Chapter 182

This is considered to have pierced the window paper.

Yunxiu hurriedly explained, "Your Majesty suddenly wants to drink chicken soup. For the sake of the dragon fetus in her belly, she naturally wants to drink good ones. The slaves go to the dining room to ask for it. This stew is the best. The slaves are about to come. I told the empress, thinking that this is a trivial matter after all, Ming Jieyu won't care about it."

"So that's how it is." Bai Shu narrowed his eyes slyly, "I was just thinking about it, Xiurong is the ninth concubine, so why would you steal our Jieyu's meal? It was because I suddenly wanted to drink chicken soup, but don't worry about Xiurong, we Jieyu naturally doesn't care about such a small matter, no, she even specially ordered the slave to bring a cup."

Originally, he could have said it well, but Bai Shu took advantage of loopholes in Pian Yunxiu's words.

This time it became Yi Xiurong grabbing things from low-ranking concubines, no matter how they sounded, the price would drop.

Yixiu's forehead twitched in anger, and she secretly scolded Yunxiu for being stupid, and remembered that she was given fish by Ye Yun in Lingxi Garden.

Such memories flooded up, and the whole person was not very comfortable for a while.

Looking at the food box in Bai Zhu's hand, I always felt that it was not chicken soup, but a dead chicken.

Pregnant women are already sensitive, thinking about it makes them feel nauseous, and they feel like retching.

After finally holding back, he gave Bai Shu an order to chase away guests, "I appreciate Ming Jieyu's kindness, you should take this chicken soup back for Ming Jieyu to use."

"Xiurong is being polite. Our Jieyu said that it is not the best time to drink chicken soup. After Xiurong gives birth to the emperor's heir, we will drink more during the confinement period. At that time, we, Jieyu, will cook the chicken soup ourselves. Every day I send Xiurong to nourish my body, we Jieyu wholeheartedly, don't refuse Xiurong."

Before the matter was finished, Bai Shu naturally didn't leave, and took advantage of the opportunity to say the most important sentence.

At the end, I didn’t forget to add oil and vinegar, "In the past, Xiu Rong loved to eat fish, and our Jieyu personally sent the fish. Now Xiu Rong likes to drink chicken soup, so we Xiu Rong will send the soup. Jieyu said that she and Xiu Rong are in the same group. Those who enter the palace have different affection, and they are always thinking about grooming!"

Seeing that Yi Xiurong's complexion was getting worse, Bai Shu immediately clicked and stopped as soon as it was good.

"After the things are delivered, the servant will not bother to repair the appearance and enjoy it. I will go back and report, and the servant will leave."

After finishing speaking, he put down the food box and left in a hurry.

When Yi Xiurong came to her senses, everyone was gone, and there was nowhere to vent her anger, so she slapped Yunxiu when she saw her.

"I told you to keep a low profile on weekdays. Did you hear my words into the dog's stomach?! What are you doing to provoke her? Do you think I'm not conspicuous enough in the palace?"

"Your Majesty, this servant is wrong with your mother. This servant is only for your mother. You can beat and scold this servant any way you want. Don't be angry with yourself and hurt the dragon fetus!"

Yunxiu covered her face and knelt on the ground, crying.

Yunxi was also anxious and angry, so she knelt down to intercede for her, "Mother, don't get so angry, isn't it just as Ming Jieyu wished? She must have sent someone here on purpose this time, although Yunxiu I did something wrong, but I beg your mother to be loyal to her and forgive her."

Looking at the two girls, Yi Xiurong sighed and waved her hands to wake them up.

After returning to the house, he removed the unfinished chicken soup.

There were still tears in the corners of Yunxiu's eyes, and the red palm prints on her face were very obvious.

Yi Xiurong glanced at her, and said a few more words out of affection, "Don't blame me for beating you, I was also in a hurry today, but you are still too reckless in this matter."

"Don't look at me right now as having a higher status than Mrs. Ye, but the emperor loves her very much, and her family background is not bad. When she is born in the future, we will still be on equal footing. She is domineering but not stupid. She offended her to death. I am Bai. Get in trouble."

It was fine to be single before, but now that I have children, there are always more considerations.

Yunxiu nodded to indicate that she had written it down, but she hated Ye Yun in her heart.

After making such a fuss today, after all, it was because Yi Xiurong also gave the chicken soup a taboo.

This is not the most uncomfortable thing, the uncomfortable thing is that when Yi Xiurong thinks that Ye Yun wants to send chicken soup to her confinement, she feels that this confinement will not be safe.

In short, it is not comfortable anywhere.

Obviously Ye Yun didn't do anything too much, let alone say anything too much, but it just made her feel scared.

Just in response to that sentence, you are not afraid of being stolen, but you are afraid of being remembered.

I was stuck in my heart all day long, and after only two days, I was about to give birth.

Just after dinner, news got in from everywhere that the Yingyan Pavilion was mobilized.

Everyone hurried over there.

Ye Yun chatted with Huiyue while walking, "Look, it's not that if you don't forget, there will be echoes. I wanted to tell her to give birth quickly, but I didn't expect it to be done."

It's good to have a baby, but you will have fewer scruples after you are born.

The chicken soup is all ready, and there will be no bowl left during the confinement.

Even if Yi Xiurong doesn't drink it, she will be bored to death.

But don't say that the slave did it, it's none of her business, as long as the slave is hers, she deserves it.

Ye Yun hummed in her heart, the most taboo in the palace is overflowing love, today she doesn't care about Wu's ignorance, tomorrow Wu should know and do it on purpose.

When we arrived at Yingyan Pavilion, there were already several people sitting there.

Concubine Jing was the first to come, and she just asked the imperial physician about the situation inside, and said that everything is going well.

Not long after, Concubine Shu and Concubine Wen De also came one after another, but the queen was the last one to arrive.

In fact, the queen didn't want to come, after all, her own fetus has not yet sat firmly.

Last night, the bed sheet was bloody again, and I have a belly of more than four months, which is very dangerous.

But if the concubine gives birth, if she is not there and something happens again, it will be her responsibility.

After thinking about it again and again, I came here.

I also thought that I would just sit and sit, so I shouldn't be tired.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the concubine has already consulted the imperial physician just now, Yi Xiurong's fetal position is correct, and giving birth should not be too difficult. This is just a new attack, and it will take a while to give birth."

Concubine Jing explained the situation very thoughtfully.

The queen nodded weakly, gave the imperial doctor a few instructions, and then asked people to go in.

Yi Xiurong's groans could be heard intermittently from inside, but until it was time to give birth, everyone didn't dare to leave and just waited.

After sitting like this for an hour, no one was seen inside, the queen couldn't sit still anymore.

Finally he stopped trying, "I'm not feeling well and I'm very tired. Concubine Shu and Concubine Wen De, you two are here to guard Yi Xiurong for me. If there is any movement, please send someone to Fengqi Palace to report."

Concubine Wen De wanted to stab her a few words, but seeing that the queen's complexion was really bad, she held back.

So the queen left alone, and the rest of the concubines continued to wait.

But it was obvious that the child in Yi Xiurong's belly was not in a hurry to come out at all, and she waited until midnight, and she was not serious about giving birth.

After such a long time, no one can bear it.

In the end Concubine Shu and Concubine Wen De discussed and spoke, everyone went back to wait for the news, let the imperial doctor and midwife guard, and called everyone when Yi Xiurong was about to give birth.

(End of this chapter)

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