Splendid Book

Chapter 103

Chapter 103
When Shen Changle saw Zhang Yang and Ji Qishu, they were standing under the tree in front of the old lady's yard, and they were muttering to each other without knowing what they were talking about.So much so that when he came out, the two of them were shocked when they saw her.

"Cousin, what a coincidence, you're here too," Ji Qishu greeted her, while Zhang Yang next to him lowered his head and stared at his toes.

Shen Changle naturally noticed Zhang Yang's abnormal expression, but this time she could only pretend not to see it.She always thought that the second cousin's friendship with her was nothing more than a brother-sister relationship. He just didn't see it for a while now, and he would always figure it out in the future.

"Are the two cousins ​​here to see my grandmother?" Shen Changle looked at them, nodded slightly, and then walked to the side.

Although they are cousins, they have reached the age to avoid suspicion, so she can't talk to them too much.Just when she was about to leave, Zhang Yang suddenly called her to stop and said, "Cousin, I haven't congratulated you yet."

He called Shen Changle to stop so abruptly, but Ji Qishu was taken aback, he quickly reached Zhangyang's arm, signaling him not to talk nonsense.Otherwise, if the little uncle knew about it, Zhang Yang would be in bad luck again.

Shen Changle looked back at him and frowned, obviously she was also worried that Zhang Yang would say something terrible.

So she quickly said before Zhang Yang opened his mouth, "Both cousins, I'll go back first, so I won't delay you from seeing your grandmother."

After all, she left in a hurry without waiting for Zhang Yang to speak again.When she walked far away, Chunliu next to her suddenly let out a sigh of relief, she turned her head and looked at her, Chunliu smiled awkwardly: "I am really afraid of what the young master Biao will say?"

"Cousin, what can I say?" Shen Changle squinted at her, staring at Chunliu with trepidation in his heart.

Fortunately, she didn't get too entangled in this issue, so she led Chunliu to the yard where she lived.She has always had her own yard in the Jining Marquis Mansion, so she will rest in the past.The elders were still talking, but she was really uncomfortable in her stomach, so she came back early.

"Girl, why don't I get you a hot water bottle to cover yourself with?" Chunliu said anxiously after returning to the courtyard.

Shen Changle waved his hands immediately, and said awkwardly: "Where can I find a hot water bottle on such a hot day. If you look for it, won't everyone know about it."

It's because of her menstruation that her lower abdomen is so swollen and painful. Just now, her grandmother saw that she was not feeling well, so she was asked to come back to rest first.It's just that at this moment, she only feels that her lower abdomen is sore and bloated, and she's afraid it won't get better for a while.

In her previous life, she had nowhere to spend her time, so she read a lot of idle books.She only remembered that she had read in a medical book that it was said that the soreness a woman felt during menstruation would be relieved after giving birth, but it was a pity that she had no chance to have a child in her previous life, so naturally she didn't know if this was true or not.

When this meeting was clutching its lower abdomen, somehow this rumor came to mind.If she had a child, Shen Changle's face turned red. She and Ji Yu had no children in the previous life. If they were in this life, they would definitely be able to make up for this regret.I just don't know, who will this child look like?
Like him or like her?
"Girl, drink some hot water." When Chunliu brought the hot tea, she softly called out to the person who was in a trance, but Shen Changle turned around sharply, almost knocking over the hot tea in her hand.

Fortunately, Chunliu had quick eyesight and quick hands, so she didn't drop the teacup in her hand.

"Girl," Chun Liu called out with lingering fear, which made Shen Changle extremely embarrassed, what was she thinking.

It's shameless to start thinking about children before getting married.

But who knows, what Shen Changle didn't expect was that she could even dream that she was holding the hand of a child in her dreams, but she could only feel the child's white and chubby face, but she couldn't see him clearly. I don't know if he looks like Ji Yu, or her?

No matter whether he thinks about it by day or night, Shen Changle only feels that the days are flying by.The wedding date between her and Ji Yu is set in July of next year, and her birthday is in June, that is, less than a month after Jiji, she will get married soon.

So the whole Shen family became busy with her and Shen Ruhui's marriage.The first to bear the brunt is Shen Ruhui's marriage. He got married in September this year, and Najib's appointment is scheduled for the sixth day of next month.

Because the Shen family has not had such a big happy event for many years, and this is the marriage of the grandson of the Shen family's family, so it is of the utmost importance.So the old lady specially asked her father to find a craftsman to renovate the entire Shen Mansion, and the eldest brother's wedding room was completely overhauled. It is said that the floor tiles in the room are all the best, and the house The windows are inlaid with multicolored glass, and the top craftsmen in the capital were invited.

And on the day of the appointment, the house was even more lively, because imitating the ancient method, the elder brother went to catch two live geese.

In Shen Ruhui's marriage, the ceremony was extremely grand, but the elder sister Shen Hui's marriage was extremely low-key.This is not possible, Wei Yansheng is just a juren, and he is only a fellow in the capital, even the house is rented.So in the big sister's dowry, there is also a courtyard with two entrances. Originally, Mrs. Chen wanted to accompany a courtyard with three entrances.Over the years, she has saved some money at least in her hands. She is such a daughter. If she is not left to her, it is hard to be able to take advantage of those cheap children born by the Han family.

It's just that the old lady called her over, probably to analyze it for her. This Wei family is not a family that can't afford enough food and clothing. It is said that they are considered a wealthy family in their hometown.If he really wanted to buy a house for his son in the capital, it was not impossible, but Wei Yansheng was the second son in the family, and because he was studying abroad all the year round, he was not very favored by his parents.If you suddenly accompany your daughter with a big courtyard with three entrances, if Wei Yansheng's parents come to the capital with their families to join you, do you think it is better to take Shen Hui in as a daughter-in-law, or not?

So Mrs. Chen was shocked, and quickly dismissed this idea.Although the old lady's move is not very authentic, it is also for the good of Shen Hui's future.But just because of the dowry matter, Shen Lan talked about it many times in the open and in the dark, but whoever Chen's money is for is her own business, and Shen Lingchang has nothing to do with it, let alone a concubine.

After all, Shen Hui was already married at a young age, if she had another careless mother-in-law, would she have to live through this day.

So after Shen Lingcheng accepted Naji's appointment, Shen Hui's wedding also came.The Shen family didn't make it difficult for Wei Yansheng, and let the banquet be held in the Shen family. After all, the son-in-law will have to take the test for fame in the future, and face is still important.

In order not to make the scene too deserted, Ji Yu, who is the future brother-in-law, went to the Wei family's banquet in person.As for Wei Yansheng's parents, when they heard that even the prince had come to participate, they immediately knelt down in shock.And when he heard that the prince was Wei Yansheng's future brother-in-law, he dared not neglect his daughter-in-law even more.

When Shen Hui returned home, Shen Changle looked at her complexion, she was really charming and charming, and her words were even wrapped in honey.

And Wei's parents, one month after their son got married, set off to think about it. It is said that it was because the rice fields of hundreds of acres in the family were still being watched.

So Shen Hui lived a sweet life of husband and wife with no parents-in-law and no children.

After Shen Hui's marriage was finished, the entire Shen residence began to arrange for Shen Ruhui's marriage non-stop.Although the family was in a hurry, Shen Changle had no real feeling until Nie Qingsang's dowry bed was moved into Shen Ruhui's yard, and Shen Changle realized that her elder brother was really going to marry a wife soon. up.

Dowry is very important to a girl, and some families have good rules, but a girl has saved her dowry since she was born.It is said that Shen Changle is like this, although she has never heard of it all these years.But since her marriage was pointed out, when the old lady spoke, she revealed a lot between her words.It was at this moment that she realized that the bed for her marriage had been prepared.

It is said that it was the wood that her father personally found someone to buy, and it would take a year of work just to build this bed.Of course, she saw Nie Qingsang's dowry bed before she saw the fabled dowry bed, and she asked Shen Ruan to accompany her to see it because she was curious about Shen Ruhui's current repair situation in the yard. Look.

It happened that Shen Ruyan was also planning to go, and the siblings hit it off, so they went.

Upon entering the yard, I was first amazed by the bright floor tiles on the ground that can clearly illuminate the figure, and then I saw the partition door inlaid with colorful glazed glass, which is exquisite everywhere.And although the objects placed on the eight-treasure shelf are new and old, those old ones are probably more valuable.

Now that everything has been moved, there are only a few maids cleaning the house, so when they saw them coming, they all stood up to say hello.

When Shen Changle and Shen Ruyan entered the back room, they were all shocked when they saw the ridiculously large bed.And many objects in the house were used by women at first glance, Shen Changle knew that they must have been moved from the Nie family.So he quickly dragged Shen Ruwen out, after all, this is the place where the future sister-in-law will live, and they can forget about it, and it's not good to stay for a long time.

On the contrary, Shen Ruwen said in a very surprised tone: "This house really doesn't look like the place where elder brother lives."

"I think it looks pretty," Shen Changle said nonchalantly, it was inlaid with gold and silver everywhere, but it didn't look overly extravagant and rich, instead it had a low-key grandeur and luxury.

Shen Ruyan sneered, and said, "You girls like this style, it's just that we men suffer."

"What are you guys, I'm not like this," Shen Changle asked himself in a rather low-key boudoir.

Shen Rufan laughed immediately, and retorted: "That's because you haven't seen what Prince Zhao's Mansion looks like now, anyway, it's all repaired according to your liking."

"What, second brother, what nonsense are you talking about?" Shen Changle jumped up when he heard him mention Ji Yu.

Ever since she was accused of getting married, Shen Rufan was a little bit reluctant at first that my sister was going to get married, but then she didn't know what benefits Ji Yu had promised him, and she never hesitated to mention him in front of her.

But Shen Changle is a little girl after all, she is very thin-skinned, there is no reason not to be shy when she hears the name of her fiancé-in-law.

As soon as Shen Rufan saw her jumping, she knew that the little girl was embarrassed again.

So he stroked her hair triumphantly, and comforted him: "Don't worry, Prince Zhao's Mansion is so close to our home, you can come back if you want in the future, how convenient it is."

Isn't it just so convenient, it only takes a quarter of an hour to get there by carriage.

Because Shen Changle is the younger sister, and there is Shen Lan in front of her who hasn't even settled on a marriage, so the old lady directly asked Chen to abandon her prejudice and quickly find Shen Lan with a husband's family.It's just that Shen Lan did too many wrong things before, and she almost ruined Shen Hui's reputation. If it weren't for Shen Hui's life after getting married, I'm afraid she wouldn't even want to ask about Shen Lan's marriage. Woolen cloth.

But even so, she just picked a few at random, either the legitimate son of a fifth-rank official family, or the son of an imperial merchant's family.The former is always a family of officials, but the latter is directly a family of merchants.From the perspective of Aunt Han and Shen Lan, they naturally look down on neither of them.But what can I do if I look down on her again, her status as a concubine is here, even if there is a golden signboard of the Duke of Wei's Mansion on her face, but after a little careful analysis, she will know that the Duke of Wei's mansion has nothing to do with her It doesn't matter how big it is.

So just picking and choosing, when Shen Ruhui got married, Shen Lan's marriage hadn't been settled yet.

When Shen Ruhui got married, the Shen family set up 88 tables just for the banquet, almost all the places where the tables could be placed were set up.And many relatives of the Shen family in their hometown in Guangping Mansion also came.And the relatives in the capital, one by one, all came.

Although Shen Changle is from a girl's family, it is inconvenient to come out to entertain female relatives, but there are quite a few young girls who will come.So the old lady simply arranged for her and Shen Jin to entertain the little girls. There are also a lot of girls who will come, and there are three tables just for the table arrangement.

At the beginning, everyone was very curious about Shen Changle, the future Princess Zhao.At the beginning, I was still polite and didn't dare to speak, but when I got a little familiar with it, I started to inquire openly and secretly.

What is it like in the palace? What kind of outstanding talent did you show during the draft?Some people even asked her if she had seen the concubine de concubine, who should not be asked, and what should be asked.

And when it was auspicious time, they heard that the bride had arrived at the door of the house, and they couldn't go out to see it, but they could hear the sound of firecrackers resounding through the sky.

"Worship is starting ahead, the young master is holding the red cloth and leading the bride," Shen Jin sent a maid to run back and forth from time to time.

Now the girls are too busy caring about the worship ahead, so they are too embarrassed to disturb Shen Changle.

She was relieved.

Marriage is really tiring, and this is not her own marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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