Chapter 154

If you say that in the past, Ye Yun would take some effort to give a good one.

Now the relationship with Concubine Wen De doesn't want to spend this money.

So he ordered, "You don't need to give away any food and clothing. It is best to give something that the First Prince will not need for a while, or for a lifetime, as long as it looks good."

"Your maidservant understands, it's just that it's not easy to choose the ones with hands and feet." Nan Zhi chuckled, "There is a high-quality cowhide bow in Jieyu's warehouse. It was given by Master Biao before. The preciousness is enough, and the meaning is also good, what do you think of Jieyu?"

Bows and arrows are really good gifts for boys.

Moreover, there is no eldest prince who is not in his teens, which is just right.

The first emperor loved to fight, and when Ning Chen was the prince, he had the atmosphere of being proud of his martial arts.

It's just that the late emperor is gone, and there has been no war recently, which made the generals a little darker.

But now men still talk about the six arts of a gentleman after all, riding and shooting are indispensable, so there is nothing wrong with giving gifts like this.

So he nodded, and it was settled.

After a busy day, Ye Yun slept very soundly.

When I woke up the next day, I heard the little girls outside the house chatting about the snow scene.

Hearing the movement in the back room, Eyue came in to serve her.

"Is it snowing heavily outside? Listening to them playing, I don't feel cold in this room." Ye Yun got up.

There are two charcoal basins in the inner room, both of which are burnt with high-quality silver silk charcoal.

One can be burned overnight without any smoke, and it is warm and tight.

Of course, this is not something that Jieyu can have, but Ye Yun is favored, and if she is favored, she can have it.

What's more, she is willing to give up money, and when the money is in place, she can always buy it.

But there are not many, after all, the position is stuck here.

It's just that the second-class red Luo charcoal is used openly, and it is burned in the living room, and silver thread charcoal is used for sleeping at night.

"Jieyu slept soundly. She slept all night last night. It's been a while now, but it didn't stop. The red walls and white tiles in the palace, and the red plum blossoms in the corner flower garden are also in bloom. It's so beautiful."

After washing and washing, Huiyue put on layer after layer of thick clothes for her, and was going to tie a scarf.

Ye Yun hurriedly pressed her hand, "There's no need for this, the room is warm, so wear it when you go out."

The clothes on his body are all made of cotton, and the little jacket on the outside of the hood is even trimmed with fox fur, which is the warmest.

Huiyue just laughed, "Jieyu used to be the most afraid of the cold. Ladies should keep warm. There is no need for a scarf. These boots have to be worn. They are made of deerskin and are waterproof. They won't hurt you even if you step on the snow." Wet inside."

"I remember it was sent in by my elder brother last year?" Ye Yun looked at the exquisite pair of shoes, which were beautifully made and thick.

After thinking about it, he said, "I think my brother will go back to Beijing to report on his work. Didn't you appoint the girl of the Yin family? You prepare some things to send out of the palace, and send some to your mother, brother, grandparent's house, and aunt. Prepare a separate copy for the girl of the Yin family, and ask my brother to take it back to Lingzhou."

Eyue nodded, she had already prepared for these early in the morning.

Every year, some things are sent to the outside of the palace.

Although the Ye family and the Chu family are not lacking, the things built inside are different from the outside, and that is what can show their status.

Speaking of the past two years, the emperor has given his master a lot of things, and he has already piled up more than half of the rooms. If things go on like this, these few rooms may not be enough.

But after thinking about it, Ye Yun will become the ninth concubine after being promoted again, and if he can live alone in a pavilion, it will be much larger than the pavilion, and there will be plenty of room for it.

Now all the servants in Yuxiu Pavilion are very confident in Ye Yun, and they will go to higher places if they do.

This is the confidence that Ye Yun gave them.

While having breakfast, Bai Zhu came in, holding a box in his hand.

"Jieyu, this is from Jiuchen Palace."

"What is it, open it and have a look." Ye Yun took a look.

Bai Shu unlocked the lock and opened the box, inside was a box of gold ingots, very exquisitely made, one was a little bigger than a thumbnail.

Counting carefully, there are fifty in the upper and lower rows, one is two.

"That does look good."

Ye Yun was really interested, so he put down his chopsticks and picked them up to play with.

Xin said that it is very convenient to use it to reward people during the Chinese New Year.

Immediately with a big wave of his hand, "Nan Zhi took 100 taels of silver and sent it to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and asked everyone to make it like this. I will use it as a reward during the Chinese New Year."

The Ministry of Internal Affairs naturally likes to accept this kind of thing.

The best way to catch oil and water.

The gold was not only given to her, it was all in the harem.

Six boxes for the Empress, four boxes each for Concubine Shu and Concubine Wen De, three boxes for Concubine Jing, two boxes for everyone in the other concubines, and one each for Ye Jun, Yi Jieyu, Chen Meiren, Xia Meiren, and Yang Wanrong box.

There is nothing left.

Obviously, the people here are either high-ranking or favored, or they have a good family background or have given birth to children.

The gift of money is naturally for them to take care of their servants during the Chinese New Year.

These gold ingots are nothing to Ye Yun who is not short of money, but they are very useful to other people.

For example, Sun Xiurong, who is seriously ill, can rely on this to take medicine. Xia Meiren was born as a court lady, and she has no family background, but she is a bit petty, and she wants to reward a lot. This gold is very easy to solve the predicament.

Others who have not received rewards can only wait and see.

Ye Yun sent 50 taels of silver to Zhou Cairen, which means taking care of her.

On the other hand, the Sumerians living in Feihong Pavilion were once again in an embarrassing situation.

Yao Xiang was grounded and had no way to help her, and she had no pets, and when it was snowing, she couldn't even use Hongluo charcoal, so she could only use worse ones.

When the fire started, the house was smoky and smoky, which made the princess from the grassland very unbearable. In the end, he had no choice but to stop the fire altogether and wear more thick clothes.

Su Diya really regretted it now, regretting that she was greedy for a while, and hated Yao Xiang even more.

If it wasn't for Yao Xiang's plan for her, she might still be on the grassland at this moment, with the protection of her father and mother, there are so many good men on the grassland, who is not good to marry as a first wife?
But now that he has entered the palace, there is no way out.

Staring at the tea that was almost out of heat, Su Diya's eyes were extremely cold.

It's just that she is such an unfavorable concubine, she really won't attract anyone's attention, no one will care.

At the same time, a very intriguing thing happened in the harem.

The Empress Dowager called the emperor to the Palace of Compassion and Peace for dinner, and she called Chen Suzhi, the second daughter of the Chen family, to accompany her.

Unexpectedly, Ning Chen directly called Chen Meiren over for dinner, and the three Chen family women didn't know what it was like.

In the end, Ning Chen even ignored the meaning behind what the Empress Dowager said, and went directly to Fengqi Palace to rest.

This is an obvious slap in the face. The two daughters of your Chen family have not been favored, and the status of the queen has always been unshakable.

On the second day, Chen Meiren said she was sick and could not go out.

Now that she is clear-headed, she still knows how to be ashamed. In fact, she was also a victim of no reason. She was tricked by the queen mother for no reason, and Ning Chen dragged her to beat her face together.

But there are always those who are not sober, such as the Queen Mother.

I thought that after this incident, the old man would give up and send the second girl Chen out, but she didn't expect that she asked the second girl of the Chen family to go to Concubine Wen's palace for her when the First Prince held a birthday banquet a few days later.

 What made me write a chapter in the middle of the night, of course it is love~~~
  Let me guess how many little night cats haven't slept~
(End of this chapter)

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