Splendid Book

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

Shen Changle turned to look at Ji Yu eagerly, with dissatisfaction in his eyes, as if he immediately believed that he had revealed his secrets.And Ji Yu was also extremely helpless when she stared at him, and said helplessly: "I didn't say anything."

"Don't blame the princess, I guessed it myself," the shopkeeper immediately lowered his head respectfully, and quickly explained.

Shen Changle suddenly became interested. In order to inspect the shop today, she specially prepared a carriage without the sign of Prince Zhao's Mansion.And she and Ji Yu didn't have anything on them, but they were tokens that would allow others to recognize their identities. I don't know how the shopkeeper could tell at a glance.

"How did you see it?"

"The lord and the concubine, the appearance of heaven and man, there are two masters in the capital with such appearance and demeanor, I really can't think of a second pair of Bi people like this in the capital," the shopkeeper said respectfully.

Shen Changle laughed immediately, although the words were suspected of flattery, but there is no one in this world who doesn't like to hear compliments.

Ji Yu took the thing in his hand, and nodded after looking at it. No wonder it is said to be the treasure of the town store. This is the inkstone made by the master ink maker of this dynasty, and it is indeed good.

Because there is an elder brother in the family who likes to collect precious pens, inks, papers and inkstones, so Shen Changle has seen many good things in his study.When Ji Yu was looking at it, she glanced at it a few times, and it was indeed a rare treasure.

At this time, the shopkeeper saw the happy and relaxed expressions on the faces of the two, so he knew that the things he brought were in line with the wishes of the two masters.He hurriedly said: "The market will open later, and there will be many people ahead, so I invite the two masters to sit in the back hall for a while, and the younger one will show the account book to the princess."

"Shopkeeper Li, you are an old man in the shop. I have seen the accounts sent to the mansion before. The income in the shop is good. You have worked hard too," Shen Changle smiled slightly, his willow eyebrows curved, indescribably gentle soft.

But shopkeeper Li did not dare to take it lightly, they were all domestic servants from Shen's residence, some of them let go of the contract of sale because of the master's kindness.However, even if they go outside, they are just ordinary people, so those who have some skills will find a position as a small steward in the Shen family's property.And this shopkeeper Li came out on his own. When the Duke of Guo met him before, he was overjoyed in his heart. He thought that he would be able to get the attention of the Duke of Guo from now on, and he would become a success.

But who would have thought that the Duke of the State asked him to manage the dowry property of the third girl. At that time, the third girl hadn't been engaged yet, and he didn't even know what the fate of the future daughter-in-law would be.Although he was somewhat disappointed in his heart, he has always been a down-to-earth person, so he worked here in a safe and secure manner.

It's just that in less than a year, I heard that the third girl in Duke Wei's mansion was accused of marrying the seventh prince, and she was going to be a princess.

Now he became the steward of the princess's dowry shop. Shopkeeper Li didn't say that his status had risen, but he straightened his waist after this relationship.

He waited until the third girl got married and became Princess Zhao.I thought that this day would finally come to an end, and the concubine would soon meet the shopkeepers of these dowry shops.But who would have thought that after the princess saw Zhuangzi's Zhuangtou, she seemed to have no interest in seeing others again.Those shopkeepers of the dowry shop were so hopeless that they didn't even wait for the empress to receive them.

I thought I would have to wait for the next year to greet my mother, but today the concubine actually came to the shop in person.

Therefore, shopkeeper Li has to show his performance no matter what.

It's just that Shen Changle is not interested in going to the back to chat and drink tea, after all, she has several shops, if every shop has a cup of tea, I'm afraid it won't be enough for a whole day.So she turned around in the cabinet next to her, then turned her head and said, "Shopkeeper Li, I just came here to take a look around. You don't need to be too nervous, you don't have much time today, and I will announce you to come to the mansion in a few days."

Shopkeeper Li trembled with excitement when he heard that he could enter the palace.

After Ji Yu and Shen Changle left, the waiter who received them earlier stood beside shopkeeper Li, looked at the carriage gradually moving away, and asked, "Shopkeeper, do you think we should report to the other shops?"

"What letter to report?" Shopkeeper Li asked with his gaze back.

Shop waiter: "Naturally, I should inform them that the empress is here to inspect the shop."

Because they are both shopkeepers of the princess's dowry shop, they also have contacts on weekdays.Before, because the concubine did not meet them for a long time, the shopkeepers met and discussed what made the empress unhappy.

"No one reported to us. What's the matter with you?" Shopkeeper Li turned his head and gave him a hard look.

The waiter was scolded by him, and immediately shut up.

In the latter two shops, the shopkeepers are not as shrewd as shopkeeper Li. If Shen Changle hadn't revealed her identity, they would have only regarded her as a wealthy customer.

When they came out of the third shop, Shen Changle saw the jewelry shop next to his own silk and satin shop, this Treasure Pavilion was the best jewelry shop in the capital.Shen Changle has the most jewelry, followed by this Zhenbao Pavilion.Among them is a lady surnamed Wei, and every piece of jewelry she makes is really a treasure.

It's just that they just entered the shop when they heard a delicate female voice say with a bit of exclamation: "Brother Lanting, look at this pearl hairpin is really exquisite."

(End of this chapter)

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