lip tint

Chapter 206 The first drop of blood

Chapter 206 The first drop of blood
Now that Esvia has grown up, he is as handsome and tall as he thought, but he is much braver and more reckless than him. At least, in him, Duke Hicks saw the courage of the "golden age" blood race.

Sighing deeply, Earl Hicks seemed to have aged a lot in an instant. He turned his back and looked at a white cloud floating in the clear sky in the distance, with his hands folded behind him, unable to bear to look again He: "you go, don't come back."

Esvia's half-kneeling body froze for a moment, bent the other leg, and bowed deeply towards the place where the Duke and Duchess of Hicks were. His forehead was pressed against the dry and soft soil. On the road, he took a deep breath of the thick and slightly bloody smell unique to blood clan soil for the last time: "Father, mother, take care of yourself, I'm leaving."

Standing up and patting the dirt on her body, Esvia strode away towards the sunrise without looking back, just like in her childhood, running towards her unattainable dream.

Mrs. Hicks stared at his leaving back for a long time until she could see nothing, then suddenly covered her mouth with a handkerchief, threw herself into Earl Hicks' arms, and sobbed.

Earl Hicks patted his wife's trembling shoulders, and he raised his head, not knowing where his eyes fell.

This huge ancient tree is lush and lush, with dense branches and leaves. At some point, a bird's nest was built on the top of the tree. There were chirping birdsong from the nest, and a beautiful bird flew out from the distant woods. , landed in the nest, and in an instant, many small heads poked out and swayed vigorously around the bird, and the admiration was beyond words.

For some reason, Earl Hicks suddenly thought of that ancient oriental ballad: the autumn wind rises and the white clouds fly, the grass and trees fall yellow and the geese return to the south.

The successful conclusion of the first experiment has undoubtedly brought strong self-confidence and courage to the entire blood race. Countless blood races, no matter whether the blood is pure or not, regardless of their status, high or low, have enthusiastically rushed into this competition with the fate of the heavens. .

They came in batch after batch, and went out batch after batch. With the freshest appearance, they couldn't wait to plunge into a completely strange and novel world.

In the castle at night, there is no more feasting and extravagant dinners, no crisp sound of goblets colliding, no charming perfume sprayed on ladies and gentlemen, no gorgeous skirts and lights flying on the dance floor leather shoes.It burns with dim light, standing silently in the dark night, like a sleeping lion, even its sharp claws are hidden in the thick fur.

The ancient blood race that existed in the world since the creation of Adam, after losing most of its people, finally hid itself in the darkness in its weakest posture, without saying a word.

Daniel has nothing to clean up, everything about him belongs to Kelyl, and since he chose a new life, he has lost all inheritance rights.After changing out of the knight uniform that showed honor and loyalty, Daniel carefully hung it in his closet, took a last look, hugged his two cat owners, and closed the door heavily, the key Throw it through the crack in the door below.

Having lost a long life, he may never come back in this life.

As soon as he turned around, before he could stand up straight, the two cat owners lying in his arms struggled to get down, jumped to the ground, and ran forward.

"Hey! Cecilia, Satan! Don't run around! If you get caught, you will be eaten!" Daniel bent over and chased.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a pair of beautiful princess shoes appearing in front of him, revealing a section of snow-white instep and delicate ankles. Daniel froze for a moment, then slowly got up, and found that the one standing in front of him was Xicilia .

The two cats, who were so cold and disdainful to him, were lying in her arms and acting like a spoiled child, showing their soft bellies, wrapping their fluffy tails around Cecilia's wrists as if flattering, with thin and weak hairs in their mouths. "Meow ~" sound.

Cecilia's eyes turned into crescents with a smile, and she gently stroked the cat's fur: "Cecilia, Satan? Your name is quite innovative."

As we all know, Cecilia and Satan are one of the top ten demon kings in the west, representing the angel of charm and the angel of resistance respectively.

Daniel recovered from his daze, scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and frustrated his fingers with a guilty conscience: "Take it at will, take it at will."

Don't you see, how terrifying it was when the two of them demolished their homes and beat each other, it can be said that the world was toppled, mountains and rivers were toppled, how could they be as cute and cute as they are now.Daniel wiped his eyes, really not convinced, the two cats wagging their tails and begging for mercy in front of him were the two arrogant cat owners he raised.

"They are very well-behaved and look good, thank you Daniel, you really take good care of them."

Xicilia thought of the snow ball she had raised, sighed softly in her heart, stepped forward, and handed the two clingy cats in her arms to Daniel: "They are more suitable for living in the human world. It was my fault to bring them back in the first place, and let them be wronged here for so long. Fortunately, you are going to go to the human world now, and they are counting on you."

The huge old castle became empty, and the servants who were usually seen everywhere were nowhere to be seen at all. She stood alone in the corridor, with a slender and thin figure.Daniel stared at the smiling Xicilia in a daze, and suddenly his nose turned sour: "Your Highness, I'm sorry, I was too selfish, and I agreed to dedicate my life to Kelier. At the last moment, I But I still flinched, and let you bear all of this alone, I am really ashamed."


Cecilia raised an index finger and made a silent gesture to him, her voice was very gentle: "Daniel, you must not say that, you have made a lot of contributions to Keller, and the rest of your life , please live a wonderful life for yourself."

"Yeah!" Daniel wiped the wetness from the corners of his eyes, nodded solemnly to Hecilia, clenched his fist with his right hand, and gave her a knightly salute again: "Your Highness, please take care of yourself, I swear to God, I will keep you in my heart for the rest of my life!"

Xicilia smiled and turned sideways: "Go, it will be dark later."

Standing on the balcony, she watched Daniel's back as he went away. She heard the pleasant wind chime coming from the corridor, and suddenly felt that the world was quiet.

"It's windy, it's time to go back, I've prepared something you like to eat tonight." Qi Zhi appeared out of nowhere, and gently put the wreath he had made in his hand on Hecilia's head .

"En." Xicilia touched the wreath on her head, and obediently followed Qi Zhi back.

Who says I'm alone?
You see, there is always someone to catch me on my way home.

 Here "Dye Lips" is coming to an end~ Thank you so many babies for their support and encouragement all the time!
  Super sweet episodes will be delivered one after another, don’t leave~ (PS: You can boldly tell me what you want to see!)
  Thanks to "Take away my big spade and then take away Chezi", "Abai is not white", "Favorite Nine", "Qiu Fang", and other gifts and red beans from the little ones~
  Thanks to "Book Friends 20180216142154695", "Jin Miaohan", "God Blessed Me Eternal Life" for sending monthly tickets!

  Thanks to "Nana", "lspevil", "Cat Girlfriend", "Dream Ruoying", "Fuxi.", "Yuelan Feise" for the recommendation tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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