Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 147 The Screen

Chapter 147 The Screen
When it was time for lunch, looking at the table of his favorite dishes, Chu's eyes were sore.

The daughter is sensible and considerate, so the more distressed she is.

In the middle, Ning Chen specially rewarded two dishes to show his favor.

It also made the Chu family feel at ease, after all, her daughter was still favored.

But Yuxiu Pavilion was happy, but watching from the side was red-eyed and tooth-sore.

Concubine Wen De was so angry that she smashed a tea set.

I just thought that I didn't ask my family to come in to accompany me on my birthday, how could Ye Yun, Jieyu, be qualified.

Of course, she wouldn't think of how far her family was from Kyoto at this moment.

Once people get to the tip of their horns, they will only get deeper and deeper.

But these will not affect Ye Yun's mood at all. The family had a good lunch before sending him away reluctantly.

After all, she is a concubine of the Son of Heaven, her status is no different than before, and she cannot go beyond the rules and send her away too far, so she sent Huiyue and Bai Shu to send her natal family and the things they had prepared for her.

When the two came back, I handed her two envelopes, one thick and one thinner.

"Jieyu, Madam and Madam Biao sent this to their servants." Huiyue said softly.

Ye Yun was taken aback for a moment, and she knew it in her heart.

When I opened it, I found that there were 100 taels of silver bills stuffed inside, one stuffed with ten bills, and the other stuffed with five bills.

The Chu family gave the most, but Ye Yun did not expect that the Jiang family also gave 500 taels.

The young couple are now living alone, although they are rich and not short of money, but after all, they are not as good as when they were in Bianzhou before, and they gave her money.

No matter what, Ye Yun was moved in his heart.

"It's your birthday today, why is it so quiet in the house?"

Footsteps came from behind, and when he turned around, he saw a man in a royal blue robe walking in.

Ye Yun stood up and saluted, "My concubine greets the emperor."

"Get up." Ning Chen grabbed the catkin and helped him up, but frowned again, "It's fine, why is Qingqing crying?"

The girl's eyes were flushed, and her pupils were shining brightly, looking at me with pity.

"It's just that I can't bear to part with my mother for a while, but when the emperor comes, the concubine will not be sad." Ye Yun sniffed.

Ning Chen stared at her twice, without saying anything, he pulled her into his arms, told her to lean on his chest, and hugged her like this for a while.

It has to be said that it is also useful, but Ye Yun feels a little embarrassed when he calms down.

"Didn't the emperor say to come back at night? Why did you come at this time, the concubine has not changed her clothes yet, and she just had a meal, and she smells of oil all over her body."

"I miss you okay?"

When Ning Chen said this, his ear tips were red, obviously unfamiliar, but he did not let go of Ye Yun's hand.

"The concubine naturally wants it, but now I have to change clothes, the emperor is pulling the concubine like this." Ye Yun looked down at the hands of the two, then at the man in front of him, and smiled slyly, "Could it be that we want to go together?"

"Ahem. Hurry up, I'll be waiting for you outside." Ning Chen hurriedly let go, turning his face away unnaturally.

Ye Yun glanced at him with a smile before entering the inner room.

When I saw my mother just now, I was always afraid that my mother would feel that I was not doing well, so I chose gorgeous clothes and jewelry to wear. It looks good, but it is heavy.

It's all real money.

It's better not to torture myself now, I just picked a purple vine uniform and changed into it.

When he came out, he saw Ning Chen was drinking tea, and the rice cake was lying at his feet.

Outside, Yuan Jiu directed several young eunuchs to move things inside.

It's just covered with red silk, so I don't know what's inside.

Hearing her footsteps, Ning Chen looked over unconsciously, and his eyes stopped on the girl's slender waist.

It's mid-October now, and the clothes are thicker, but they still can't hide the girl's beautiful figure. It seems that she is more exquisite and beautiful than before.

What about thinking of something, Ning Chen's face turned reddish, he drank two sips of tea and suppressed it before putting down the cup.

"Come and see the birthday gift I gave you."

"What is so mysterious and needs to be covered up?" Ye Yun was also curious, and sat down next to him.

After Yuan Jiu ordered the people to put the things in place, he lifted the red silk, and immediately everyone present was amazed.

This is a four-season screen with hundreds of flowers. The frame is carved from yellow pear wood. Pineapple wood is precious and known for its strength and durability, but this pear wood frame is carved with cloud patterns and hollowed out. The craftsmanship is very rare.

The shelf is so precious, not to mention the main screen, which is made of plain brocade.

As the name suggests, Liuguang brocade is like light flowing on it.

Although the plain colored streamer brocade does not need to be precious in color, it has the effect of showing different luster with different light, which makes this screen have different beauty when viewed from different angles.

The four seasons and hundreds of flowers picture is embroidered with flowers of different seasons in spring, summer, autumn and winter, but it is not a single kind, but a variety of flowers of the same season are embroidered together.

"This screen was specially ordered by the emperor to make it. The embroiderer from the south of the Yangtze River was invited, and it looks like the emperor drew it himself. Not only that, Jieyu has a different look."

Yuan Jiu smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

Ye Yun looked at Ning Chen, and he gestured to look over with his chin.

Going around full of doubts, I was even more amazed.

"This is double-sided embroidery!"

"That's right!" Yuan Jiu smiled like a flower, "The one on the back is a map of the four seasons."

Double-sided embroidery is difficult to embroider, and small things are fine. Double-sided embroidery on such a large object as a screen is really exquisite.

This screen is definitely worth a thousand gold.

Giving such a precious thing as a birthday gift to her obviously valued her, so Ye Yun naturally liked it.

Immediately ordered people to take down the old screen and put this one on.

"I see that you like painting flowers and plants, so you made this screen." Ning Chen laughed.

It is very useful for the action that the concubine uses on the spot.

I gave it to you just to ask you to use it, and it would be meaningless if I put it away.

In the past, he also gave things to other concubines, but most of them liked to keep them and didn't dare to take them out for fear of damaging the imperial gifts. As time passed, he didn't want to reward them anymore.

Ye Yun twisted her waist and stuffed herself into the arms of the young emperor.

"The emperor gave such a good thing to his concubine, others would be jealous, and turned around to make everyone unhappy and bully his concubine, the emperor must protect his concubine."

"With your temper, who else can bully you?" Ning Chen wrapped his arms around the girl's slender waist.

She said that those who are favored in the harem are not favored, which woman has never faced her head-on?

It is said that Yi Jieyu doesn't eat fish until now, it's because this woman was frightened back then.

"Tsk, a concubine is a weak woman, how can she be as powerful as the emperor said, anyway, the emperor has to agree to protect the concubine!"

Ye Xiaoxie's coquettish behavior is also unstoppable. ,

At this moment, the servants in the room bowed their heads and retreated in a hurry.

Ning Chen made her feel embarrassed, on the one hand he was still not used to this woman's boldness, but on the other hand he was very pleased with it.

In the end, of course, I should.

And at this time, the person from Weiruixuan came outside, and it was Qiwen, the palace maid next to Fang Xiuyi, who came to give gifts.

(End of this chapter)

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