Chapter 114

Ye Yun's eyes darkened, and she pondered for a moment.

"If things go wrong, there must be a demon. She came to you suddenly, and she must have a plan. You should listen to what she has to say first."

"I obey." Shen Pingzhi cupped his hands.

Huiyue personally sent people out, but when she came back, she was a little worried.

"My servant always feels that this Fang Xiuyi seems to be a very deep-rooted man, and getting along with her is very uncomfortable."

Nan Zhi also came over, "These days when Fang Xiuyi gained power, there were many rumors in the palace that Chen Wanrong and Fang Xiuyi were often called into the palace to accompany their respective aunts during the late emperor's time. To compete for the top and bottom, there was no winner before, but after the age of 12, Fang Xiuyi suddenly became more powerful, and Chen Wanrong couldn't get down from the competition several times. Later, Chen Wanrong didn't enter the palace much. "

"Is this an early enlightenment? Then I should have been strong since I was born." Ye Yun joked with a smile.

Huiyue just laughed, "Our Jieyu has been smart since she was a child, this one is more than ten years behind."

"So, don't worry too much, I'm pretty good."

Ye Yun raised her eyebrows, reached out and scratched Huiyue's nose, making her blush.

However, we still need to pay close attention to this matter, the people in this palace will not do useless work, since Shen Pingzhi has been found, there must be something to do.

And whether Shen Pingzhi has a deep bond with him, he still can't fully believe it now, so he sent Bai Shu and Lu He to stare outside.

Ning Chen sent a message, telling everyone in the harem not to walk around casually, the queen simply ignored the greetings from the concubines.

Right now, there is no need to kneel in the Buddhist hall or pay respects, and to live your own life behind closed doors, not to mention how comfortable it is.

Ye Yun doesn't lack anything, but he lacks someone.

In Feihong Pavilion, Su's face turned red with anger as he looked at the monthly silver and cloth that the Ministry of Internal Affairs had just sent.

"I am dignified and dignified at the sixth grade, how dare you perfunctory me like this?"

"Hey, Su Wanrong, don't be picky. The servants are also in trouble. What time do you think it is now? It's a mess outside. Even the queen mother and empress don't have any fresh fruit to eat. Right now, your things are still there. It can be sent out, and some people don’t have anything!" The old eunuch who delivered the things had a bitter face.

Baicao was furious, flipped through the four pieces of cloth randomly, and pointed.

"It's already June now, and you still send such thick cloth, is it because you want to heat us to death? The color is also old-fashioned. I don't believe that there are not many good materials in the palace?"

The old eunuch smiled, "There are so few good things, so naturally you have to be close to the girls above, aren't you? Wanrong was also the princess before entering the palace, so she must have brought a lot of things with her when she entered the palace, and she didn't like the ones sent by the servants." It's normal, but that's all there is now."

Su stared, "What I brought is what I brought. These things should have been included in my statute. You have withheld them, and you dare to argue!"

After all, is there a bit of prairie blood, Su Shi said, grabbed the tea cup from the table and threw it over.

Impartially, it hit the old eunuch's head, bleeding profusely.

The old eunuch was more or less in charge, and he was angry after being hit so hard, and was supported by the servant who followed, shaking his fingers at those things.

"Since Su Wanrong doesn't care about the things in the palace, then the slaves will take them all back, and you can take care of yourself!"

After saying that, the people who came with him took all the cloth and monthly silver on the table away.

At dinner time, Baicao came back from the dining room, crying angrily.

Opening the food box, Wanrong should have two meat, three vegetables and one soup, but now there are only two vegetables and one meat.

The vegetarian dish is stir-fried cabbage and cold cucumber, and the meat dish is a white-cut chicken that doesn't look very appetizing.

"Didn't I say I want mutton?" Su frowned.

Baicao pursed her lips, "The dining room said that mutton is precious, not everyone wants to have it, and now the supply is not complete, that's all there is to it."

Su wanted to say no to it. After all, she grew up in Zasak, and loved to eat roasted beef and mutton with a stronger taste. Now there are only these, and she really can't eat them.

But I couldn't hold back my hunger. I didn't eat much at lunch because it didn't suit my appetite.

After thinking about it, he still picked up a piece of chicken with his chopsticks, and when he bit it, there was an earthy smell, and he spit it out immediately.

The sauce is poured out, and there is no salt at all inside.

Su put down her chopsticks, feeling complicated in her heart.

This is a world of difference from the life she imagined.

"Is Su Wanrong ready to eat? The maidservant is Wei Ruixuan's Qiwen, our empress ordered the maidservant to bring two side dishes to Wanrong."

Baicao was stunned for a moment, glanced at each other with Mrs. Su, hurriedly tidied up her appearance and came out.

"My maidservant greets Su Wanrong, please accept any kindness from our empress."

Qi Wen smiled and blessed her body, took the food box from the young lady behind her, opened it, and found a crispy lamb chop and a stack of braised beef inside.

Su's eyes flickered, "My lady is so kind, I appreciate it, but I've already eaten dinner, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it now."

Not really grateful for a little food.

Even, Su Diya felt very humiliated in her heart, and it was time for others to give her alms?

Even though she was a concubine before, her mother Han was a favored side concubine and never lacked in these things.

Qiwen narrowed her eyes, and chuckled, "Wanrong can't eat it right now, so we might as well take it first, our empress misses the friendship on the grassland, and others don't know that Wanrong is lucky enough to enter the palace, but our empress knows it." .”

As soon as these words came out, Su Shi froze immediately, and Baicao turned pale.

"It's you." Su's voice trembled, unable to speak.

Qiwen still smiled slightly, "Our empress has always been kind-hearted, and it's the worst thing that someone's wish can't be fulfilled. Since there is a relationship, is Wanrong willing to accept this dish?"

"You are not afraid that I will tell the emperor?!" Su Diya raised her voice.

It seemed that she was not afraid, but in fact, the trembling voice and the tight handkerchief had already betrayed her.

"What does Wanrong want to tell the emperor? The servant didn't say anything, or maybe, Wanrong really used some unclean methods to enter the palace?" Qi Wen didn't rush.

Su Diya was scared and angry, staring at Qiwen's smiling face, wishing she could tear it apart.

But she didn't dare, his father died, and now that his elder brother is taking over the throne, she might wish that she would die too, so that others could be sent into the palace.

After a long time, Su Clan finally softened, lowered his eyes slightly, and said, "I accept your empress's kindness."

"That's right, don't worry Wanrong, as long as you are down-to-earth, the empress will not treat you badly."

Qiwen returned the gift and handed the food box to Baicao before leaving.

The master and the servant returned to the house, opened the box, and found that the upper layer was vegetables, and the lower layer contained five purses, all of which were silver, about 50 taels.

This is twice as much as her moon silver.

Su Diya was extremely humiliated, but she couldn't let it go, she still wanted to live.

(End of this chapter)

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