Chapter 541 What?

Kuro Maha analyzed it with his own ideas.

Chu Huang gave her a sideways glance, "Why are the things in your head full of dross?"

These words are a bit hurtful, Hei Jianyu hummed a few times in dissatisfaction, she didn't eat much for a long time, she felt hungry and her throat was dry, she sat there lazily, looked at Chu Huang pitifully, and said : "I'm thirsty and I'm hungry."

Chu Huang hurriedly poured water for her, and went to the outer room to order the servants to cook delicious food. The four maids in Jin Yuman hall heard that Hei Jianyu had woken up, and swarmed in, ignoring Chu Huang's existence at all. Followed in behind, looked at the four maids around the bed asking questions, felt that the servants in the mansion were too presumptuous?How dare you be so arrogant in front of him.

Hei Jianyu just woke up, still a little uncomfortable, surrounded by several maids, felt a little out of breath, his head was buzzing, Chu Huang couldn't stand it when he heard the noise of the maids, and directly After yelling a few times, they were all driven out. Hei Jianyu breathed in the fresh air and finally felt a little better. She looked up at Chu Huang and said, "Thank you so much, I almost suffocated to death."

Chu Huang glared at her, and offered her water, "Do you really want to die that much? Do you keep talking all day long?"

He was angry, Hei Jianyu felt his heart warmed up, took the water, and drank it after a few gulps, "Are you worried about me?"

"I was worried about my son." He awkwardly refused to admit it.

Hearing this, Hei Jianyu just laughed. It was the first time she discovered that Chu Huang actually had the characteristic of being arrogant. She laughed a little too much, leaning forward and backward. Support her, "Don't get excited, don't forget that you are pregnant."

"I thought you could do nothing but threaten me, so you can be arrogant." She continued to smile, but restrained herself a lot.

"What is Tsundere?" Chu Huang patted the quilt behind her, worried that she would be uncomfortable leaning on it.

"Well, it's a little troublesome to explain, maybe it's okay to be duplicity like you." Kuro Jianyu used an easier-to-understand explanation.

Chu Huang ignored it, and lowered his head to massage her legs. Her legs had been lying on the ground for half a month, and they were numb and swollen. They were very uncomfortable. After Chu Huang pressed them, they felt much more comfortable. She looked at him, and he His movements were very light, as if he was afraid of hurting her, and he was very focused, which she had never seen before. Suddenly, her nose was a little sore, and tears came down.

"Yu?" Chu Huang was taken aback by her. He didn't know if he had hit too hard, or if there was something wrong with her body, "Doctor Wu, Doctor Wu..." He nervously looked for Doctor Wu.

Doctor Wu was also frightened, and hurried to diagnose Hei Jianyu, and after confirming that she was in good health, he said, "It's okay, the princess is just a little agitated, pregnant women are always prone to emotional emotions, that's why I'm going to be pregnant." This situation has occurred. The princess's body is recovering very well, so I have to pay attention in the later stage, and she will recover soon."

He prescribed a prescription for Hei Jianyu, and Dr. Wu asked Jin'er to follow him to grab the medicine, and left quickly.

Hei Jianyu's eyes were still full of tears, and Chu Huang sat beside her and looked at her, "It's fine, why are you crying suddenly? Did I say something?"

"I have something to tell you." Hei Jianyu lowered her head. She felt that it was best to confess to Chu Huang about the virus system and her affairs.

"That's right, I also have something to tell you."


There was a loud cry from Lingbao outside, Chu Huang and Hei Jianyu looked at each other, knowing that the matter would not be able to be said for a while, Chu Huang touched Hei Jianyu's face and said, "Let's rest for a while, wait I'll go for a walk with you later."

(End of this chapter)

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