Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 201 I have to

Chapter 201 I have to

After working in the small kitchen for nearly an hour, Ye Yun's head was sweating, and finally cooked a plate of milk recipes.

Now I can't find shredded coconut, so I sprinkle a layer of ground peanuts on the outside.

The main reason is that there are a lot of materials and tools that are not available now, and Ye Yun has not cooked for a long time after entering the palace, and his skills are unfamiliar, so it is not easy to tinker with one.

Of course, there is a more important reason.

The first few times I gave it away, it was because I wanted to let myself be favored, so I took extra care, but now that I have been favored, let me go.

"Does Jieyu want to deliver it in person?" Nan Zhi asked.

Ye Yun quickly waved his hands, "I'm too lazy to go, let Bai Shu go."

Hot and tired, she didn't want to move.

Nan Zhi responded, packed the things and let Bai Shu take them.

Here Ye Yun was sweating and felt uncomfortable, so he simply took a bath and lay down to take a nap in the afternoon.

At night, I thought that Ning Chen would come over, but I never thought that he would announce the Sumerian to go to bed.

Since Mrs. Su entered the palace, she has never been a bed attendant since she first returned to serve the bed. It has been more than a year, why did the emperor think of it again.

Everyone in the harem is unknown.

The main reason is that the Sumerians have not seen anything to hook up with the emperor these days.

In Weirui Xuan, Yao Xiang was also surprised when he heard the news.

Since it wasn't the Su family who did something, it must have something to do with the court.

Guess there is some movement on Zasak's side, otherwise the emperor would not think of Su Diya.

Thinking of the previous life, there was a riot in the third prince Zhuoligetu who was suppressed by Aoqi, but the time was not right, not to mention that Zhuoligetu was dead, and the current three princes were his sons En and Jin.

Su Diya entered the palace instead of Dolan, and the trajectory must have shifted.

Yao Xiang thought about it for a while, and then asked Zizhu to find a way to send a letter to his family to find out what happened.

She had a thought, that anyone with a better family background in the palace could guess a little bit.

All of a sudden, the concubines who were able to quickly inquire about the news in the capital all handed over things to their families.

Not only the concubines, but also the Empress Dowager in the Compassionate Ning Palace had the same move.

"The emperor is able to summon the Sumerians who have been out of favor for a long time for the sake of the government, so why doesn't he wait to see Suyu?"

The queen mother leaned on the pillow, twirling the beads in her hands, and sighed deeply.

In the past, Ning Chen often came to pay her respects, but now the frequency is less and less. This time when he came back from the southern tour, except for the day when he returned to the palace, he never met twice.

The Dragon Boat Festival sent someone to deliver things, but the person didn't come.

"Empress Dowager, there is a saying that I know you don't want to hear, but I have to say it today for the sake of the Empress Dowager." Madam Fu finally couldn't hold back.

The queen mother glanced at her, narrowed her eyes slightly, and waved her hand.

Madam Fu said directly, "Since ancient times, no one likes to see his ministers' power over the government and the people's achievements. , it is bound to be low-key and introverted right now, and the flow is long."

"But that's his own uncle, how could he have the same evil intentions as others?"

"Queen Mother!" Madam Fu interrupted her and knelt down, "Your servant has served the Queen Mother for many years, have you ever done anything bad to the Queen Mother? Dare to advise."

The queen mother stared at her for a long time, and after a while, she let out a long breath.

"Forget it. Ai's family will make a bowl of almond cheese tomorrow. You can send it to the emperor. He loved to eat this when he was a child."

Only then did Madam Fu get up, her expression relaxed a little.

Jiuchen Palace.

After going to bed, Su Diya was ordered to spend the night in the side hall instead of staying in the emperor's bedroom.

She doesn't seem to like the young emperor that much now, and only thinks that after serving him in bed, life will be easier for a while.

Baicao waited on her to wash up, cleared away the others, and quickly took out the pills Yao Xiang rewarded.

"Does the beauty really want to eat this thing?"

"If this thing is really so good, why doesn't Fang Xiuyuan use it by herself." Su Meiren sneered, "But do I have a choice? Just look at the emperor's attitude towards me today, and I know that the emperor still doesn't like me. Zhao Xing, I'm afraid it's for the sake of the court, if I really want to stand up, I can only rely on my heirs."

She had to take this medicine.

She was fed up with being neglected and bullied, and she didn't know that Yao shi didn't really help her.

But she wanted to be a glamorous person so much, so even if there was a problem with the medicine, she would definitely take it.

Baicao was silent, got a glass of warm water, and watched her master take the pill.

Good day next day.

The Su family who had just served the bedtime naturally became the focus.

As soon as he entered Fengxi Palace, he could hear Concubine Shu's voice.

"As expected of the princess from Zasak, the emperor has forgotten about it for more than a year, but he remembered it again. After all, he is different from others."

"After entering the palace, they are all the emperor's concubines. Whether the princess is a princess or not, it's all smoke and mirrors. The empress really beats the concubines." Su Meiren blessed herself.

Even though she saw too many concubines quarreling, she didn't take part in the usual greetings, so her combat effectiveness was not strong enough to keep up.

Seeing this, Yao Xiang chuckled lightly, "I heard that Ming Jieyu sent someone to deliver snacks to the emperor yesterday. I thought the emperor was thinking of Ming Jieyu, and Ming Jieyu should be serving her bed. Why? Fortunately, Su Meiren was summoned, Ming Jieyu, do you know why?"

"How can the emperor's holy intentions be speculated at will? If Fang Xiuyuan wants to know, she can go to the emperor and ask, and then she can talk to the courtiers and concubines." Ye Yun said lightly.

Yi Xiuyuan sneered, "What else do you need to ask? It's probably because you are not good at craftsmanship, and the things you made are hard to swallow. If you send them away, it will make the emperor feel uncomfortable."

Unexpectedly, after she finished saying this sentence, Ye Yun suddenly turned her head and stared at her with the eyes of a fool.

Yi Xiuyuan felt uncomfortable being stared at, frowned, and snorted, "What are you staring at Bengong?"

"The concubine heard a saying that she was pregnant for three years and she realized that it was true when she saw Xiuyuan today." Ye Yun pursed her lips, her tone full of sarcasm.

Immediately, Yi Xiuyuan's face darkened, "Mr. Ye, how dare you scold me."

Ye Yun raised her eyebrows, stood up calmly, blessed her body.

"Xiuyuan Mingjian, my concubine remembers that Xiuyuan was also there when he delivered snacks to the emperor, and praised his concubine's craftsmanship. Why have I completely forgotten it? It's better to ask an imperial doctor to take a good look at it, don't have a bad memory at a young age."

Yi Xiuyuan was speechless for a while, and gave her a hard look, picked up the cup and took two sips of tea, and turned her face away.

Needless to say, Ye Yun won this confrontation.

But the queen had seen enough of the show, and she was satisfied and asked everyone to leave.

After leaving Fengqi Palace, Su Meiren was called by Yao Xiang to Wei Ruixuan.

Everyone didn't pay much attention before, it was because the Sumerians were not favored, but today's situation is different, so they have to pay more attention.

Only then did everyone realize that Sumerian and Fang Xiuyi seemed to be on the same boat.

(End of this chapter)

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