Chapter 133
"Your Majesty and Jieyu are resting, it's raining and windy outside, so the slaves come in and close the windows." Nan Zhi said with a blessing.

Ning Chen waved his hand, "It's okay, what time is it?"

"Back to the emperor, it's already half past time."

"Well, don't sleep anymore."

After saying that, he sat up and looked at the people beside him, and saw that those winking eyes were half opened.

Nan Zhi called Hui Yue in, and the two waited for the masters to get up together.

"There's no need to coil your hair, just braid it into a whip for me and tie it with a ribbon."

Sitting in front of the dressing table, Ye Yun felt a headache when she looked at the boxes of jewelry.

Huiyue wanted to say that the emperor was still there, would it be too undignified, but she didn't say anything in the end, and just made it up.

Of course, it's not completely plain, but I still put two or three velvet flowers on the braids, which are plain and playful and cute.

The clothes were also changed to a goose yellow mist skirt, which was light and elegant.

Dressing up like this makes her look a few years younger and more tender.

Ning Chen took a few glances at her, then asked in a strange way, "When is Qingqing's birthday?"

"October eighteenth." Ye Yun said casually, then tilted his head again, "Why does the emperor ask this?"

"It's nothing, I remember that you entered the palace at the age of 16, so you will be almost eighteen this year." Ning Chen said.

Ye Yun rolled her eyes in her heart, if she was placed in future generations, she would still be considered a little girl.

"The emperor asked about the concubine's birthday. Could it be that he wants to prepare a birthday gift for the concubine this year? If it is true, the emperor must be careful. The concubine is not so easy to dismiss."

"Isn't it okay to give you a dog?"

"Then the emperor should wait until the concubine's birthday to deliver it, but it's not yet time, so it doesn't count."

The girl raised her eyebrows slightly, and lifted her jaw a little, quite playfully.

Ning Chen laughed, and couldn't help pinching her nose, "I'm very rich!"

"Hmph, the emperor's private inventory is rich, why don't you allow your concubines to grab a piece of it?" The little goblin objected.

"That's all, I can't talk to you, it seems I'm stingy, and then I'll have you!" Ning Chen was extremely helpless.

Ye Yun laughed when she was satisfied, and didn't talk to him about it anymore, but asked someone to bring the puppy to play with.

The two sat on the couch beside the bed and drank tea. Bai Shu brought the dog, and Ye Yun put the dog on the couch directly.

A white and tender ball, very cute.

The dog looked only two months old, and was not afraid of people at all, with its little tail flying up and down.

Ning Chen actually prefers cats that are quieter than cats, but he has never raised them before, and now his hands are itchy.

"Give me a name, how about this snow-white one called Taxue?"

"Not good." Ye Yun shook his head, and looked at him with a smile, "It's called rice cake, it's white and soft, how appropriate, the one before my concubine was called glutinous rice, glutinous rice rice cake, it's easy to say."

"It's all for food, that's all, it's up to you."

Someone really doesn't understand, treading snow sounds so good, so artistic, rice cake
Ye Yun just ignored it and had a great time playing with the little rice cake.

This afternoon couldn't just be so deserted, the rain outside was a little less, so Ning Chen asked Yuan Jiu to send someone to Jiuchen Palace to bring the papers over for review.

Naturally, Ye Yun did the job of serving the pen and ink.

Speaking of which, this is the most satisfying thing she has done so far. The other concubines are always very reserved.

Originally, adding fragrance to the red sleeves was a beautiful thing, but it was rare for Ning Chen to feel comfortable, so he gradually stopped asking people to serve the pen and ink.

After all the calculations, Ye Yun was called the most times.

However, it didn't take long for the harmony to be like this, when Ji Shun, the eunuch in charge of the Palace of Compassionate Ning, came, with a very bad expression on his face.

Yuan Jiu didn't stop him, and told him to come in and pass on a message.

"What's the matter, you're so anxious." Ning Chen frowned.

Glancing at the servant in front of him, he saw that the soles of the shoes and the corners of his clothes were splashed with mud, which showed that he was in a hurry.

"The slave is disrespectful, the emperor forgives the sin." Ji Shun hurriedly knelt down, "The empress dowager fell down, the imperial doctor has already gone to see it, it seems that the bone is broken, so the slave came to invite the emperor."

"What?" Ning Chen stood up abruptly, and his eyes sank immediately, "How did you serve me, why did you fall down when you were so good!"

With a bitter face, Jishun explained the cause and effect.

It turned out that the queen mother felt stuffy in the house after it rained, so she went to the porch to breathe. Because of the wind outside, when Fuzhi entered the house to get a shawl, the queen mother went down the steps by herself and wanted to walk in the courtyard. When there is water on it, it slips and falls.

The empress dowager has been raised for the rest of her life, but if she falls like this, she will be so painful that she can't move.

"It's important to see the empress dowager, the emperor don't rush to ask." Ye Yun stood up neatly.

He took a hairpin from the dressing table and twisted the braid into a single bun, and walked out looking at the appearance.

Ning Chen followed with a dark face.

He had a bad relationship with the Queen Mother and his son, but Ning Chen still longed for the affection between mother and son. When the Queen Mother fell, he was also worried.

In this short period of time, everyone in the harem got news.

When Ning Chen and Ye Yun came, the queen who lived closer was already inside, and some other concubines were also there.

"Where is the imperial physician and how is the situation?" Ning Chen strode to the inner room.

The queen hurriedly stopped her, "The queen mother broke the calf bone of her right leg. The imperial doctor is fixing the bone. Your majesty should wait outside for a while."

Ning Chen frowned, did he not go in and sat down outside.

Not long after, Concubine Taigui, Concubine De and some other concubines who deserved the name all arrived.

"Your Majesty, Empress, what's going on? So many servants followed, why did they fall down!"

Before the imperial concubine approached, a voice full of concern came in first.

When everyone looked over, they saw that her eyes were flushed, tears were faintly visible, and she looked anxious.

Ning Chen felt restless at the moment, he didn't want to see them acting, so he pursed his lips and said nothing.

It was the empress who said, "Don't worry, the concubine, it's because the servants were careless, but the imperial physician is doing his best to treat her, so there must be no serious problems. Come here and serve tea to the concubine."

The imperial concubine was just acting, anyway, she put it away when she felt like it, and sat down to wait.

Not long after, I heard a few muffled groans coming from the room, presumably the pain was unbearable even after biting on the cork.

After about a stick of incense, Zhang Yuanpan and Shen Pingzhi came out of the inner room with sweat dripping from their foreheads.

Shen Pingzhi is now Zhang Yuanpan's apprentice, standing behind Zhang Yuanpan with a medicine box in his hand.

"Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager's bones have been joined together, and she fell a bit hard. I'm afraid she won't be able to get off the ground for two or three months, and she will have to rest on a couch. The other scratches are not serious. I have already written a prescription, and the ointment is also available. It has been bred and carefully raised, and there should be no hidden dangers." Zhang Yuan judged truthfully.

Ning Chen's complexion improved a little bit. After all, he was afraid that the Queen Mother would be unwell, so now he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What should be paid attention to in terms of diet, Zhang Yuanpian will tell the mother Fu, and I will go in to see the queen mother."

"Your Majesty, the empress dowager is in unbearable pain. She is falling asleep now. The emperor should go back to Jiuchen Palace first. As soon as the empress dowager wakes up, the slaves will send someone to inform the emperor." Fuzhi stopped her.

Ning Chen paused, looked inside, but couldn't see anything, so he nodded.

"Then I'll come back later, you're all gone too."

(End of this chapter)

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