Splendid Book

Chapter 114

Chapter 114
After waiting for a month, when Nie Qingsang came to the mansion, he was shocked to see Shen Changle's appearance.In fact, her coming here is not a big deal, just because the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, the old lady insisted that Changle likes to eat mooncakes at home, and she was afraid that the mooncakes made by the princess would not suit her taste.

In fact, Nie Qingsang also knew that the old lady was worried about her granddaughter and wanted to let herself come and have a look.In addition, Shen Ruhui also had this intention, so she was as happy as her husband's intention.

It's just that after entering the door, she was really taken aback when she saw Shen Changle.If Sanchao returned home, she still looked childish, but now she has the shyness of a little woman.The whole person is radiant, and I can't tell what has changed, but it has become very good-looking.

Nie Qingsang's appearance is not vulgar, but compared with Shen Changle, she feels that she is half way behind.This person is better than others, really maddening.

"Sister-in-law, sit down quickly." Shen Changle was meeting the housekeeper's wife in the room, and when he saw Nie Qingsang coming, he asked her to sit down first.

Nie Qingsang took advantage of the gap between her conversation with her mother-in-law, and casually looked around the room. The objects placed everywhere looked very expensive, but many of them were only half-worn, such as the one on the long table. The three-legged gold-plated incense burner, despite its plain shape, Nie Qingsang recognized at a glance that it was made by the world's most famous incense makers.

Because spices are extremely precious, a good incense burner is even more difficult to find.That censer looks old, but its value is probably many times higher than those censers inlaid with gold and silver.

After a while, Shen Changle dismissed the mother-in-law and told them to go out.

"I kept my sister-in-law waiting for a long time," Shen Changle said shyly.Now she has started to take care of the affairs of the mansion, although the mansion is just the husband and wife, but there are many things.Especially when it comes to the holidays, there are a lot of things.

Take today as an example, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon.This is the first Mid-Autumn Festival that Shen Changle married, and also the first Mid-Autumn Festival in Prince Zhao's Mansion.So don't say that Shen Changle attaches great importance to it, even the servants in the mansion are looking forward to it.Because such an important festival, there will definitely be rewards.

Generally speaking, the Dragon Boat Festival will reward the servants with zongzi, while the Mid-Autumn Festival will reward the house with moon cakes.Of course, this is what people who eat a lot of food are used to doing. Some of the rules are not so strict, so just reward some bought from outside.

So for the matter of moon cakes, the mothers-in-law asked her for instructions for several days.

Fortunately, when Shen Changle was in her natal family, she also helped manage the whole family's affairs.In the past, the Shen family always made their own mooncakes, and the cook of the Shen family was a master at making mooncakes.Therefore, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, a box of Shenfu special mooncakes will also be sent to relatives and friends at home.

"It's almost Mid-Autumn Festival, I'm in a hurry," she had the courage to complain because the other party was Nie Qingsang.If this is in front of others, she will not dare to say it, and she will also put on an appearance that I handle housework with ease.

Hearing her complaint, Nie Qingsang couldn't help laughing and said, "I just eavesdropped on a few sentences, but I think you handled it very neatly. You're always in a hurry."

"By the way, sister-in-law, what's the matter with you here?" Shen Changle only then remembered the business, she thought that Nie Qingsang must have something to say when he came here.

"It's nothing. It's not going to be the Mid-Autumn Festival. The old lady was afraid that the mooncakes made by the chef in the palace would not suit your taste, so she asked me to bring two boxes from home," she said softly.

When Shen Changle heard it, he immediately showed a surprised and happy expression.But after being pleasantly surprised, she couldn't help but coquettishly said: "Why bother sister-in-law, you go there yourself, if you send anything in the future, just send someone to deliver it."

Nie Qingsang knew that she felt sorry for him, so she felt quite relieved.It is said that the aunt and sister-in-law are not easy to get along with. When Shen Changle was at home, she thought this was an exaggeration.In her opinion, the three girls in the long house are all good-natured.

But when Shen Changle got married, she met Shen Jin directly, and only then did she realize how difficult it is for the fifth girl of the Shen family to serve her.

As for the fourth girl, it is not a fuel-efficient lamp.The few times Shen Jin got angry, it was more or less related to her.But Nie Qingsang, as a sister-in-law, can't favor one, after all, even if the fourth girl is a concubine, she is Shen Ruhui's own sister.

So she was caught in the middle, and quite sad.

It's rare to go out of the house, but she feels relaxed, so how can she be afraid of running away.

"It's okay. Grandfather and father-in-law are also thinking about you, so they asked me to come over and see how you are doing." Nie Qingsang took another look at her small face, her fair cheeks were rosy, and her big black and bright The eyes, like purple grapes soaked in water, are bright and juicy.With those long eyelashes, there was inadvertent tenderness in the eyes when they drooped.

In the past, Shen Changle was also beautiful, but her beauty was mostly the freshness of a girl, but now there is a hint of charm in her beauty.

It seems that without her asking, the third sister's life in Prince Zhao's Mansion is very satisfactory.

Nie Qingsang also breathed a sigh of relief, after all, this is Shen Ruhui's own younger sister, and she hoped that Shen Changle would be happy and docile.And only after she got married, Nie Qingsang knew how much Shen Changle had helped her resist criticisms.Just the other two girls, before she got married, never caused trouble like this.

"Let grandma and dad bother you, sister-in-law, don't worry, I'm fine in the house," Shen Changle didn't say anything against his will to comfort her.

She is indeed doing well, eating well and sleeping well, and no one dares to disturb her all day long. She feels that she has become a little plump in the past month.Of course, if Ji Yu didn't bother her so much, she really felt that her married life would be perfect.

Thinking of Ji Yu, she felt anxious and irritable.Originally, she was a thin-skinned person, but now that she was on the bed, she seemed to be a different person.Speaking of those embarrassing words, she didn't even know how he came up with them.It stands to reason that he has to be on duty every day, so he shouldn't have that much energy, but she later found out that her thinking was too simple, this person simply has unlimited energy...

If she hadn't coaxed him to stop for two days with the excuse that she was unwell, I'm afraid that this month, except for the few days when she had menstruation, he would have to drag himself to make trouble every day.

"I see that you look good, so we can rest assured, even if I go back, I can explain to grandma," Nie Qingsang nodded.

Shen Changle then asked about the situation at home, and Nie Qingsang naturally chose things to discuss.As for the incident between Shen Lan and Shen Jin, she didn't mention a word.Just because she didn't mention it, it doesn't mean Shen Changle doesn't know.After all, she was surrounded by servant girls from Shen's residence. Although these servant girls followed her as dowry, their family members were still working in Shen's family.

So Shen Changle also knows that Shen Jin has been making trouble lately.In fact, Shen Jin must be targeting Nie Qingsang, but Mrs. Lin has been locked up all the time. As long as her father and the old lady don't let go, she has nothing to do.But she couldn't get angry at her father and the old lady. In the end, all the anger in her heart was cast on Nie Qingsang.

As a sister-in-law, Nie Qingsang was picked on by her sister-in-law, so there was no need to sue her elders.It's just that Shen Jin targeted her so frequently, which made her quite helpless. After all, she couldn't use the method of dealing with those women in charge on her sister-in-law.

It's just that since Nie Qingsang didn't mention it, Shen Changle couldn't take the initiative to bring it up.

When Nie Qingsang asked someone to bring in the mooncakes, he thought about going back.Shen Changle naturally didn't want to let her go, he had to drag her to lunch before letting her go back.

In the evening, when Ji Yu came back, she took out the mooncakes that Nie Qingsang sent over today.It's just that Ji Yu has always disliked sweets, so he frowns and refuses.Seeing his picky eater, Shen Changle deliberately teased him: "Does the lord not want to take it, or should I feed the lord?"

As she spoke, she had already handed the mooncake to her mouth.

Only then did Ji Yu take a bite out of face. Seeing him eating, she immediately asked with a smile, "How is it? Is it delicious?"

"It's not bad," Ji Yu nodded to save face.

Only then did Shen Changle put the mooncake he took a bite into his mouth and took another bite, and said while eating, "That's natural, my family makes a lot of mooncakes every Mid-Autumn Festival, and many relatives boast about it." eat."

Ji Yu looked at her red lips, biting the place where he had bitten just now, couldn't help tightening her throat, rolling up and down a few times.

At this time, she tilted her head slightly, and the beads hanging from the hairpin on her head swayed gently on the side of her face. The bright red beads set off her snow-white skin, and he looked distracted.

"This Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet," Shen Changle looked up at the person in front of him, but when he looked up, he saw Ji Yu staring at her.

She couldn't help being a little strange, thinking that there was something on her face, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, is there something dirty on my face?"

"No," Ji Yu said, but after only two words, his face was already close, and his lips fell on hers.

"Would you like to go to bed?" His voice rang in her ears, Shen Changle looked up at the still bright sky outside, Huo Di had four words floating in his heart.

Bai, Ri, Xuan, and Xun.

(End of this chapter)

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