Chapter 126
"What news?" Ye Yun narrowed his eyes.

Lu He lowered her voice, "This servant has a sister from the same township who works in the Clothes Bureau. She said that Mrs. Yimei has never sent clothes soiled by menstruation these days, so this servant kept an eye out and went to the dining room to inquire about it. One or two, it is also said that Yimeiren's meals are very delicate recently, and they don't want anything raw, cold or spicy. Last year's favorite crab, I haven't ordered it once this year."

"Could it be?" Ye Yun immediately realized.

"The servants don't dare to say for sure, but looking at it like this, it seems." Lu He said.

There was a miscarriage last year, and this year again, Wu's body is really easy to conceive.

Ye Yun raised her eyebrows slightly, "Don't say anything about it beforehand, just go and inquire carefully, if it is true, then I will be happy."

"Jieyu, she is a beauty now. If she is pregnant, she will definitely be promoted. Wouldn't she overwhelm you when she has a baby? You are still happy!" Nan Zhi stamped her feet anxiously.

Ye Yun smiled indifferently, "Why am I upset, this is here to act as a shield for me."

"Don't just look at her overpowering me right now. Even if she has a child and is promoted to the concubine, but the days are still long, and there will be fights. Why should I be in a hurry to win a moment?"

"Recently, I have been in the limelight too much, and I don't know how many people hated me. If this beauty Ziyi is really pregnant, a beauty who is favored, has a good family background and is pregnant, oh no, it may be Jieyu. Put it on your head, but it can attract a lot of firepower for me."

When the words were explained so clearly, the two girls also understood, but they still felt uncomfortable.

Everyone else is pregnant, but my master is still taking the pill and refuses to have an heir, which is really worrying.

But it's enough not to say it out, after all, both girls understand that Ye Yun is a very independent person, and she won't change her mind easily when she has made up her mind.

Right now, it should indeed not be the time to give birth.

This day, Jiuchen Palace didn't ask anyone to go, and Ning Chen didn't enter the harem, so there was no disturbance.

Ye Yun got up the next day with a sad face.

"Why is Jieyu unhappy all morning?" Nan Zhi asked carefully while helping her get dressed.

Ye Yun rubbed her temples, her tone was very helpless, "I didn't go to pay my respects yesterday, and I went to bed the day before yesterday, they didn't catch me yesterday, now I have a chance, so don't run on me to death."

Although I am not afraid, but it is always annoying.

Who wants to quarrel every day.

Huiyue came in with her clothes in her arms, and she laughed when she heard this, "Didn't Jieyu say before going to bed last night that she was going to fight all the Confucians with her tongue, and she's wilted when she wakes up today?"

"Well, it's not time for anyone not to want to go to work." Ye Yun hummed.

"Go to work?" Eyue wondered.

Ye Yun didn't know how to explain, so he slapped haha, "I just don't want to quarrel. Dress me up today, so don't be bullied just by looking at me."

"Okay, okay, let's wear a double-knife bun, and then wear that set of gilded peacock head, it will be the most heroic and generous." Nan Zhi said with a smile.

The two maids came over together, and the effort was not in vain. Today's outfit is indeed full of momentum.

There is only one shortcoming, gilt jewelry is really heavy.

Arriving at Fengqi Palace, not long after sitting down, several high-ranking officials came.

As soon as Concubine Shu came in, her eyes spit fire when she saw Ye Yun, but the maid beside her pulled her sleeves and she endured without opening her mouth.

Ever since the Eldest Princess fell ill, the emperor has never been to Changchun Palace, he always sent people to see the child, and took the child to Jiuchen Palace for a while, but he never saw her.

So concubine Shu has no confidence, even if she is angry in her heart, she dare not speak to Ye Yun who is gaining power.

But she dare not, but there are others who dare.

As soon as Concubine Wen De arrived, her eyes fell on Ye Yun.

Looking at her shuiyun brocade clothes, I feel very uncomfortable.

Shuiyun brocade is precious, she had to live with it when she was in the residence, and ordered someone to make a smock, which is still in use today. After entering the palace, she won the concubine position and can afford these things seriously.

But Ye Yun's body today is all made of Shuiyun brocade, and even the fan in his hand is made of moonlight gauze, and there is no part that is not expensive.

This material was not rewarded by Ning Chen, it was sent in by the Chu family, Concubine Wen De knew it in her heart, but she was still jealous.

She didn't care about her family background before, but now she cares faintly.

Isn't it because of her weak family background that she can't afford these things, and Ye Yun is only a mere Jieyu, so she doesn't lack anything. This confidence is not given by the emperor, but by her natal family.

"Ming Jieyu's attire is pretty good. After all, she has the emperor's favor. She didn't even come to ask for peace yesterday. She is usually very eloquent and would push others away. Why isn't she afraid of falling into the wrong mouth?"

When Concubine Wen De made such a sound, everyone's eyes suddenly gathered.

Without him, Concubine Wen De would never be too embarrassing for others.

Ye Yun should be one of the few to be named.

But it's not surprising when you think about it, even though Concubine Wen De gave birth to the eldest prince, her favor is no longer the way she used to suppress everyone in the harem.

"The concubine has received the emperor's grace to spare her a day's greetings. She didn't not come on purpose, and she didn't do it on purpose, so why should she be afraid to say it?" Ye Yun got up and said calmly.

Concubine Wen De snorted coldly, "The emperor's grace is grace. If you have respect for the central palace, you will come to pay your respects no matter what. The emperor can stop you. This palace looks at you, you are spoiled by pampering!"

"If you want to say that you are spoiled and give birth to a concubine, you absolutely dare not agree. Your empress gave birth to the eldest prince and you are in the position of concubine, you are the emperor's favorite."

Ye Yun frowned slightly, but knowing that it was not easy to face Concubine Wen De head-on now, she quickly lowered her head, showing a respectful look that did not want to fight.

Concubine Wen De punched the cotton, although the fire in her heart didn't come out completely, but she still had reason, and she didn't want to condescend to argue with the concubine, seeing Ye Yun bowed her head, she didn't feel embarrassed anymore.

Everyone thought they would see how the new favorites and the old ones clashed, but they didn't think about it, and they really made a fuss, but they were disappointed.

It's just that this still can't extinguish everyone's desire to make trouble.

The queen smiled as soon as she came out, "Seeing that there are many caring people around the emperor, I am relieved. These years, only Concubine Wen De has been serving me, and I am always afraid that she will be tired. Now Fang Xiuyi, It is also a good thing that Ming Jieyu and Yimei can share some of the burden, the eldest prince is weak, and Concubine Wen De can put more energy on the child."

"That's natural. The empress doesn't often accompany her, so I and all the sisters should also bear the burden. Taking care of the children is indeed a laborious effort. When the empress gives birth to an heir, you will understand how it feels."

Concubine Wen De was not a fool, she would not fail to hear the provocation in the queen's words, so she pushed back indifferently.

After all, he has been favored for so many years, and it's not that he has no temper at all.

When mentioning the heirs, the queen's eyes really darkened a bit, which really poked her sore spot.

But it's still stable.

It's just that he didn't show it on the surface at the time, but after he said some gossips, he dismissed everyone early, which shows that he still has anger in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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