Chapter 130
The banquet was over, and Ye Yun ordered someone to go to the dining room for food as usual.

There is nothing bad to do, just a bowl of chicken noodles and a little sesame cake.

The dining room specially sent someone to deliver it, and it also served four refreshing side dishes, which can be described as hard work.

"Jieyu, don't eat too much, go to bed after eating, and be careful of food accumulation." Huiyue said carefully.

Ye Yun nodded, "I only ate [-]% full. I was uncomfortable at the banquet, so I only drank some fruit wine."

Nan Zhi was making her bed, and now she came out to talk about something.

"My servant is not feeling well today. I went to get some medicine from the Tai Hospital. Dan Ruo, who was next to Sun Xiuyi, also went there. She said she wanted to get some ointment for removing scars, but the Tai Hospital didn't give it to you, but that girl was very angry."

"Sun Xiuyi?" Ye Yun paused, "It's been a while since I saw her. The plague didn't kill her, but it left a scar on her face. This is worse than death."

For a woman in the palace, appearance is very important.

But Ye Yun just sighed, but he didn't feel sympathetic at all.

After all, what the Sun family did to Xia Meiren, the palace knew it well and didn't say it.

To put it bluntly, Mrs. Sun is not a good person, so this appointment is retribution.

"We don't have to sympathize with her, she made things difficult for Jieyu a lot at that time, she deserved it!" Huiyue said.

It was rare for her to be so good-tempered and resentful.

Ye Yun smiled, "It's none of your business to hang on to yourself, anyway, I just want to live comfortably, prepare water to take a bath, I'm sleepy too."

"Yes, servant girl is going right now." Huiyue responded and went down to make arrangements with a smile.

Ye Yun is hanging up high, but there are always people thinking about it.

In Wei Rui Xuan, Yao Xiang had a sullen face after returning from the banquet.

What the emperor is talking about today is something that has never happened in the previous life, let alone the connection between the Chu family and the royal family, and the Zhou family, which has never been favored in the previous life, so there is no such thing as a Mid-Autumn Festival promotion.

She originally thought that Mrs. Ye could only affect the changes in the harem, but she didn't expect that the government had also changed.

This has exceeded her expectations.

"There's nothing to eat at Xiuyi's banquet, do you want some hot food from the dining room?" Qi Wen whispered.

Seeing that Yao Xiang was in a bad mood, he didn't dare to disturb him.

"What to eat, Mrs. Ye is so powerful now, how can I eat it!" Yao Xiang scolded irritably.

Qiwen was frightened, and quickly lowered her head, "Xiuyi calm down, this servant is stupid, it's annoying Xiuyi, but this servant feels that Ming Jieyu is not pregnant, so Yi Jieyu is more threatening."

"What do you know, Mrs. Ye can ask the emperor to promote Mrs. Zhou with a casual sentence, but what is her status, she is just a Jieyu, she can ask the emperor to give her this face."

"Now that the Chu family is gaining power, the emperor is short of people. Don't you ask the Chu family and the Ye family to pick up ready-made ones? You see that the emperor goes to the Wu family a lot, but he actually cares more about the Ye family!"

After all, he has been with her for the rest of her life. Yao Xiang is very clear about Ning Chen's feelings for Yi Jieyu.

It is entirely because the Wu family has to use it that the Wu family is favored.

But now Ning Chen looks at Ye Yun differently.

What's more, the Chu family probably won the favor of the royal family because of the granddaughter Ye Yun. There is no comparison between being favored because of the family and being promoted because of you being favored by the family.

"Then according to Xiuyi's intention, Ming Jieyu might not be able to stay." Zizhu pursed her lips.

But when it comes to this Yao Xiang is even more upset.

"I didn't want to keep her for a long time, but after so long, she has been allowed to live well and be favored by the promotion. One or two of you only know to listen to my arrangements all day long, so you can't use your brains to think of ideas for me?"

Ever since she became murderous, there have been few people secretly arranged. The two assassinations failed to kill Mrs. Ye. It's rare that God wanted to protect her.

But even if God wants to protect her, she will not be soft!

"Xiu Yi, the servant has a way, but it's more risky." Qi Wen thought over and over again, and opened her mouth cautiously.

Yao Xiang's eyelids moved, and he beckoned her to come forward and whisper.

After hearing this, he frowned, "But the second time you do it, it will inevitably leave traces. If you can't do things with absolute certainty, if you use the same method twice, it will be easy for people to find out the flaw."

"But as long as we arrange things properly, won't the last incident fall on her? Two times in a row, even if the emperor wants to keep her, he will be unable to do so." Qi Wen said earnestly.

Zizhu also stepped forward at this moment, "This servant is stupid, although I don't know why Xiuyi attaches so much importance to Ming Jieyu, but as long as Xiuyi can sit back and relax, this servant will do her best to remove this stumbling block for Xiuyi, and this matter will be handed over to you." Let the servants do it, Xiuyi just pretends that he doesn’t know anything, if it works, everyone will be happy there, if there is a mistake, Xiuyi didn’t touch it, just push the servants out to resist.”

"But you are my dowry, we grew up together, how can I give up, let me think about this method again!" Yao Xiang frowned.

She has always been cautious because she suffered a lot from repeating the old tricks in her previous life, and she really doesn't want to do it again in this life.

What's more, for Qiwen Zizhu in front of him, their master and servant have only been in love for more than ten years, but for Yao Xiang, they have been together for decades.

Yao Xiang is cold-blooded, but he is also very affectionate to the people around him, otherwise these two girls would not be so loyal.

"Girl!" Zizhu shouted, "If you don't do anything now, do you have to wait for Ye's mother to gain power and conceive a child before doing it? The longer the emperor spends with her, the deeper the friendship will be. Now the method used can still control her." , As time goes by, there will be more variables.”

Qiwen also stood over together, and the two girls stood in front of her with firm eyes.

The call of a girl made Yao Xiang's heart loose, and it made Yao Xiang think of her family, of the glory and wealth of the Yao family, and of how much she had paid for this glory in her previous life.

In this life, if she came back again, she could take advantage of this advantage to avoid many detours, but if she changed because of Ye Yun's exception, how could she be reconciled?
Thinking of this, Yao Xiang squeezed the veil tightly, and after a long time, finally nodded.

Since it is risky, it is impossible to ask only two maids to do it. It is still necessary to make careful arrangements and try to be safe.

Others don't know about her thoughts, even Ye Yun doesn't know at all.

What's more, Ye Yun's mind is not in the palace now, she is thinking about sending a letter to the Chu family outside the palace.

Now that the Chu family has become an imperial merchant, and their business has grown, they can no longer stick to the same old things. There must be something new.

When it comes to becoming new, she has a great advantage, and she can definitely help.

Of course, it wasn't for nothing to help. She used her brains and asked the Chu family to do it. If she made money, she could get one or two.

Although she is not short of money, but all of them are subsidized by her family. If there is any accident and the source is cut off, she will not be able to support it. Only by making money by herself, and holding the money she earns, can she feel more at ease.

There is never too much of such a thing as silver.

Now that she is favored, she will spend a lot of money. If she falls out of favor, there will be more places to spend money.

(End of this chapter)

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