Chapter 549

Yin Yang, Yin Yang, everywhere is she?Does it mean that no matter what she does, the end result is him?Lingbao didn't bother to answer, and sat aside and sulked.

Xun Ruxin knew that she had said the wrong thing, so she stood on the side anxiously, looking at Hei Jianyu cautiously. She had long heard that the Princess of Zhanwang Mansion was a red-haired girl who could use thunder and lightning. Question her identity.

"What's the matter? Are you complaining that I don't let you take Chu Yu out?" Hei Jianyu was getting more and more troubled. He obviously listened to her when he was a child.Is there something wrong with her education method?

"No, the doctor can't stop me for a long time." Lingbao lay on the table. To be honest, she didn't know what she was worrying about, but she was very depressed, and she always wanted to strike someone with lightning.

She turned her head and looked at Xun Ruxin, "What's your purpose in coming to Dongcheng? Isn't it just for fun?"

She believed Xun Dongli's personality when it came to playing, but the delicate little girl in front of her was not the type who was willing to travel long distances to play.

"The Shenwu Empire has recently established friendly diplomacy with the four major powers. It is estimated that the third prince and the fifth princess will visit Dongcheng in a short time. We will join them at that time." Xun Ruxin replied timidly.

"That means you won't go back with me and Yin Yang?" Thinking about going back to Yin's house alone with Yin Yang, I feel flustered, how will the two of us get along?
"Yes, Brother Yin should take you back first."

Lingbao sat up, looked at her for a while, and then lay down again, "Mother, I haven't finished the wedding dress yet, so I'll go back with him after a while?"

Hei Jianyu was shocked by this mother, Lingbao never called her that, which shows how much she resisted going back with Yin Yang, Hei Jianyu raised his eyebrows and thought, "No, you have to go back with Yin Yang, but, not I'm not asking you to marry right away, but I'm asking you to cultivate your relationship first."

What's the difference, don't you want to marry in the end?

Lingbao couldn't tell what was going on in his mind, so he just lay there lazily. Hei Jianyu looked at her for a while, then dumped Xun Ruxin to her, and left.

Xun Ruxin shyly sat beside her, talking to her about dark things, many of which Lingbao didn't know, such as falling off a cliff when she was practicing, climbing up a tree in order to save her. Xun Ruxin, who was digging out the bird's nest, hurt her waist because she wanted to sneak away to see her being locked up by her father... Yin Yang never told her about all the things, so these things were harsh to her ears, but she Still listening quietly, she didn't know how much she wanted to know, but she didn't feel irritable while listening.

Xun Ruxin talked for a whole hour, and was sent back by Yu'er because it was too late. Lingbao was still lying on the table, and the evening wind blew coolly, making it a little cold. Yu'er hurriedly put on some clothes for her, " It's late at night, so hurry up and get into the house, lest you catch a cold."

"It's okay, I just want to blow the wind for a while."


Three days later, Lingbao and Yin Yang set off back to Yin's house together, although she felt a little dissatisfied, but this time she didn't say a word of rejection, her quietness was scary.

"If you don't want to go, you can just say so, I won't force you." Yin Yang said this when the carriage drove out of the city gate.

"Who told you that I don't want to go, don't guess what I think." The carriage was big enough, and Lingbao simply lay down to rest in it, with her sideways body facing Yin Yang, her eyes half-closed to rest.

Yin Yang sat behind her and looked at her. In the past three years, she has grown a lot, her red hair has grown a lot, she looks more beautiful, but her temper has also become more irritable. He has never understood that they used to get along Well done, why did it suddenly become like this? Where did he make her angry?

Lingbao didn't sleep, she knew there were eyes watching her from behind all the time, Yin Yang seemed to like watching her from behind, quiet and deep.

She hates Yin Yang's silent character the most, because she is not good at guessing other people's thoughts, so most of the time, she doesn't know what he is thinking.

Suddenly, she became irritable again. She turned over and lay on her back, staring carelessly at the roof of the car. Seeing her turn around, Yin Yang was a little worried, so she hurried over and asked, "What's wrong? I don't feel well." ?"

His face was right in front of Lingbao, Lingbao looked at him anxiously, and really didn't know how to complain about him, and sighed helplessly, "Are you stupid? You get sick when you turn over, how can this person live?"

Yin Yang scratched his head in embarrassment, he was worried about her, as long as it's fine, as long as it's fine, Ling Bao sat up, looked at him with a silly smile on his face and felt even more irritated, she stretched out her hand and slapped him in the face For a moment, "Why are you laughing so stupidly?"

(End of this chapter)

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