Splendid Book

Chapter 133 Girl's Mind

Chapter 133 Girl's Mind

After the first lunar month, the Shen family invited a matchmaker to come to the Ye family to propose marriage in person.Although Ye Ling woke up, the imperial physician said that it would take at least half a year to maintain her health.Her back was seriously injured, and when scabs formed in many places, it was terrifying.When Shen Changle went to see her, he could always hear Mrs. Ye sighing beside her.

Those words are inside and outside, Ye Ling is afraid that it will be difficult for Ye Ling to marry in the future.

But every time Ye Ling was always extremely annoyed, if she hadn't been injured, she would have jumped up to refute what her mother was crying about.Knowing what Shen Ruan promised, Shen Changle sparked hope in Mrs. Ye's heart. She probably hoped that Shen Ruan would keep his promise.

It's just that she never asked her grandmother and father about this matter, and she didn't dare to agree to it casually.

As a result, in February, the Shen family went directly to the Ye family to propose marriage.Concubine De happened to be infected with the cold these few days, so she had to go to the palace to serve the sick, so she couldn't go back in time.I just sent someone back to ask, and this time it was my father who personally agreed.

She was relieved this time, even if she wanted to go back and look at it, she couldn't find time for a while.

"It's been hard for you these few days," Concubine De said gently, glancing at her lightly.

Although she only felt the cold occasionally, but after several days, even the emperor was almost angry, and the Tai Hospital took care of her carefully.Fortunately, Qieven's high fever subsided today, but the illness disappeared like a thread, so she could only lie down in the room for a while.

"Mother Concubine said so, my daughter-in-law is really ashamed. It is my duty to serve Mother Concubine," Shen Changle held a small bowl with pastel peony patterns beside him, and carefully poured the medicine on the ground with the white porcelain spoon inside. It's colder.

After passing it to Concubine De, she took it and drank it.Shen Changle took another small plate from the hand of the maid, with candied fruit in it, she quickly poked one with a silver fork and handed it to Concubine De.

After Concubine De had eaten the candied fruit, her face calmed down a little.

"After all, I'm getting old, it's just a little cold, I've been lying down for so many days," Concubine De stretched out her hand to smooth her chest, she felt tired even talking now.

Because she has been sick for the past few days, Shen Changle also saw her without makeup.Before, she still felt that Concubine De and Ji Yu were standing together, they really didn't look like mother and child, after all Concubine De was too young.But looking at it now, there are still wrinkles on her face, it's just that she didn't dare to look carefully before.

Concubine De was originally a fierce beauty, but now her tired face due to illness made her look a little pale and weak.

"Everyone is going to get sick. The mother and concubine did this because of repeated illnesses. If you say that, if the prince and the ninth younger brother hear it, I should be worried again," Shen Changle stretched out his hand to calm her down. Quilt.

Concubine De lowered her eyes and smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Although Shen Changle has been by her side for the past few days, Concubine De's attitude towards her is not much better.Fortunately, it was almost time for the Ninth Prince to come, so she didn't speak, and just sat quietly beside her.

Ji Yu was recently transferred to the Ministry of War. He heard that he was preparing a batch of ordnance to be shipped to the northwest, so he was busy with his feet on the ground.But Concubine De was ill, so of course he had to come here, so no matter how busy he was every day, he had to find time to come over, and after seeing Concubine De, he would go back to supervise the work.

Not to mention that Shen Changle loves him dearly, even Concubine De can see that his complexion is not good, the circles around his eyes are full of bruises.

"Mother and concubine," Ji Ting always said before anyone came.As soon as he opened his mouth, even Shen Changle's mood became joyful.

After he came in, he saw Shen Changle and hurriedly greeted her again, "Sister-in-law Seven, you have worked hard today."

"It's not hard. It's my job to take care of my mother and concubine. Is the ninth brother ready for lunch?" Shen Changle asked thoughtfully. Now that the ninth prince is still living in the palace, he originally wanted to attend classes in the study every day, but Because Concubine De was ill, he came over during lunch time.

When Concubine De heard this, she quickly stood up, looked at him displeasedly and said, "Didn't Concubine Mu tell you that my health is fine, I will recover soon."

"Originally this will be the time for the noon break, so mother concubine, don't teach your son a lesson," Ji Ting saw that Concubine De was anxious, and hurriedly coaxed her.

Concubine De knew that he was also concerned about herself, so she said: "Fortunately, your Seventh Sister-in-law is careful, and someone has already prepared lunch. You will eat here later, and go back after eating. You are not allowed to come again tomorrow." , running back and forth, it's so cold outside."

Although she knew that Concubine De was concerned about her son, Shen Changle suddenly felt sore for some reason.

Ji Yu is so busy these days that she doesn't even have enough time to sleep. The day before yesterday, when she just got into bed, she was just pressing on him, wanting to play with him.As a result, as soon as she touched him, she heard an uncontrollable cry of pain from him.She hurriedly took off her clothes to see, but there was a big bruise on her waist. After asking, she found out that he was in a hurry to enter the palace to visit Concubine De, and fell when he was going out.

He has always been rigorous and conscientious in his work, not to mention wrestling, even staggering is very rare.But this time, he fell to the ground so hard that there was a large area of ​​black and purple on the side of his waist.

Shen Changle was so distressed that tears came down, and immediately asked him why he didn't tell himself.

Who would have thought that this person would even make a preposterous statement, not wanting to make her worry.

Ji Ting just wasted some time today, he came to visit Concubine De, and it almost broke her heart.She smiled wryly in her heart, it's better not to think about it too much, this kind of thing just makes her sadder the more she thinks about it.

When Ji Ting went out to eat, Concubine De turned to her and said: "You go to eat too, I'll just let Xihe take care of me."

"Let's leave it to the servants here," Xihe, who was wearing a blue palace attire, smiled softly.

Shen Changle naturally wouldn't just leave like this, she raised a very well-behaved smile, and said slowly: "Mother, don't worry, I won't be hungry yet. After Jiudi has lunch, come to talk with you, and I'll use it later." meal."

"You've been tired for several days, go to the rest meeting, I'm full of people here, so don't worry too much," Concubine De didn't make things difficult for her this time, and let her go to eat.

In the afternoon, Shen Changle was just waiting outside, while Concubine De was resting inside.By the time Ji Yu came over, the sky outside had already turned gray and could get dark at any moment.

"My lord," she hurried forward, but as soon as she got close, she could feel the chill on Ji Yu's body.

Ji Yu also knew that he was cold, so he reached out his hand to signal her not to approach, and stretched out his hand to untie the cloak on his body, and the maid next to him stepped forward to take it.When Shen Changle held his palm, he realized that his palm was abnormally cold, and it didn't look like he came here in a carriage.

"You entered the palace on horseback?" She asked in surprise.

Ji Yu nodded and looked at her apologetically, "I'm afraid I won't be able to take you back later, so be careful when you go home by yourself and tell the driver to slow down."

As soon as Shen Changle heard this, he knew that he might rush to the Hyogo when he left the palace later.She also felt sorry for him before, thinking that if it was too late at night, she should not hurry back and stay there to rest.Unexpectedly, he firmly disagreed, so no matter how late, he had to go back.

"The bruises on your waist are still so serious, you must remember to ask Xueqing to give you medicine," Xueqing is the servant next to him, and usually when the two of them exchanged messages, it was Xueqing who passed them on. .As soon as she heard that he was coming back later today, she couldn't help reminding him.

She and several other sisters-in-law also have gatherings from time to time. The fifth prince's concubine's birthday was a few days ago, and they were invited to visit her home.It was only during the conversation that she realized that there are really few princes who are as busy as Ji Yu.

The third prince spent the whole day either walking the birds or raising flowers, his life was nourishing and leisurely.Even the third concubine laughed and said that the life of her prince is probably more leisurely than that of a woman in the back house.

After returning home, she was tired all day, so she wanted to wash up and go to bed to lie down.Originally, he wanted to wait for Ji Yu to come back, but he fell asleep at some point.

When a burst of cold air came in, she shivered, opened her eyes slightly, and saw a black shadow beside her was about to go to bed, "My lord, you are back."

Ji Yu didn't expect that she would speak, and asked in a low voice, "Did it bother you?"

"No," Chang Le replied immediately, but when Ji Yu came in with the quilt lifted, there was a gust of cold wind.

The bed was very warm, even Ji Yu shivered unconsciously after lying down.Shen Changle leaned over according to his usual habit, there was still a slight moisture on his body, even though he was separated by a layer of underwear, he could still feel the coldness in his bones.

Ji Yu was afraid that his body would freeze her, so he said softly: "Hey, go to the side first. I will hug you when I get hot."

"No, I'll hug you right now," Shen Changle snorted, then hugged him tightly.

Ji Yu turned to look at her, only to hear a burst of sweet and even breathing.She is also really tired these few days, and I heard that those who serve in front of the concubine's bed are doing their best.Even the father had praised a few words before.

However, he has been busy to leave recently, and news came from the border that the leader of the largest nomadic tribe outside the customs, the Tatars, was seriously ill.His concubine was 20 years younger than him, but gave him two sons.But the Tatar king had a concubine before this concubine, and that concubine left behind a prince.Previously, the Tatar king was still in good health, and he still suppressed the conflict between the prince and the concubine.

But now the king of Tatar is seriously ill, and the people of the Tatar tribe are in panic.There are even more incidents of burning, killing and looting at the border.

Just in case, the emperor decided to add a batch of ordnance to prevent emergencies on the border.After all, sometimes, in order to prevent the outbreak of internal conflicts, internal conflicts will be passed on to the outside.

It's just that the emperor's health is not good now. Although the emperor is not yet fifty, since last year, he has frequently stopped going to court.

Therefore, the calls for the establishment of a prince in the court are getting louder and louder, but the emperor has not yet made up his mind.He had nine sons in total, and apart from the eighth prince who died young, there were still eight sons left.But without a concubine, it is reasonable to establish an elder, but the eldest prince is brave but not resourceful, he is a reckless man, how can the emperor give him the peace of mind of this great country.

As for the second prince, the emperor has been on the sidelines for so many years, and only thinks that the second son is a ruthless jackal.As for the next few sons, the third child is a carefree and rich man, and the fourth child is a deep-minded one.As for the fifth child, he is a scholar, and all day long he knows how to help a group of people from the Imperial Academy to study, and the sixth child often follows the old one.

Naturally, no one else knew about these thoughts about the emperor except him.

At this time, Ji Yu was only ordered to supervise the new batch of ordnance.The little uncle has been in the capital for two years. He originally wanted to leave when he got married, but now that the border is unstable, he wanted to go back.

Although Ji Yu does not want to let him go, he also knows his role for the people outside the Great Wall, as long as he is there, it is like having the magic needle of the sea.

While thinking about things, he listened to the soft breathing of the little girl in his arms, which was even and light, which reassured him.

After Concubine De recovered, Shen Changle took the time to visit Ye Mansion.Because Mrs. Ye sent people several times, saying that she wanted to invite her to the house.Although Shen Changle knew that something was wrong with her, but the concubine de concubine's illness hadn't recovered yet, so she could only send someone to explain the situation.

So when she didn't have to enter the palace, she immediately sent someone to prepare a car and go to Ye's house.

When Ye Ling came out years ago, she even missed her most important Jiji ceremony.Fortunately, Mrs. Ye comforted her and made up for her after the injury recovered.

When Shen Changle came, Ye Ling was taking medicine. As soon as she entered, Shen Changle came in, with a smile on her face, and said: "Sister Changle, you are finally here."

"I heard from your mother that you are not good these days," Shen Changle waited to walk to her side, reached out and tapped her forehead, and snorted softly.

Mrs. Ye at the side had found someone to confide in, and immediately complained: "Princess, you have to help me persuade this girl, who is engaged. She is still so self-willed in the end, saying nothing Listen, my heart is broken for her."

As soon as Ye Ling heard her talk about engagement again, the joy of seeing Shen Changle disappeared in an instant.

She had a sullen face, if she didn't know that it was not easy for Shen Changle to come here, she would probably start a fight with Mrs. Ye again.But even so, she still had a sullen face and said: "Mother, it's been a long time for the princess to come, so let us have a good talk."

"Yes, yes, you talk, you talk," Mrs. Ye smiled awkwardly, asked the maid to prepare melon and fruit snacks, and left with her maid.

"I heard that Concubine De is gone, how are you feeling now?" Ye Ling saw her going out, and pulled Shen Changle to sit down.

Shen Changle looked at her face, it was much better than when she was just injured, not only rosy, but also a little fleshy.Then she reassuredly said: "It's okay, the empress is already in good health. That's why I can come to see you."

"That's why you can come and talk with me. If my mother is by my side every day, one day I will be told by her that I am going crazy," Ye Ling pouted and complained.

Seeing her unhappy face, Shen Changle quickly persuaded: "Mrs. Ye is also doing it for your own good, otherwise why didn't she come and talk about me."

"When she really dares to talk about you, you should know it's annoying," Ye Ling said unconvinced.

Shen Changle knew that this was a sweet trouble for her, so she didn't take it seriously, but she suddenly remembered something, smiled slyly, and said softly: "Speaking of it, I actually have to call you Second Sister-in-law in the future."

"Don't laugh at me," Ye Ling didn't expect her to change the subject suddenly, so she just talked about this.Shocked and ashamed, he reached out to grab her arm.

Shen Changle quickly grabbed her hand, "Okay, don't move around, be careful."

Ye Ling was still not convinced, but her face was gradually stained with disappointment, and after a long time, she bit her lip and said in a barely audible voice: "But he only married me because I got hurt."

Shen Changle raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't hear this sentence, but he seemed to hear the true meaning inside.

"You like second brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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