Chapter 122

Outside the CEO's office, Mu Wanqing looked at the three silent people, not knowing what to ask.

But she didn't ask, and the others remained silent until she couldn't help but swear.

"I'm going to die! Everyone doesn't talk, you want to kill me, don't you?!" She really wanted to kill people, no matter how often she met these people.

Knowing that people are in a hurry, they still don't even let one go!
"What do you want to know?" Wen Shaoting leaned against the wall and asked casually.

"Of course I want to know why Ruoruo didn't come back with you guys!" Mu Wanqing gave him a blank look and asked the question knowingly!

"The boss doesn't want his sister-in-law anymore, what can we do?" Dongfang Yu continued the conversation, obviously still unwilling.

"Ah?" Mu Wanqing was shocked, Si Chenyue didn't want Zuo Youruo, how could it be possible?What communism joke? !
"Ah, what, the fact is that the boss doesn't want his sister-in-law anymore!" Dongfang Yu resented, and he didn't forget to glance at the president's office.

Mu Wanqing was dumbfounded, and turned to look at Wen Shaoting in a daze. The latter shrugged. He didn't know what Si Chenyue was thinking, but since he made such a decision, he must have his own reasons.

As a brother who was born and died, in addition to stabbing one's ribs, when the time is right, you still have to learn to understand.

Su Mutian answered the phone, his expression was not very good, "I have something to do, call me anytime!"

"Hey, God—" Dongfang Yu looked at Su Mutian's hurried figure, and took back half of what he said.

Turning his head to look at Mu Wanqing and Wen Shaoting, he consciously avoided them.

Suddenly there were only two people left, Mu Wanqing didn't know what to say, and was about to leave.

But the person behind him spoke softly at this moment, and asked, "Have you thought about reconciling?"

Her footsteps suddenly froze, and her heart stopped, as if her heartbeat stopped because of this sentence.

She didn't turn around, and didn't dare to turn around. She turned her back to him, faced the light, and asked back with a sob: "What about you? Have you ever thought about reconciling?"

The person behind did not answer, but approached her, hugged her from behind, and whispered in her ear: "I thought about it, but we can't go back."

Mu Wanqing's tears fell down, dripping onto Wen Shaoting's arms, wet and cool.

The people behind her also felt it, and added in her ear: "I can't go back, so how about grasping the future?"

Mu Wanqing turned around in disbelief, he—don't you hate him?No more revenge?
Wen Shaoting was embarrassed by her look, and covered her eyes behind him, "Don't look at me like that, it makes me feel like a sinner."

Mu Wanqing didn't pull his hand away, but the tears kept pouring out of her eyes, continuously.

Wen Shaoting sighed lowly, withdrew his hand, and hugged her into his arms, "I told you once, I told you to remind Zuo Youruo not to fall in love with Si Chenyue, but in the end, they were still inevitably entangled. Together, we, too."

Mu Wanqing's body stiffened, and she couldn't reflect what Wen Shaoting said for a long time. What he meant was, do you want to start over with her?

But do you dare to start over?She didn't even know if she could trust the man in front of her again?
Seeing that she was silent, Wen Shaoting let go of her, stared into her eyes, and asked word by word: "Mu Wanqing, do you still love me?"


Mu Wanqing felt a lot of voices ringing in her ears, it was too mixed, she couldn't hear what Wen Shaoting said.

However, she didn't know why, even though she couldn't hear clearly, she could still see the shape of his lips. He was asking: Do you still love me?
love?Do you still love?

She doesn't know anymore, she always felt that she loves her very much, but now, she is not sure.

Ever since Wen Shaoting asked this sentence, her heart suddenly became empty.

She raised the corner of her mouth and smiled as she did when she first met, "Do you still love me?"

Wen Shaoting's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly became frightened, and sure enough, Mu Wanqing still said that sentence.

"I love you very much. I have always loved you, but Ting, as you said, we can't go back, so I don't want the future either. Goodbye."

After finishing speaking, Mu Wanqing slowly broke away Wen Shaoting's hand holding her arm, and turned around gracefully.

The back view is unrestrained, but the moment he turned around, he still cried.

Wen Shaoting froze in place, he didn't understand, he was willing to start over, why didn't she?

At the corner of the stairs, Mu Wanqing crouched there, crying uncontrollably.

Love, but can't be together, that's what it feels like!

After that, Si Chenyue put all his energy on Ren Zhengxiong and Si Boran. He must get rid of these two old foxes in the shortest possible time, so as not to cause future troubles forever!

"Dongfang, what happened to Ren Zhengxiong recently?" Si Chenyue asked without raising his head, but no one answered for a long time.

As soon as he raised his head, he was struck by lightning. Dongfang Yu tilted his head and fell asleep opposite him!
According to his previous temper, it is estimated that Si Chenyue would throw the folder in his hand at this moment, and slap Dongfang Yu hard to wake him up.

But today, he just hooked the corners of his lips, didn't say anything, and continued to work with his head down.

Su Mutian seems to be very busy these days, many things have fallen on Dongfang Yu, and Si Chenyue doesn't believe it.

Wen Shaoting's mood was extremely bad, and he was even more difficult to serve than Si Chenyue.

It seemed that everything had returned to the way Zuo Youruo hadn't appeared, but Zuo Sinian always reminded everyone that Zuo Youruo hadn't returned to this big family yet.

"Brother Dongfang, let's go out to play..."

"Hush—" Seeing Zuo Si Nian running in, Si Chenyue hurriedly made a gesture of silence, and the latter immediately covered his mouth, staring at Dongfang Yu who was sleeping on the chair with his head tilted, and finally giggle.

Si Chenyue put down the signature pen in his hand, walked over and hugged Zuo Si Nian, so that he could see Dongfang Yu's sleeping face more clearly.

[Today is still [-]D, the first update]

(End of this chapter)

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