Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 104 Long Memory

Chapter 104 Long Memory

"The concubine pays respects to the emperor, and Ming Jieyu." Su Diya approached, and blessed her body in an inexperienced way.

Ning Chen waved his hand, "Excuse me."

After saying these two words, she didn't speak, Ye Yun, she was so bad, she also acted cutely, she kept her eyes down and didn't speak.

Su Diya was extremely embarrassed for a while.

But in the end, I couldn't come this trip in vain, so I mustered up the courage to open my mouth again.

"The concubine sees that the weather is good today. I never thought of meeting the emperor and Ming Jieyu when I came to the imperial garden. If the emperor doesn't dislike it, can the concubine go for a walk together?"

After all, she is the princess from Zasak. She used to represent her father Zhuoligetu in Zasak, but now in Kyoto, she represents the whole Zasak.

Therefore, face still has to be given, Ning Chen nodded.

But just don't care too much, Zhuoligetu is too ambitious, he has already made other arrangements.

Su Diya, who was allowed, was overjoyed and followed behind the two.

Ye Yun is not really intolerable, everyone wants to fight for favor after entering the palace, it's nothing to come here to make a face, as long as you don't think about snatching someone from her.

But obviously Su Diya was thinking, when Ye Yun called Bai Shu to pick rose flowers for her, she wanted to die.

"Although only people praise the plum blossoms, they would rather die on the fragrant branches, but my concubine thinks that all the flowers are equally beautiful, why does Ming Jieyu pick them off, and tell them to bloom on the branches for everyone to admire. Isn't it better?"

As soon as the words came out, not only did Ye Yun feel disgusted, but Ning Chen's complexion also darkened a bit.

But Su didn't realize it, and was still singing about the Holy Mother, "I didn't see many flowers on the grassland before, but now I'm lucky enough to see these blooming flowers, and I cherish them all the more."

"Your Majesty, everyone in this palace thinks that concubines are hot hands. Last year, Fang Xiuyi said that it was not good for concubines to pick plum blossoms. This year, Su Wanrong does not allow concubines to pick roses. Only the concubines in the palace The concubine loves to arrange flowers alone, but the concubines next to her just stare at the flower pots?" Ye Yun said lightly.

As he spoke, he glanced at Su Shi with a half-smile.

Ning Chen didn't answer, but picked a rose that was in full bloom and pinned it on her bun.

She didn't wear any jewelry today, and she looked even better with a flower on her hairpin.

"What do you care about with her? There are no such things on the grassland, she has never seen them, and there are rare ones."

This remark is very disrespectful to Su Shi, and she directly said that she has never seen the world, and a few rose flowers are also good.

Su's face immediately flushed, and she hurriedly blessed her body, "The concubine made a slip of the tongue, please forgive Ming Jieyu, I don't know who Jieyu is, she is used for flower arrangement."

She doesn't even know what flower arrangement is.

Although Su Diya's mother is from the Central Plains, she is not a lady of the family. She doesn't know things like arranging flowers and tasting tea at all, let alone teach her.

"Your Majesty, my concubine sees that Su Wanrong is not yet fully familiar with the rules of the palace. When she becomes a palace concubine in the future, what she should learn is still to be learned. Even if she doesn't, she can't be completely ignorant. After all, she is now a royal. , don't hurt the face of the royal family."

Ye Yun made Su's disgusting, so she didn't need to ask more questions, but she was going to embarrass her.

Learning the rules is always the most challenging, and those nuns can have thousands of ways to make you miserable.

This kind of jumping up and down in front of her as soon as he enters the palace, it's impossible not to give him a long memory.

But this is not nonsense, Su Diya's Central Plains etiquette is not well learned.

After entering the palace, the emperor didn't give orders, and the empress deliberately didn't send anyone to teach her. Right now, she doesn't know anything.

"Ming Jieyu is right, Yuan Jiu, go to Fengqi Palace and send a message to the queen, telling her to send someone to teach Su Wanrong the etiquette rules in the palace. It will be the Dragon Boat Festival in two days, so don't lose etiquette at the palace banquet. " Ning Chen said directly.

Su's heart froze, it was extremely uncomfortable, but she could only hold her nose and respond.

"Serving the emperor is the most important thing. Su Wanrong has to learn from Madam Xi so that she can serve the emperor well in the future." Ye Yun replied with a half-smile.

Ning Chen couldn't see her bad intentions, but he didn't like Su's either, so he simply climbed up the ladder, "Well, the palace has strict rules and regulations, so you have to understand etiquette. When Su Wanrong learns the rules, she will serve you."

"Your Majesty!" Su Diya's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

After learning the rules and then serving, when will it be?Does that mean she has no chance to serve her right now?

Ye Yun glanced at her, "Why, Su Wanrong has objections in her heart?"

Su Diya was wronged to death, but seeing Ning Chen's cold expression, she was too scared to act like a demon again.

She lowered her head and said in a low voice, "The concubine dare not, the concubine must learn the rules well, if the concubine resigns, she will not disturb the emperor and Ming Jieyu to enjoy the flowers."

When the person walked away, Ning Chen squeezed the hand of the woman beside him.

Raising eyebrows, "Why do you like to bully people so much?"

"Because the concubine is bad, the concubine likes to bully this little Bailian the most, not only Su Wanrong, but also Zhang Baolin, if there are more in the palace in the future, then the concubine will still bully her." Ye Yun snorted.

The little chin was raised, it was too delicate.

Ning Chen was puzzled, "Lotus is the most noble, how can we use it as a metaphor for them?"

It was Ye Yun's turn to laugh, okay, how can I explain this to the little emperor.

In the end, he made it clear anyway, and from now on, Ning Chen couldn't accept praising others like lotus flowers.

On the other side, the Su family and the girl walked back in a very humiliating manner. The Feihong Pavilion where she lived was a bit remote, and Zheng Baolin's Fuyuan Pavilion was a little closer to her.

Zheng Shi also entered the palace with Ye Yun, but her appearance was only considered beautiful, and she was really not outstanding among the beauties. She served once and never served again.

Sitting in the courtyard at this moment, first saw Su Shi walking over angrily, and before she had a cup of tea, she saw Su'e who was beside the queen leading the two teaching nuns, so she knew it.

"Before I kindly advised her not to go, but she didn't listen, but now she has caused a lot of trouble, so Ming Jieyu is easy to offend?" Mrs. Zheng sneered.

It turned out that she thought that the Su family was the princess of Zasak after all, and her natal family had a strong background, so she was not favored by her. If she could curry favor with her, she would still be able to rely on her.

It's a pity that Su's self-esteem is so high that she doesn't look down on her at all, and ignores her, so Zheng Baolin doesn't bother to put a hot face on her cold ass.

The girl Fei Cui snorted coldly, "This one even thinks of herself as a princess after entering the palace. She thinks she is precious, and she has to suffer to know how valuable she is."

Zheng Baolin smiled, she doesn't care what the Su family is like, as long as she can live a stable life.

She knew very well that her appearance was not outstanding, and it was a fluke to be able to enter the palace, so she had no ambitions.

But Su Diya, who is ambitious next door, naively thinks that Madam Xi is really just here to teach the rules.

But no matter what other people are doing, Ye Yun is very at ease anyway.

Today Ning Chen is bound to stay overnight, Ye Yun's hands are itchy, so she pulls him to play chess with her.

In this chess game, Ye Yun was even better, but it was a pity that when he arrived in the room at night, he was cleaned up and cried, which made Ning Chen breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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