Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 163 Disgusting People

Chapter 163 Disgusting People

"Ming Jieyu's earrings are rewarded by the emperor." The queen said suddenly.

Ye Yun tightened his mind, got up and replied, "Go back to your mother, this was sent by the emperor yesterday, and the concubine liked it, so she put it on."

"If the concubine is right, this earring seems to be the Empress Dowager's birthday. The Emperor painted a picture to celebrate her birthday. The Empress Dowager was so pleased that she specially gave it to the Emperor." Concubine Jing said with a smile.

She was the first group of people who followed Ning Chen and knew the most.

What she didn't say was that Ning Chen's birthday gift to the Queen Mother was a picture of the Queen Mother when she was young, and when the Queen Mother was admiring the earrings, the original words were like this.

"Chen'er has excellent painting skills, but Aijia is old, but it's not worth painting for you. If you meet a girl you like in the future, give her the earrings that Aijia gave you, and make a good pair for that girl." painting."

At that time, Ning Chen and Mrs. Xie had just been married for one year, so he must have thought that the earring would fall into her hands, but later Ning Chen put it away and no one gave it to her.

Suddenly seeing this earring appearing on Ye Yun's body today, it really makes people think about it.

After hearing Concubine Jing's words, Ye Yun frowned slightly.

When rewarding her, he didn't tell her what the earrings were for, but wearing them today caused trouble.

"The concubine didn't know that the earrings belonged to the Empress Dowager, but the concubine was not worthy of such a precious earring, so I took it."

Right now, she doesn't want to take the initiative to have any trouble with the queen.

Ning Chen will not abolish the empress easily, the position of empress cannot be easily shaken.

"Hey, what did Ming Jieyu say about whether you deserve it or not? Since the emperor gave it to you, you deserve it. Whether you wear it or not is up to the emperor's decision. The emperor loves you so don't be shy."

Lin Xiurong who was sitting next to him suddenly said this with a smile.

The queen narrowed her eyes, with a smile on her face.

"I just asked casually, but it made you nervous. What Lin Xiurong said is that since the emperor gave it to you, you can wear it."

"It's just that there is another sentence in this palace. It is your blessing that the emperor loves you, but you must also be sensible. The harem should be exposed to both rain and dew. You should also advise the emperor to often go to the concubines next to him."

What you said was disgusting, and Ye Yun's face turned cold immediately.

Wei Wei blesses her body, "Concubines speak lightly, the emperor is the Son of Heaven, how can he listen to the concubine's words, it is more appropriate for the empress to do the admonition."

"Who is so soft-spoken? I'm afraid it's Ming Jieyu who refuses. It's a serious crime to seduce the Lord." Concubine Wen De snorted coldly.

Ye Yun turned his head, glanced at her lightly, and said calmly, "The concubine will not dare to accept the hat that the concubine De concubine took down. If the concubine is willing to persuade and make the emperor obedient, the concubine will definitely talk to the emperor more when she sees the emperor in the future." Speaking of your empress's virtue, tell the emperor to go to Chuxiu Palace."

"Master Ye, you are bold!" Concubine Wen De yelled angrily, "Whether this palace sees the emperor or not, you can get your hands on it!"

"The concubine de concubine also knows that the concubine can't get in her way, so why bother to say that the concubine is unwilling to advise, isn't it contradictory."

Ye Yun raised his eyebrows, a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

Before she could open her mouth to refute, she turned to the main seat and said.

"The empress saw it. The concubines really don't have the ability to persuade the emperor. The empress de concubine is the first one who is not happy. Only the empress is qualified to do such a thing."

The queen gave her a deep look, but she really couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

But now it is still certain that Ye Yun did not mean to disrespect her.

So he waved his hand lightly, "Okay, sit down."

"I'm tired today, let's leave. Concubine Shu and Concubine Jing stay here. I have something to discuss with you."

Being pregnant, the queen was indeed lacking in energy, showing a bit of fatigue on her face.

After saluting, everyone left according to their positions.

Concubine Wen De's complexion was particularly ugly, and she flew away as soon as she left Fengqi Palace.

Ye Yun didn't sit still when she went back.

He had made an appointment with Nabuyao with Xia Meiren earlier, so he left together, and Zhou Cairen was also called.

The three of them were also considered harmonious, talking and laughing all the way.

Zhao Jieyu followed behind, looking at Ye Yun in the middle, feeling very uncomfortable.

It's also Jieyu, what is she wearing, and what is Ye Yun wearing?
Now that the Empress doesn't pay much attention to her, her life is even more difficult, seeing that the hairpin on Xia's head is better than her.

Relying on Ye Yun, Zhou made two more new clothes this year.

Comparing the two, her role as Jieyu is extremely poor.

Can't help but think of what Su Shi said today.

Su satirized that she was not as important as Yang's queen, and she would become an abandoned child sooner or later.

But why Yang is valued, isn't it because she gave birth to a child?
If that child can be raised by him, can he also take the opportunity to become a concubine?

The thoughts in her heart became more and more intense, and Zhao Jieyu only felt a fire in her chest.

On the other side, in Yuxiu Pavilion, Mrs. Zhou was drinking tea with Ye Yun.

Xia Meiren didn't keep it, just picked two Bu Yao and left.

Ye Yun also asked Zhou Cairen to choose two, and then chose two Buyao and some things suitable for children, and asked someone to send them to Wang Xiuyuan.

After all, Mrs. Wang is the first person to support her, and this relationship has to be maintained from time to time.

"What does sister mean by looking at Xia Meiren?" Zhou Cairen was puzzled.

According to the source, the Xia family should belong to the Empress Dowager, how did they come to Yuxiu Pavilion.

Ye Yun took a bite of the warm milk cake, squinting her eyes, as if she didn't care.

"It's just a show of goodwill. She was bullied by the old people in the palace. Now that she has lost her child, she has a hardened temperament. She knows that she can't stand alone, and she doesn't want to bow her head to ask for protection from a high position. It’s up to me to come here.”

Zhou Cairen listened, and nodded half-understood, "I see, it means that Xia Meiren wants to form an alliance with her sister."

"No." Ye Yun shook his head, wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, and took a sip of tea, "It's just a show of goodwill. Now we can live in harmony, but we won't know in the future."

The Xia family is a smart person, he was bullied in every way before but he was still favored, and he was not affected by the loss of a child, which shows that there are some cities.

It's just that he was too meek and weak in the past, but now it looks like he has changed a lot.

"Hey, I'm out of my mind. I can only do things for my sister, but I can't make suggestions. Don't dislike me, sister."

Zhou Cairen sighed helplessly.

Ye Yun smiled and stuffed her a piece of pastry, "It's not a good thing to be scheming, you are so transparent and content, but no one in the palace."

Even Ye Yun herself is very ambitious.

When you accepted Zhou Shi back then, it was because you looked at her clearly.

The two chatted all morning and had lunch together at the end before Zhou Caicai returned from Yuxiu Pavilion.

After lunch, Ye Yun took a nap.

However, this sleep is not very comfortable.

Maybe it was due to the anger in An'an's heart in the morning, and he had a bad dream.

(End of this chapter)

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