu Cang already knew about this situation, so he was so at ease.

"What's the sound?" The emperor inside the imperial mausoleum couldn't help but look back when he heard the sound outside.

"Subordinates go check immediately." The chief guard beside him immediately ran out to check.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, it should be fine." The queen comforted her.

"Thanks for your hard work." The emperor was very kind to the empress, and he was very considerate. The empress smiled slightly, but she didn't have any good feelings about it.

(End of this chapter)

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