Chapter 551
Episode 6: The Story of Lingbao
She struggled for a while, feeling weak and unable to lift herself up, and her stuffy nose was very uncomfortable, so she gave up decisively, and directed Yin Yang, "Hey, Yin, pour me a glass of water."

She always speaks to Yin Yang with incomparable arrogance, and Yin Yang is somewhat dissatisfied with this, especially when she rudely calls him Yin, as if she is mocking him.

"Can't you call me by my name properly, do you have to use such a descriptive title?" Having said that, he obediently went to pour water for Lingbao.

"Isn't it possible? Isn't your surname Yin?" Lingbao's aura was not weakened even when she was ill, and she was still as arrogant as ever in the face of Yin Yang.

Yin Yang poured water over, fed her to drink, and asked curiously: "Did I offend you somewhere? That's why you hate me so much."

Lingbao stared at him for a while, and was so angry that he couldn't speak. This man was born to restrain her. How dare he ask her what offended her?Does this person never feel that he is not good enough?

Lingbao reluctantly sat up and waved to Yinyang. Yinyang looked at her and sat down. She waved her hand and punched him on the eye socket, "I said you, if you want to marry me, you should show some sincerity." Bar."

After finishing speaking, Lingbao lay back down again. What she said was a little inexplicable to herself. She didn't know what sincerity she wanted him to show, but the current situation made her very unhappy, but she didn't know what she was doing. Feeling annoyed, Lingbao felt a little annoyed, turned over, and turned his back to Yin Yang.

Yin Yang sat next to her, staring at her back in a daze, she said she wanted him to show sincerity, but he was always sincere, he always listened to her, protected her silently, and respected her parents very much, Where is he not sincere?
Because Lingbao was ill, they stopped when they arrived in the town. First, they took Lingbao to see a doctor, and then stayed in an inn for two days, waiting for Lingbao to recover before continuing their journey.

"You don't need to be like this, my health is fine." Lingbao lay on the bed, she just had a cold, it didn't prevent them from going on the road, why did they stay here?

"It's a long journey back to the Shenwu Empire. From time to time, you have to eat and sleep in the open air. The weather outside can change a lot. I'm afraid your condition will get worse." Yin Yang blew the cold medicine soup and brought it to Lingbao to drink.

Lingbao sat up, opened his mouth obediently, and drank it one gulp, "Do you think I'd be so stupid as to catch another cold? Besides, it wasn't your fault last time. If it wasn't for you, would I have fallen into the water?" ?”

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault." Yin Yang watched her drink the medicine, and gave her a candied fruit.

Listening to his perfunctory answer, Lingbao felt even more unhappy. She was about to get angry, but after thinking about it, she held back. She was the only one who became more irritable when she kept getting angry at him like this.

Lingbao was eating candied fruit, the sweet taste filled his mouth, covering up the bitter taste of medicine before, Lingbao leaned against the bed, looked at Yin Yang who was busy and asked, "Why did you marry me?"

This question was a bit abrupt, but Lingbao knew that deep down in her heart she really wanted to know the answer, why did Yin Yang marry her?For that joke when I was a child?A baby kiss for parents?Or for two families?

"If it's because of the promise you made when you were a child, you don't have to wrong yourself. I won't force you to marry me."

"It's not for these." Yin Yang suddenly leaned over, enlarged his face in front of Lingbao's eyes, and said with a serious expression, "I never wronged myself, I married you voluntarily."

The declaration of love words made Lingbao blush. She turned her head and pushed Yin Yang, "No, no, what are you so excited about? Stay away from me, I don't want to get sick to you."

For no reason, she was a little happy in her heart, but just for a while, she despised herself again in her heart, and she was bribed after just a few words, really spineless.

(End of this chapter)

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