Chapter 126

Zuo Youruo bit his lip, as if he had made this difficult decision.

"He's your friend. You two had a good relationship that day. I think we should go to his wedding, right?"

Zuo Youruo cleverly threw the question back to Jos, and tilted his head to look at him.

"Well, then we'll go to the wedding then." Joss nodded and agreed.

Next, she looked down at the newspaper nonchalantly, as if nothing had happened, and Joss also sat on the side calmly, looking at her.

Until Jon came in, "Brother——"

As soon as Jon uttered the words, he stopped talking and looked at the other person on the sofa with unfriendly eyes.

Joss' eyes were slightly angry, and he squinted at Jon, who wisely retracted his unkind eyes.

He didn't understand, what's so good about this Zuo Youruo, is it worth his elder brother treating him like this for her? !

But the big brother is the big brother, he knew that if there was no Jos these years, he would have ceased to exist long ago!

"Come up with me." Jos stood up and walked upstairs to the study.

Jon gave Zuo Youruo a bitter look, and followed.

The footsteps became farther and farther away until they disappeared, Zuo Youruo finally raised his head.

Looking at the photos in the newspaper, she seemed to have collapsed, she slid from the sofa to the floor, and sat there, unable to recover for a long time.

In the study room, Jos stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with his hands behind his back, and asked the people behind him, "What are you doing here?"

In the past, if Zuo You saw Jon, he would be afraid, and even misunderstood Jos and Jon, so Jos told Jon not to come here, and if there was anything to do, he would call him. Today, Jon came so rashly, Jos I was a little surprised.

"Brother, Si Chenyue's wedding is on the 25th, and Ren Zhengxiong's actions are on the 26th. I always feel something is wrong. Who do you think is going to deal with whom?"

"Huh?" Jos turned around and frowned at Jon.

Jon didn't speak anymore, he knew that Jos had understood what he said, it was just his thoughts, not his own.

He took a step forward and looked down through the French windows, and he saw Zuo Youruo in the garden, like a child, lowering his head and playing with the chrysanthemums in the garden.

"Brother, you can either take her back to Milan as soon as possible, or you should first shift your mind to SVAS and get rid of Ren Zhengxiong or Si Chenyue first, otherwise, we will be attacked by the enemy."

As soon as Jon finished speaking, Jos laughed.

At first, Jon thought that Josi was laughing at himself, but when he looked downstairs, it turned out that Zuo Youruo fell into the mud.

"Brother!" He really couldn't bear it anymore, women are all disasters!

Joss turned around and saw his distraught look, but he didn't respond, so he smiled leisurely.

"I'm not talking about you. You've been in SVAS all these years for nothing. If Si Boran hadn't kept pressing Si Chenyue, I think SVAS would have been wiped out long ago!"

Josi's words were still serious, and Jon was even more annoyed, but he didn't dare to attack.

Firstly, most of the people in SVAS are still at the disposal of Josi, secondly, he is not Josi's opponent, and thirdly, the two are brothers, so it's not easy to fight back.

Seeing that he was calm and did not explode, Qiao Si continued, "Who do you want to kill first? Si Chenyue or Ren Zhengxiong? Which one do you have the confidence to kill in one go?"

Jon didn't speak, yes, he really didn't have confidence. In the past few years, SVAS and Si's underground organization could still compete. These years, if he hadn't colluded with Ren Zhengxiong, he would have been wiped out by Si Chenyue long ago!
"Even if you can destroy one of them, it will be a lose-lose situation for both sides, and the third party will only reap the benefits! Do you really want this?"

Jos's eyes became extremely sharp, touching the bottom of Jon's heart.

The latter felt guilty, scratched his hair, and asked Josi in frustration: "Then what do you think, big brother?"

Josi didn't speak, just turned around and continued to look at the people downstairs, and after a long time he said lightly: "The enemy won't move, I won't move!"

In Si Chenyue's office, Dongfang Yu was shocked and speechless while holding a newspaper.

He still remembered that he had made a bet with Su Mutian a few days ago that Si Chenyue would definitely not marry Ren Tianwei, but today, the reports came out!
God!Who can tell him if Si Chenyue has a brain twitch? !

What's more sad is that he lost the bet with Su Mutian!lost!

"Boss, you have to give me an explanation, why did you agree to get married?" Dongfang Yu looked at Si Chenyue with a look of hatred, and really didn't understand, why? !
Si Chenyue didn't raise his head, but asked instead: "Why should I explain to you?"

"Damn! Boss, you actually asked that, don't you know that I have long admired you, I have liked you for a long time, if you don't explain to me, I, I, I—"

Dongfang Yu himself didn't know what to say, but he was extremely angry!
"You, you, how are you?" Si Chenyue finally raised his head and looked at him amusedly.

"I'll die for you to see!" Dongfang Yu finally uttered this ambitious statement, and Su Mutian on the side almost spurted blood!

"Then you can go to hell!" Si Chenyue waved his hand, as if urging Dongfang Yu to go on the road.

Dongfang Yu didn't bring it up in one breath, he was really about to spurt blood!
"Dongfang, okay, I'm still here, you just confess to the boss, be careful that I abandon you." Su Mutian patted Dongfang Yu's shoulder and said, he was so disgusting rarely!
Don't you have Miss Wen? !Give me back my innocence!Be careful what you go out with!

Dongfang Yu rolled his eyes, well, he was speechless and choked!

"Let's go prepare for the wedding. You need to explain, no!" Si Chenyue issued the order to evict the guests, and his expression turned ugly.

Dongfang Yu took a deep breath, he was afraid that he would not be able to resist roaring, so he looked at Su Mutian next to him, who looked very innocent.

He was sure, Su Mutian must have known that Si Chenyue would agree to the wedding, that's why he bet with him!

This sinister and treacherous villain!
(End of this chapter)

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