Splendid Book

Chapter 118 Inside the Carriage

Chapter 118 Inside the Carriage
As soon as the Mid-Autumn Festival passed, the weather quickly cooled down. Because Princess Jin was pregnant, Shen Changle went to visit Prince Jin's mansion. She was afraid that she would be embarrassed to go alone, so she specially went with the first princess and fifth prince concubine. past.

Princess Jin fainted at the palace banquet, and the imperial doctor told her to rest, so when they passed, Princess Jin was resting on the bed, and the maid led them directly into the inner room.

"I really don't live up to my health, so I trouble my sister-in-law, fifth younger siblings, and seventh younger siblings to come and see me," Princess Jin wore a beautiful and rich forehead, and although she was lying on the bed, her complexion was pretty good. I heard that she The reason why he fainted that day was just exhaustion.

When Princess Qin heard what she said, she immediately smiled and said: "We came here to disturb your rest, but this is a happy event after all, so our sister-in-law came here cheekily."

It was too polite to say this, Princess Jin immediately smiled embarrassedly: "If my sister-in-law said such a thing, then I would really lose face, why should our own family talk about these two things."

The two sisters-in-law came and went, they were very affectionate, while the fifth concubine and Shen Changle sat aside, listening to their conversation quietly.It's not that they don't want to intervene, it's just that it's obvious that one will make out and the other will feel guilty, how can they bother with such intimacy.

"The first three months are the most important, so you have to take care of your younger brothers and sisters, and don't be sloppy," Princess Qin said honestly, all she said was the words of someone who had experienced it.After all, among so many sisters-in-law, she was the only one who gave birth to a son. The third concubine gave birth to a daughter, but the child died shortly after birth. Later, the third prince doted on his concubine, but the third concubine suffered.

On the contrary, the second prince and concubine have never been pregnant, but the second prince and her are loving husband and wife, and I heard that most of the time in January is spent in her room.So don't say Jin Wangfei herself is anxious, even the concubine Shu in the palace is extremely anxious.King Qin himself is the eldest prince, and now he is the only one among all the brothers who has the eldest son. The emperor has so many sons, but only such a grandson, do you think the emperor doesn't like it?Besides, Ji Zerui is so smart and smart.

So every time she watched the emperor rewarding Ji Zerui, Concubine Shu's heart was burning with panic.I just hope that my daughter-in-law can live up to her expectations and give birth to a son and a half soon.

Now Princess Jin is pregnant, not only the husband and wife are happy, but even Concubine Shu burns incense and worships Buddha to thank Bodhisattva every day.

Concubine Jin humbly asked for advice, and the fifth concubine listened with pricked ears. It was said that she had been married for a year, but there was no news until now.The fifth prince is not a playful person, and he is only mediocre to the concubines in the mansion.It's just that the Fifth Prince's Concubine is also suffering and can't tell. Don't look at the prince resting in her room for more than half a month every month, but the two of them don't do London things every day.

She watched it privately, the prince didn't seem to like doing that.She is thin-skinned, of course it's not easy to ask others about this kind of thing, but if you don't ask others, how can you know what the prince means?

You said that if he dislikes his poor service, he won't go to the concubine's room either.But he stayed in his room, but only once every three to five days.

Just for this matter, she also secretly read the medical books by herself, but the medical books said that this symptom was a sign of kidney deficiency.She is not a woman who doesn't understand anything, isn't this book just saying that the prince can't do it...

So when she thought of this reason, she was even more afraid to tell others.

Now listening to Qin Wangfei and Jin Wangfei talking about their pregnancy, she listened carefully for a while.Princess Jin turned her head to look at the two of them, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law said, you have to listen carefully, and you will definitely be able to use it in the future."

The fifth concubine was listening to them seriously, so when Princess Jin made a joke, her cheeks blushed.On the other hand, Shen Changle, who was next to her, had a little errand, so Princess Jin talked for a while before she came back to her senses.

"Second sister-in-law is really, don't have to make fun of us," Fifth Prince Concubine blushed, and returned the words.

Shen Changle laughed a few times, but said seriously: "Fifth Sister-in-Law has to listen carefully, I'm not in a hurry."

"It's not a matter of rushing or not. You and the seventh brother are newlyweds. This will be the time when honey is mixed with oil. Maybe someday we will have a good letter." Qin Wangfei also said together, she This is much more straightforward than Jin Wangfei, and Shen Changle's face turned red immediately.

She is not used to talking about her and Ji Yu's affairs in public, besides, when Concubine Qin said that honey is mixed with oil, she would think of the two of them going back from the palace on the Mid-Autumn Festival.After Ji Yu coaxed her to drink, the two of them were noisy that night until dawn. When she woke up at noon, she found that her neck and chest were covered with bright red peach blossoms.Not to mention the maid who changed her clothes was so ashamed that she lowered her head, even she felt ashamed and irritable in her heart.

So when Princess Qin said this, she couldn't help but think of that night.

The fifth concubine knew that she was newly married, so she was inevitably thin-skinned, so she helped her out and said: "The seventh sibling is still young, so I don't think it's in a hurry, even in the next year."

"Seventh brother and sister are not in a hurry, then you have to be in a hurry, I think Concubine Min is waiting to hold her grandson," Princess Jin raised her eyelids to look at her, and said calmly.

The Fifth Prince's concubine felt a little uncomfortable when she said that. It's not her alone to have a baby.If the cattle do not plow the land, how can it bear fruit.It's just that she murmured these words in her heart, and she never dared to say them.

After talking for a while, Qin Wangfei saw that Jin Wangfei's face was a little tired, so she led them to leave together.Concubine Jin originally wanted to keep them for dinner, but everyone shirked it, and only said that after a few days, they will talk about it when she recovers.

After going out to the side of the carriage, Princess Qin turned her head to look at the two sisters-in-law behind her, and said: "I won't invite you to sit at home today, let's get together sometime some other day. You are all tired, go back and rest."

Since the sister-in-law said so, the other two naturally have no objections.

Shen Changle let out a long breath when she got into the carriage. Although the sister-in-law was quite harmonious, she always felt that under this layer of harmony that was on thin ice, there was an undercurrent.

"Why is the princess sighing?" Chunliu looked at her curiously. She had been following Shen Changle just now, and naturally heard the whole story from beginning to end. Aren't the princesses talking and laughing? Sigh.

Chang Le glanced at her, his eyes fluttered, with a touch of helplessness, "It's just that I suddenly thought of something, and my heart is just sad."

In fact, for so long, she has been ignoring the matter of Ji Yu ascending the throne.She always felt that the place where that incident happened was still far away, and it was still several years away. If the trajectory of history changed, everyone would be happy.

But what she has never thought about is, what if the historical trajectory has not changed?

After all, this matter is not a trivial matter like marriage. It changes as soon as it changes, and it will not have much impact on history.But if the future really changes, will Ji Yu still ascend the throne?If he hadn't ascended to the throne, would he really be willing to just be an idle prince?

Of course it's impossible, if he was only willing to be an idle prince, then he wouldn't have killed so many people in his previous life, and he would still be in that position.

For his ambition, Shen Changle will never feel that it is wrong.But thinking of how many people died in that accident.She couldn't help but want to cover her face, because in this life, those dead people were no longer just strange names to her, but a living person.

It was the second prince who was enthroned at the beginning, and as soon as he became emperor, he murdered King Qin's family.First, he seized King Qin's title, and then put King Qin's family under house arrest.And it was during this period that the eldest son of Prince Qin passed away in the mansion due to an accidental cold.

So every time she saw Ji Zerui, Shen Changle desperately made herself forget that period of the past, silently expecting the future to change.She didn't want to look at someone she was familiar with and end up with a tragic ending like this.

But fortunately, there are still five years before Gongbian, maybe during this period, everything will change.

Princess Jin's pregnancy seemed to give the other princesses a sense of urgency, that is, Shen Changle, who had just been married for two or three months, did not have this pressure.

In October, the second eldest son of the Qiao family will get married. Although it is not a big deal, Concubine De still attaches great importance to it.In September, they even summoned Qiao's family twice. It is said that it was because Qiao Yan, the second roommate of Qiao's family, was quite favored by the empress.

When Qiao Yun was liked by Concubine De, everyone rumored that she was the future Seventh Prince Concubine.Now Qiao Yan seems to be on the same path as Qiao Yun, and has won the favor of Concubine De, and it is rumored that she is the future Ninth Prince Concubine.

Ji Ting is 15 years old this year, even if he gets married, he will have to wait another two or three years, but fortunately Qiao Yan is also older, she is two years younger than Ji Ting.So the age of the two is matched.

It's just that because of Qiao Yun's lessons learned from the past, the Qiao family has learned to be smart now, they just brought Qiao Yan into the palace, and did not publicize it.And Qiao Yan is also much smarter than Qiao Yun, she is low-key and kind, but never has Qiao Yun's arrogance.

This time it was Qiao Yan's elder brother who was getting married, and with the support of Concubine De, the two brothers Ji Yu and Ji Ting had already been told to be there.And Shen Changle naturally needed to go to Hexi, so she prepared her congratulations early in the morning.

Because Ji Yu opened the mansion late, there is no rules for gift giving.She originally wanted to take a look at the congratulatory gift list sent by the palace when her eldest brother got married, and compare it with this, and then deduct a few percent.Unexpectedly, as soon as she took out the list, she was almost terrified.Not to mention anything else, just the pair of suet white jade dragon and phoenix jade pendants are probably worth thousands of gold, and this is just one item in the gift list.

So she knew that this gift list was completely worthless, otherwise, if they all gave gifts according to this, I'm afraid Prince Zhao's Mansion would soon become an empty shell.

Fortunately, Shen Changle had learned about gift giving at home before, so she looked for other gift giving lists in the mansion, picked and picked, and took a long time to make a final decision.Even so, she was still worried, and when Ji Yu came back at night, she showed him the gift list to have a look.

But this man was nice, he looked like a shopkeeper who was throwing his hands away, without even looking at the gift list on the table, he said, "I'm hungry, let's pass on the meal earlier."

She knew that Ji Yu was working in the household department now, and he also had lunch there, but even though he was a prince, he was not good at extravagance, so every time he had someone send a food box to him.But this dish is still delicious just out of the pan. She also secretly asked the servant around him before, and heard that he ate very little for lunch recently.

So when he heard that he was hungry, how could Shen Changle have the nerve to bother him with such trivial matters, and simply asked someone to set a meal.

Although the dinner is simple, it is his favorite food on weekdays. He has scooped out several spoonfuls of the almond tofu alone.The green vegetables and shiitake mushrooms on the side are also fried very verdantly, the green vegetables are green, and the shiitake mushrooms are delicious. The more ordinary dishes like this, the more attention should be paid to the heat.

"The day after tomorrow is the wedding day of the third young master of the Qiao family, let's go there earlier," Shen Changle thought for a while, and then discussed with Ji Yu.

He was holding the chopsticks, when he heard this, he looked up at her and asked, "What did Concubine Mu say to you?"

Shen Changle didn't reply to her immediately, in fact Concubine De didn't say it explicitly, but she still hinted at Shen Changle, after all he was Ji Yu's first cousin, she naturally hoped that he could get closer to his natal family.So if he wanted to go there earlier, he also hoped to let outsiders know that the two princes valued and respected Uncle Yongshun's mansion.

"Concubine Mu didn't say it, but I heard that's what she meant," Shen Changle told him truthfully.

Ji Yu nodded in satisfaction, the more he lived with Changle, the more he felt in his heart that his choice was not wrong.Between him and Concubine De, she would never think that she was good for him and hide what Concubine De said.Whether it was good or not, she would always let him know.

Shen Changle always let him understand that they are a husband and wife with one heart, which cannot be interfered by others.

So he has always liked Changle's frankness and simplicity.Naturally, he would not hide anything from her. The previous government affairs were a man's business. Although he would not tell her in detail, he would still mention it so that she would not be confused.After all, in the future, she will represent Prince Zhao's Mansion and go out to socialize with people.

"Since the concubine mother said it, let's go earlier, and I will ride in the same car with you," Ji Yu smiled, and put some vegetables in her bowl.

Looking down at her, he said, "Eat more, I feel that you have lost weight these days?"

Chang Le was originally very touched and was about to eat, but when she heard what he said about touching her without changing his face, countless villains suddenly rose in her heart, and she secretly gritted her teeth and said: Rogue.

Although it wasn't the marriage of the first house, but the marriage of the second house's eldest son, Yongshun Bo's Mansion was also very lively.Don't look at Uncle Yongshun's mansion as just an earl, but among the nobles in the capital, no one dares to underestimate him.

Not to mention other things, the imperial concubine who holds the power in the harem and who gave birth to two princes was born in Yongshunbo's mansion, and is now Yongshunbo's compatriot sister.In recent years, Qiao Yu, the only general who has been able to recruit and fight well, has also come from Yongshunbo Mansion.

So early in the morning, there was an endless stream of carriages at the gate of Yongshun Bo's Mansion.It's just that many of the signs on the carriage are the signs of the Marquis' Mansion and the Duke's Mansion, even if it is not good, it is the carriage of an official's home in the court, and it is just in response to the saying that there is no white man.

When the carriage of Prince Zhao's Mansion appeared, the butler of Qiao's family who was entertaining the guests hurried forward and greeted the people inside loudly through the curtain of the carriage.

Originally, there was a lot of noise nearby, but when they heard that it was Prince Zhao who came, they really quieted down.There are quite a few people among them, but they have never been lucky enough to meet Prince Zhao. They all say that this prince is extremely handsome, and he is a handsome figure that is rare in heaven and earth. People don't feel itchy, and want to meet this legendary character.

Male and female guests enter through different doors, so Ji Yu has to get out of the car now.

He stretched out his hand to shake Shen Changle's palm, and said softly: "If there is anything, please send someone to tell me."

Shen Changle laughed at him, "Your Highness is really worrying too much, you will be fine if you come to the wedding banquet."

Ji Yu smiled lightly, looked straight at her, and promised: "If anyone dares to bully you, tell me immediately."

Shen Changle knew that he said that on purpose, after all she was Princess Zhao, who would dare to show her face.

She lifted her chin, snorted, and pretended to be proud: "Now I am the princess. Who dares to bully me."

Seeing her like this, Ji Yu knew that she would take care of herself, so she was relieved and got off the car.Unexpectedly, just as he was about to get up, the palm of his hand was grabbed by the person next to him.

Seeing her face upturned, her cheeks puffed out, she said repeatedly: "You need to drink less alcohol, or your body will feel uncomfortable again."

Seeing her earnest appearance, the strings in his mind seemed to be snapped, and he directly lowered his head to kiss that pink and alluring little mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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