Chapter 547

Lingbao, who wanted to go around at first, was really out of the mood because of the little tails behind him, so he led his younger brother back home.

Yin Yang followed behind her step by step, looking at her intently, she knew the purpose of his visit this time, but there was nothing she could do, she foolishly agreed to the baby kiss back then, but now she regretted it, probably She will be beaten to death by her father. The father seems to spoil her, but in fact he threatens her mother with her every time. He can't be more ruthless.

Lingbao looked back at Yin Yang, thinking in his heart, now he doesn't know if he can run out, if he doesn't come back for three years, he probably married another wife?

Understanding her thoughts, Chu Yu leaned over and said, "Don't even think about running away. If this matter goes to Yin's house, even if you go to the ends of the earth, Dad will send troops to chase you."

What Lingbao said was even more boring, and he couldn't run away, and he didn't regret it. Could it be that he really wanted to follow him back to Yin's house and be his child bride-in-law?
"Anyway, he looks pretty good, he is good at martial arts, and his family background is good. The important thing is that he can control you, so you can marry him reluctantly." Chu Yu persuaded Lingbao with good intentions.

Lingbao glanced at him with fixed eyes, and snorted angrily, "Why don't you marry him? Anyway, your surname is Chu, and there is no loss if you marry, you go and marry."

"Sister, I'm a man." Chu Yu was quite helpless.

"I'm a woman, so I have to marry? Why don't you go grab it?" Lingbao spoke very aggressively because of her dissatisfaction.

Chu Yu felt that if he continued, he would only be refuted, so he obediently shut up.

Darui City is just next to the capital, they walked for a while, got into a carriage, and soon arrived in the capital.

Back at Zhanwangfu, Xun Dongli asked curiously, "Is that fierce woman really the princess of Zhanwangfu? Isn't she also fierce?"

Lingbao held back his anger, but he couldn't hold it back. He turned around and yelled, "They say I heard it, can you not speak?"

The door opened at this time, and a little man poked his head out from inside, and shouted timidly, "Eldest sister, brother, are you back?"

"It's Ji Ming, come here and give me a hug." Lingbao waved to his six-year-old little brother.

Chu Ze came out from the inside and ran over to get Ling Bao to hug him, "Ji Ming, my sister asks you, what are you doing, mother?"

"I'm playing chess with dad." Chu Ze replied obediently, looking back at those strange faces curiously, tugging at Ling Bao's sleeve, and asked, "Sister, who are they? What are they doing at our house?"

"They?" Lingbao glanced back and denied, "I don't know."

Hearing Lingbao's answer, Yin Yang could only smile helplessly, while Xun Dongli was furious and almost rushed out to beat her. If Xun Ruxin hadn't pulled her, the fist would have hit Lingbao in the face. Chu Ze Looking at it curiously, he came to a conclusion, "Is that brother's friend?"

"Don't get involved with me, it has nothing to do with me." Chu Yu waved his hand and hurried into the room. Mother and father were playing chess, which meant that they could not go with them to see parents, otherwise, if mother got angry, father would throw They unpacked eight pieces and used them to make soup.

Seeing that Chu Yu was gone, Lingbao was also a little worried. She touched Chu Ze's head and put him down, "Ji Ming, were you with Uncle Chu and the doctor just now?"

Chu Ze nodded obediently, and Lingbao continued to ask, "Then what is the doctor's expression?"

"Laughing happily."

That's over, if the doctor smiles happily, it means that this time she is in trouble, and when she smiles happily, it means that the doctor is going to lose her temper. Once the doctor loses her temper, the Zhanwang Mansion will collapse, not to mention Uncle Chu She is still backing her up, she thinks she will have to go back to Yin's house with Yin Yang when she packs and packs later, alas, her miserable life.

"What's the matter? Are you going to see your parents?"

"It's nothing." Lingbao touched Chu Ze's head, then looked back at Yin Yang, "Are you going to see my parents first, or rest first?"

"Go to see Prince Zhan and Princess Zhan first, my father asked me to bring a letter to them."

Lingbao glanced at him and led them to Ling Yuxuan.

Chu Huang and Hei Jianyu are playing chess. Dongcheng has been very peaceful these years without war, so Chu Huang is also very free, occasionally playing chess with Hei Jianyu, and occasionally going out to visit mountains and rivers, very carefree.

Hei Jianyu was smiling, and he was smiling very happily. Lingbao saw it from a distance, and didn't want to get close. The doctor must be very angry that she took Chu Yu out.

"Lingbao, are you back?" Hei Jianyu cheated and took Chu Huang's hand. She is not good at chess, and she always cheated when playing chess with Chu Huang. Chu Huang spoiled her and let her be happy.

"Doctor..." Lingbao smiled dryly, "That kid Chu Yu must follow me out."

"Lord Zhan, Princess Zhan, this is a letter from my father." Yin Yang handed the letter to Chu Huang.

"It's Yin Yang, I haven't seen you for three years, and I've grown a lot." Hei Jianyu raised his head and smiled, because of Yin Yang, he wasn't angry with Lingbao, "I'm not going back alone this time, right?"

"Yes, I want to take Lingbao back."

"Doctor, I don't want to go back with him, I don't want to marry him." Lingbao was anxious to convince Hei Jianyu.

No matter how gloomy the temper is, after hearing this a lot, it is inevitable that they will not be happy. They decided to be a baby relative. At that time, Lingbao was only about two years old. It was because of the custom of the two families for many years. After slowly growing up, Lingbao always wanted to go back on this marriage, but he really liked her and always thought that one day she would find out and really want to be with him.

"Who are these two?" Chu Huang ignored Lingbao, but asked about Xun Dongli and Xun Ruxin.

"This is the heir and daughter of Duke Xun's mansion." Yin Yang introduced, "Xun Dongli and Xun Ruxin."

"Lord Zhan, Princess Zhan, hello." Xun Ruxin said timidly.

"It turns out to be the heir and young lady of the Zhen Guogong Mansion of the Shenwu Empire. Please sit down."

Jin'er quickly moved a stool for them, Xun Dongli sat down without being polite, and Xun Ruxin saw his elder brother sitting down, so he also sat down.

These two boys are actually from the government of the Shenwu Empire. Fortunately, they didn't hit them on the street. Otherwise, the Shenwu Empire would have to go to war with Dong Cheng.

"Then Lingbao, you can go around with Yin Yang."

"They didn't come here to discuss things, why should we go out for a walk." She didn't want to be alone with Yin Yang.

Heijianyu squinted her eyes and stared at Lingbao. That girl was so dull that she hadn't found that anyone liked her until now, and she kept saying things that hurt others. I really hope she won't regret it in the future.

"No need, I've been driving for a few days, I want to rest for a while." Yin Yang refused friendlyly.

Lingbao immediately turned her head and stared at him, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. It was the same thing for her to reject him, but it was the first time she was rejected by him, and her chest swelled very uncomfortable.


Yin Yang went to the guest room to rest, Ling Bao also went back to her own room, lying on the bed tossing and turning very irritable, she was very concerned about Yin Yang's last attitude, it seemed that suddenly, he didn't care about her affairs.

She tossed and turned, and the more she thought about it, the more irritable she felt, and finally sat up and shouted, "What the hell is it?"

"Miss, what happened?" Yu'er brought in the fruit and asked concerned when she heard Lingbao roaring.

"It's nothing." Lingbao replied in a muffled voice, lying on the pillow.

"I didn't have a good time going out today."

"I didn't play at all. I was stopped by a bastard when I went to Darui City. What's the point?" Thinking of Yin Yang, Lingbao became even more irritable. What's the matter with that guy?Is that why you don't want to get along with her?He actually said that he was tired, so why did he come all the way to Dongcheng when he was so tired?If you don't like her and marry her, then why do you feel wronged?
The more he thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable, Lingbao turned over and lay on his back on the bed, staring at Chengchen above his head boredly.

"Who is it? Dare to obstruct the eldest lady?"

who?Besides the one with the surname Yin, who else would spoil her good deeds over and over again?Lingbao became even more irritable. Chu Yu was right, that guy could indeed control her, he was able to restrain her in terms of attributes, and he was also incompatible with her in personality. He was really an annoying guy.

(End of this chapter)

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