Chapter 119
"Didn't you just be sick for three or five days? Why can't you die?" The queen said lightly.

Sun Xiuyi had been favored before, and she also made things difficult for the queen. Now that she is going to die of illness, the queen will not care about her.

"The concubines in the palace are delicate and expensive. Now she has fallen out of favor, and the people around her are not very dedicated to serving them. In this scorching summer, there is not even enough ice. She is so hot that she is sweating and can't move. The sores are growing badly." Ding Momo said.

The queen sneered, "She thought she was unaware of the things Xia did, but something happened when Xia gave birth, and the emperor's heir was gone. The emperor will definitely investigate thoroughly. Isn't this just an accident?"

"That's right, if Mrs. Sun wasn't greedy and wanted to leave the mother and keep the child, how could anyone have the opportunity to do this." Nanny Ding also sneered.

Although he didn't know who the person who poisoned Xia Wanrong was, but this person must have seen that Xia's fetus was too big and would eventually be difficult to deliver. In this birth, either the mother and child would die, or the emperor's heir would die.

But as long as the emperor's heir is gone, the emperor will be furious, under investigation, how could Sun Xiuyi escape.

"The imperial physician has not yet developed a prescription for the plague. If he is going to die of illness, what can I do?" The queen pursed her lips.

This meant not to be ignored, Nanny Ding understood, and immediately went down to pass on the message.

But there was more than one place staring at Han Luxuan. In Yunqi Pavilion, Xia Wanrong also stared at it from time to time.

"Right now in the palace, people are not allowed to walk around at will. The people below are lazy and tired. Only the two big girls, Yichun and Danruo, are still dedicated. But they serve Sun Xiuyi closely, so they can't leave the house. Everything has to be delivered by slaves outside. If not, it will be confiscated."

Forsythia rubbed Xia's shoulders while talking carefully.

People who are sick can't sleep well, can't eat well, can't use it well, and they feel depressed when their treatment plummets. Coupled with this disease, how can they live well.

Xia Wanrong raised her chin slightly, her eyes darkened, "It's so easy to want to die? I've suffered more than that."

"What does Wan Rong mean?" Lian Qiao narrowed her eyes slightly, almost thinking about it in her heart.

"Heh, didn't she think she was beautiful and danced in the past? If she wanted to survive, she didn't need these things, don't you think so?" A sneer appeared on Xia Wanrong's lips. Serve her carefully, let her last a little longer, and give me all the medicine that is too hospital!"

Forsythia nodded, and immediately went to do it herself.

A lot of money was secretly used, and Han Luxuan's food returned to what it should have been on that day.

Not only that, everything that should be included in the case, even the medicine prescribed by the imperial physician, arrived in time.

Sun Xiuyi was sick and drowsy, she only felt much better, and didn't think about it deeply, but Dan Ruo and Yichun only thought that something happened to Ming Jieyu, and the queen didn't dare to let another one die in the harem, so they took care of her a little.

Although the prescription for the plague has not yet fully responded to the symptoms, it can still be treated six to seven points. With meticulous care, Sun Xiuyi's condition did not deteriorate further for a while.

It can be regarded as saving his life for the time being.

Xia Wanrong wanted to save Sun Shi's life, she couldn't let Sun Shi die like this, she wanted Sun Shi to survive and torture him slowly.

She wants to get everything back for the child who was lost in vain!
Not many people really care about Sun's life, but Ye Yun's life is still very precious.

The two eunuchs guarding the Jin family sobered up, and when they heard that the Jin family had gone out to assassinate Ming Jieyu, they were immediately paralyzed from fright.

There was no torture at all, they recruited them all at once.

That night, the two of them came to replace the two nuns who were guarding the gate during the day, and went down to rest. They found two jars of wine in the corner, and they drank them. I don't know.

And on this day, the little maid who went to Yuxiu Pavilion to spread the message was found.

But what was found was a corpse. It was found in a remote lake in the palace. It was obvious that he had been dead for some time and had already floated on the river.

But looking at the height of the clothes, it is indeed this person.

At this point, it is obvious that nothing can be found out.

Ye Yun came forward again and took the initiative to express that he did not want to bother the emperor who was busy in the previous dynasty for his own private affairs, so this matter was left alone.

The Jin family and a group of slaves were all given to death.

After five or six days, good news finally came from the previous court. Some of the sick people in the suburbs of Beijing, some young and strong men and women, were getting better.

As of now, the plague has erupted for more than a month, and many people have died after all.

Fortunately, this time the disease was caused by the flood, and other state capitals were not affected. It was just that people were infected in the suburbs of Beijing and the edge of Bianzhou, which is the closest to Kyoto.

When the news spread to the harem, Yao Xiang secretly sent someone to look for Shen Pingzhi again.

But this time, the people she sent couldn't see Shen Pingzhi.

"Your Majesty valued him so much, but he didn't appreciate it at all, and he didn't see any slaves!" Qi Wen was angrily.

Yao Xiang frowned, and waved his hands irritably, "Forget it, now he is in charge of Ming Jieyu's injuries, since he refuses to cooperate with me, then there is no need to go again, and it will save too much interaction, let others seize the opportunity to make a fuss. "

After all, she forgot about this matter, and it was too late to act. If she went to find Shen Pingzhi again and again, it would be too deliberate, and it would inevitably arouse suspicion from others.

At that time, Shen Pingzhi was asking Ye Yun for pulse in Yuxiu Pavilion.

Naturally, he also told about the fact that Fang Xiuyi sent someone to look for him again today.

"This matter is really strange, why does she feel vaguely that she seems to be sure that you, Imperial Physician Shen, can develop a plague prescription." Huiyue muttered.

Shen Pingzhi smiled, "Miss, this is just a joke. How could Fang Xiuyi know about things that even the minister can't be sure of? I'm afraid he knew about the minister's family background, and thought that the minister's family has practiced medicine for generations, so he must be able to do something. What, in fact, Chen's father and grandfather have indeed made progress in researching the prescription these days."

"If you can really develop a prescription, you will do a good deed for the people of the world." Ye Yun smiled, but there was a different kind of emotion hidden in his eyes, "Today the emperor said that he would come for dinner, Huiyue you Tell someone to prepare it earlier, if Imperial Physician Shen is fine, go back first."

Shen Pingzhi cupped his hands, "The humble minister will retire."

After he left, Huiyue was also sent out, Ye Yun got up, went to the table alone and poured a cup of herbal tea with her uninjured right hand.

After taking a sip, he calmed down a bit.

That seemingly unintentional sentence just now made Ye Yun's heart full of turmoil.

Although she is already an extremely rare accident, since there is one of her, will there be a second one?

It's just that right now, it can only be regarded as speculation, after all, there is no real evidence.

And on the bright side, she didn't find out what Yao Shi had done, but once she had a guess, it was better to keep an eye on it.

(End of this chapter)

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