Splendid Book

Chapter 116

Chapter 116
With the words of the third princess, the eyes of the people around them immediately focused on Chang Le.She blinked her eyes, but in her heart she wanted to, why she dropped out of the girls' school, shouldn't everyone know the reason?
So now those people looking at her with confused expressions, what are they pretending to be?
But since others can pretend, Shen Changle will naturally pretend, she blinked her eyes, and her eyes were rippling.When she lowered her head slightly, she sighed softly, and said: "I think the third sister is still young and has lived in the palace for a long time, so I don't know. In my first year at the girls' school, I encountered a carriage in a snowy day. So I couldn’t continue to study in the women’s school.”

"The carriage overturned? Isn't that very dangerous," the third princess showed a frightened expression on her face. Her expression was too vivid and lifelike, and Shen Changle couldn't help but bewildered. Could it be that she made a mistake?
Shen Changle smiled, but recalled the past, was it dangerous at that time?It was indeed very dangerous, the carriage shook violently at once, even if she grabbed the wall of the carriage in time, she was still injured all at once.And Ji Yu who appeared at that time was like a ray of light appearing in front of her.

He was always there when she needed it most, and it seemed to be like this every time for so many years.Shen Changle has also developed the habit of looking up to him over the years.

"It was indeed dangerous at the time, but fortunately, they are all cured now," Shen Changle replied with a smile, but she also had her own selfish motives in saying this.

After all, the third princess suddenly asked about this matter, and she didn't know her reason, so she said one more word, lest she would have unstoppable questions later.

The fifth concubine next to her saw her keep asking, and she was afraid of making Shen Changle unhappy, so she interjected and said with a smile: "Sister, you are young, so naturally you don't know, the person who saved your sister-in-law back then was your seventh brother Woolen cloth."

Although it was a matter of adulthood, the two people who rescued and were rescued at the beginning have now become husband and wife, which is not a fate destined by heaven.So the people next to me are all interested, and this meeting is just a chat, chatting about clothes is also chatting, chatting about jewelry is also chatting, it is better to chat about something interesting.

Then someone began to question Shen Changle about the situation at that time.Concubine De was listening, and couldn't help but glared at her.But Shen Changle can't do anything about it, they are talking about sex, she can't answer a word.

And the third princess, who was quiet for a while, suddenly said with emotion: "Then sister-in-law and brother seven have known each other for a long time, and they are really destined. No wonder brother seven likes sister-in-law so much."

Concubine Min was listening to the words of the third princess, blinking the corners of her eyes all the time, this child doesn't know what's wrong, but she has been finding fault with the seventh prince and concubine, and said such things on purpose?Although they are already married at this time, isn't the sentence of the third princess implying that they have already given each other privately before they got married.

In fact, Concubine Min really didn't think too much, when the third princess said this, the people next to her laughed awkwardly.Even her own sister-in-law, the Fifth Prince's concubine, froze.She quickly came out to change the subject, and said, "Okay, it's a festival, let's talk about some festive things. Let's keep asking the seventh sibling about this, I'm afraid she won't feel well."

Shen Changle smiled, but didn't speak directly, but her attitude was obvious to others, so she didn't want to say more.

On the other hand, Concubine De still had a smile on her face, but when she looked at Shen Changle, she was not so kind, which shows that she still cares about other people's words in her heart.

Fortunately, the banquet is about to start. The emperor is bringing his sons over from the Qinzheng Hall. Today is a family banquet, so only the royal family and the courtiers did not attend.When the emperor and others arrived, Concubine De and Concubine Shu led the people out to greet them.

The emperor smiled, said a few words casually, and led everyone to the table.

There is no queen in the harem, so every year only the emperor sits alone with the head.The other seats are lined up from the left and right sides of the emperor's position. The princes are at the front, followed by the princes and county kings of the clan, and the concubines and royal family members at the back.

Shen Changle was sitting beside Concubine De, and Concubine Shu was sitting far away opposite Concubine De.The position of the female relatives is headed by the two of them, and they are lined up in order.Shen Changle sat at the back of Concubine De, one seat per person, and the seat next to Concubine De was the seat of Concubine Rong.Sitting behind her was the eldest concubine, she and Shen Changle were sitting next to each other, they looked at each other and smiled as soon as they sat down.

The precious son in the eldest prince's family likes Shen Changle, and she also saved Ji Zerui.Therefore, Concubine Qin always treated her kindly, and the two families visited frequently on weekdays.

Although the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet is not as lively as the New Year's Eve family banquet, but this banquet is placed in the atrium, and when you look up, you can see the moon as bright as a disc in the night sky. night of.

The maids who filed in filed in, their footsteps were as soft as cats walking when they came in.One dish after another was passed to the table, Shen Changle looked at the exquisite dishes in front of him, and felt a little hungry for a while.At noon in Defei Palace, she didn't dare to eat too much.Coupled with the high tension this time, I actually have more appetite than usual.

After the dishes were served, the emperor in front held the wine glass and said a few words to cheer up, and everyone naturally stood up one after another.After drinking, there will be singing and dancing performances.

This is the first time Shen Changle has seen performance at a palace banquet. Although she was in the palace in the previous life, but what kind of temperament Ji Yu was at that time, and he ascended to the throne with such a thunderous method, naturally it is not surprising. Will be addicted to wine and sex.So even if it was a palace banquet, it was nothing more than everyone eating together in silence.It is estimated that at that time, I didn't even have the intention to eat.

Although the concubine De in front was being served, Shen Changle still looked up from time to time.

At the end of the song, Princess Qin held up her wine glass with great interest, and said with a smile to Shen Changle: "Seventh brother and sister, let's have a drink too."

"It should be me toasting my sister-in-law." Shen Changle would not hesitate, she held a small wine glass in both hands, and the big red and gold wine glass looked small and exquisite between her white fingers.Qingcheng's face had a faint smile, and the beauty's smile really made the glass of wine pale. Qin Wangfei looked at her face, put the wine glass to her mouth, and drank it down in one gulp.

Concubine Qin is naturally so forthright, Shen Changle is of course not too petty, she also drank a glass of wine.

"Seventh brother and sister, good drinker," Qin Wangfei is the most forthright among the sisters-in-law, and Ji Zerui's eccentricity has something to do with her temperament.

The two were talking at the back, while Concubine De and Concubine Rong were in front, but they didn't talk much.Concubine De always treats everyone indifferently, she will put down her chopsticks after taking a few mouthfuls.

"But the dishes don't suit my sister's taste?" Concubine Rong asked with "concern" when she saw it.

Concubine Shu was responsible for this palace banquet. Now in the harem, Concubine De and Concubine Shu are in charge of the palace affairs, and Concubine Rong assists them in management.Both De and Shu are ranked as the first rank and fourth concubines, while Concubine Rong is only a second rank concubine. It's just that the first prince she gave birth to has to fall behind, and she feels somewhat aggrieved in her heart.

"Of course not, these dishes are all very good, but I greedily ate a few pieces of cakes before I came, so I won't be hungry now," Concubine De smiled, and easily blocked Concubine Rong's provocative words.

When she finished speaking, she turned her head slightly and looked behind from the corner of her eye.I saw Shen Changle and Princess Qin drinking, talking and laughing.

Concubine Rong naturally paid attention to the two people behind her, but when she saw Concubine De frowning, she smiled and said: "I am relieved that their sisters-in-law are talking and laughing like this, after all, they are a family, and they play together all day long. It's like black corns, isn't it a joke for people to see."

Concubine De sneered in her heart, no one in the palace now knew that Qin Wang and Jin Wang were fighting openly and secretly in front of the emperor for the crown prince.Concubine Rong's words were a bit condescending, not because she gave birth to the eldest son.

At this time, Concubine De picked up the teacup in front of her, took a sip, and said: "Sister said that the most important thing is the harmony between brothers. The eldest prince is the eldest brother, so he should take the lead."

Concubine Rong was calmly blocked by Concubine De's two words, and immediately became embarrassed and stopped talking.

After a while, Ji Zerui, who was originally sitting next to King Qin, insisted on coming to find Princess Qin.After he came over, as soon as Concubine Rong saw him, she affectionately pulled him to sit next to her.

Concubine Rong glanced at Concubine De, then patted his little head, and asked with a smile: "Zerui, tell grandma, what does the moon look like to you?"

Ji Zerui tilted his head for a look, and said crisply, "Like a moon cake."

His voice was loud and clear, as soon as he finished speaking, Princess Qin and Shen Changle couldn't help laughing, even Concubine De laughed.Concubine Rong was not discouraged, and continued to ask: "Then you look at the moon and recite a poem for the emperor's grandmother?"

Ji Zerui is now six years old, just at the age of entering school.So he was not shy, and looked at the moon with his small hands behind his back. After a little thought, he recited a poem fluently: "The green mountains are hidden and the water is far away, and the grass in the south of the Yangtze River is not withered at the end of autumn; on the moonlit night of the 24th bridge, the jade man Where can I learn how to play the flute?"

The little guy shook his head and cadenced, looking so cute.

Concubine De looked at him and couldn't help but smile.

"We Zerui are really smart, we can recite even the difficult ones," Shen Changle said immediately, if it wasn't for the palace banquet at this time, maybe she would have drummed up for him.

Looking at Aunt Seven's pretty face, Ji Zerui lowered his head in embarrassment.Qin Wangfei at the side immediately looked at it and smiled. Her son was generous in everything he said in front of others, but he would often blush when he saw the seventh sibling.

She also asked curiously, and the little guy said with a shy face: "Aunt Seven is pretty."

Isn't it just good-looking, Qin Wangfei glanced at her sideways, such a face, let alone a man's heart is moved, even a woman like her is so reluctant to take her eyes away.

Seeing that her son was shy again, Princess Qin reached out her hand to beckon him to come over, but Ji Zerui insisted on sitting on the other side so that he could sit between Shen Changle and Princess Qin.When the little guy was eating, he looked at his mother next to him for a while, and his aunt Seventh on the other side for a while, so beautiful that he almost forgot to continue eating.

Unexpectedly, when the palace banquet was halfway through, there was a commotion from the opposite side.Concubine De watched Concubine Shu get up, it seemed that something happened to Princess Jin behind her.

Shen Changle also glanced anxiously, but because it was a bit far away, and the shadows were shaking, it was hard to see who had the accident.Princess Qin beside her couldn't help worrying, "What happened all of a sudden?"

Fortunately, the chaos was only temporary, after a while it became quiet, and Concubine Shu also sent people around her to plead guilty to the emperor and explained the reason.

Originally, after the palace banquet was over, I was going to watch the moon and watch the lanterns, but in this situation, I don’t know if I can still watch the lanterns.

At this moment, Ji Zerui clamored to taste the fruit wine in Princess Qin's cup, but Princess Rong was afraid that he would get drunk, so naturally she refused.In the end, Princess Qin dipped a little bit of it with her chopsticks and asked him to taste it. Unexpectedly, with a small bun face, she wrinkled immediately, and he gasped for breath.Shen Changle quickly picked up the tea on his table and gave him a sip.

When she put down the teacup, she saw Concubine De sitting in front, turning her head and glaring at her fiercely.

Ever since she married Ji Yu, although Concubine De didn't like her, she never showed it on her face.At most, she would be indifferent to her, and would like to ignore her, but when Shen Changle was talking in front of her, she would definitely not turn his face away.

So suddenly seeing her expression, Shen Changle immediately put down the teacup in his hand, feeling uneasy.

But Concubine De just gave her a look and didn't have time to teach her a lesson.Because at this moment, a court lady suddenly came, and hurriedly walked towards Concubine Shu.After she said a few words in Concubine Shu's ear, she heard Concubine Shu's suddenly happy voice and asked, "But it's true?"

Seeing her being so happy, the emperor immediately asked: "When did Aifei feel so happy? Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival family banquet. Even if there is a good thing, let us all listen to it."

Concubine Shu got up immediately, with a happy expression on her face, and said to the emperor: "Back to the emperor, it was a court lady who reported that Princess Jin fainted just because she was pregnant and couldn't support herself for a while."

Concubine Jin was pregnant, and everyone's eyes turned to King Jin again, and he was indeed beaming with joy.

When he heard that his daughter-in-law was pregnant, the emperor was naturally overjoyed. After all, this is a big event, and he laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, it's really a good thing. It should be rewarded."

When everyone heard it, they had mixed feelings.Naturally, some people were jealous of Princess Jin's good life, but she was found pregnant on such an important occasion. It was not known whether it was a man or a woman, which made the emperor so happy.Of course, there were also people who were disdainful, and laughed at the Jin Wang couple from the bottom of their hearts to compete for favor in front of the emperor, but they really did everything they could.

Even thinking of this trick is really amazing.

But no matter what you think in your heart, every face is happy.Even King Qin, who was sitting next to King Jin, immediately turned around with a smile and said, "Second brother, congratulations, congratulations."

King Jin was in a good mood, and replied with a smile: "Thank you for your auspicious words, big brother."

The emperor didn't let him sit at the table, and allowed him to visit Princess Jin.After King Jin left, Concubine Rong, who was in front of Concubine Qin, suddenly snorted heavily.Although she would not let the emperor hear it, Princess Qin still looked at Shen Changle with some embarrassment.

On the contrary, Concubine De still had a faint smile on her face, neither particularly falsely happy nor unhappy like Concubine Rong.

"Speaking of which, the Seventh Prince is also getting married this year, and I'm afraid that my sister will be able to have a grandson in the next year." Concubine Rong didn't know what to think, and turned her head to chat with Concubine De about her grandson.

Concubine De is naturally looking forward to her grandson, but whoever gave birth to it is something to talk about.If Ji Tingsheng was born, she would naturally love her very much.But if it was born by Ji Yu and Shen Changle, she really wouldn't like it or not.

That's why the smile on Concubine Rong's face hardened after she said this.

When the palace banquet was over, Shen Changle and Ji Yu sent Concubine De back to the palace together.Today's palace banquet is already late, and the time of this meeting is according to the usual time, and the key has already been released in the palace.But since it was a palace banquet, there was no rush.

Concubine De didn't let the two of them go back first, but let them go back to the palace.

After arriving, Ji Yu was about to stand up and leave, but Concubine De said coldly: "You two stay here for a while, I have something to say."

Shen Changle and Ji Yu looked at each other, and Ji Yu nodded slightly, his eyes full of comfort.

Concubine De naturally noticed the small movements between them, glanced at Chang Le, and asked, "I ask you, why did you feed the child of Qin Wang's family water at the banquet just now?"

Shen Changle thought it was something, it turned out it was because of this, but now she remembered that Concubine De had just glared at her, as if it was because she fed Ji Zerui water.She was a little puzzled, and replied: "The daughter-in-law only feeds him water because he saw that he had eaten the wine and it was very spicy."

"Can you just feed a child water in the palace?" Seeing that she hadn't repented yet, Concubine De slapped the table beside her angrily.

Ji Yu frowned slightly, with a solemn expression, and turned to look at Shen Changle.

She was a little flustered immediately, and explained: "I've already drank a few sips of that tea before, and it's not a serious problem."

"No serious problem? If something really happened, would you be able to bear it?" Concubine De's face was full of frost, as if Shen Changle had made some heinous mistake.

Shen Changle also knew that she was not cautious enough this time, but she really drank the tea herself, so she dared to give it to Ji Zerui.She knew that Concubine De didn't like her all along, and she just found a reason for this to happen.If not, why would you get so angry in front of Ji Yu just for this little thing.

She lowered her head, tears kept rolling in her eyes, she tried hard to hold back, not wanting to really cry.

And Ji Yu on the side, after listening to the ins and outs, said: "Concubine Mu, Chang Le did something wrong this time, I will talk to her when I go back."

"You go back and talk about her properly?" Concubine De really didn't believe a word of what he said.He would only coax him when he went back, so how could he be willing to say a word.

Ji Yu looked at her from the side, feeling pity.I can't wait to hold her in my arms right away so that I can coax him. I can only blame him for not being liked by my concubine, and even taking her with me is also disliked by her concubine.

"I think she is young after all, and her actions are too insecure," Concubine De taught again.

Ji Yu looked serious, and said: "What the concubine taught me is that it's the son who is not good. Before entering the palace, she should raise some points with Changle. After all, it is the first time for her to participate in such a palace banquet, so it is inevitable that there will be some problems. negligence."

He also knew that the more he helped her concubine speak in front of her, the more concubine mother might target her.But he just couldn't bear it, Ji Yu smiled helplessly in his heart, he seemed to be unable to bear even a little bit, he couldn't bear her being bullied by others, even if it was the concubine mother.

Seeing what he said, Concubine De already knew his attitude.But before she could speak again, Ji Yu said: "Concubine Mother, it's getting late today, how about my son come to listen to Concubine Mother tomorrow?"

It was rare for him to put on a flattering tone, Concubine De looked at Shen Changle who was bowing her head, and waved them back.

When they got on the carriage, Ji Yu held her in his arms as soon as he got on the carriage.



The two of them spoke in unison, even Shen Changle, who was depressed, suddenly smiled.Ji Yu looked at her and asked, "What are you sorry for?"

Shen Changle bowed his head again, with a strong nasal voice: "I'm ashamed of you, I shouldn't have given Zerui water."

Ji Yu touched her hair with distress, the ink-like long hair was still thick black under the dim light.He whispered: "I should be the one who said I'm sorry. If I can please my concubine, you won't be troubled by me."

If she likes me, she will only carefully remind you about today's matter, instead of severely reprimanding you like now.

(End of this chapter)

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