Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 210 Lotus Seed Soup

Chapter 210 Lotus Seed Soup

In this way, not only did Cui Baolin fail to apply eye drops to Ye Yun in front of the emperor, but he got disgusted by himself.

That night, he was not able to go to bed, but he had dinner and was arranged to rest in the side hall.

After this incident, it can be said that Cui Shi understood that Ye Yun would not fall out of favor so easily, but she was more cautious.

Although the other concubines didn't know about it, all the servants in Jinggan Palace saw it.

There are little eunuchs hiding from gossip.

"Although this Cui Baolin is only Master Cui's concubine daughter, but she is an only daughter, her family background is not low, and her appearance is also good, so why is she not liked by the emperor."

"That's right, I saw Cui Baolin crying when he came here today, I was so sad, and I didn't feel sorry for him."

Suddenly, there were two pops, the sound of a whisk hitting the head.

The two turned their heads and saw that it was Huai An, the second in command, who quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Talk about master behind your back, how many heads do you have enough to cut off? This Ming Jieyu is the daughter of the general who is in charge of the country. The Ye family and his son are guarding the frontier. There are many civil servants who can manage affairs. How many generals can win battles? Keep your mouth shut, if you offend someone and lose your head someday, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"Yes, yes, thank you for your father-in-law's instruction, I will never dare to talk nonsense again."

Both of them answered yes again and again, sweating coldly in their hearts.

If you want to talk about why Huai'an spoke for Ye Yun like this, one is that he has received a lot of money and has a close relationship with him, the other is that his master Yuan Jiu has taught him a lot, and the third is that he saw that the emperor gave him Ming Jieyu last night Let's take a look at the painting.

Bringing the gift from the concubine to the Lingxi Garden is a real favor.

There was such a quarrel last time, maybe it was just a moment of unhappiness, the bar was on the line, and it won't be too long before it gets better again.

Now the emperor is also thinking about how to find a step down for himself, so that he can go to Jiaotang Garden to see people, and he is very concerned about it.

So Cui Baolin's use of eye drops is not flattering.

There is just one thing, now the emperor is concerned about his face, he is not very willing to put down his body to coax others, so he is deadlocked.

Huai'an thought in his heart, after pondering for a while, he went to find his master and said something.

In the afternoon of the next day, a bowl of lotus seed and white fungus soup was presented to Ning Chen's desk.

"Your Majesty, you've been reading the brochure for a long time, take a rest after drinking the lotus seed soup." Yuan Jiu said.

Ning Chen put down the ink brush in his hand, raised his hand to rub the center of his eyebrows, and looked out the window.

"It looks like it's going to rain, it's very cloudy."

Yuan Jiu took a look, then nodded, "It's hot outside, there are many thunderstorms in summer, it looks like there is going to be a heavy rain, it's hard for the lotus in the pond to suffer, it was still blooming beautifully, Ming Jieyu took it I went shopping for a long time, and I think I like it very much.”

After a pause, he took a peek at the emperor's expression, seeing that he was not displeased, and then continued.

"Oh yes, I also picked some lotus pods and went back. Today, the dining room sent lotus seeds and white fungus soup. I guess the tender lotus seeds taste good now. Would you like to try it, Your Majesty?"

Ning Chen naturally understood the meaning inside and outside the words, and raised his eyes to glance at him, his expression unmoved.

But he still picked up the bowl in his hand and took a sip.

After putting it down, he said coldly, "You talk too much today."

"The slave is guilty." Yuan Jiu hurriedly knelt down.

"Forget it, since Ming Jieyu likes tender lotus seeds, you can order the dining room to make another bowl and send it to Jiaotang Garden."

"Yes, slave, let's do it now!"

Yuan Jiu lowered his head, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

After leaving the palace gate, Huai'an was recruited.

"Your boy has learned a lot now, work hard, and in the future, the master's will be yours."

"Isn't it all because you teach well, Master?" Huai'an chuckled.

The task of delivering lotus seed soup was naturally left to Huai'an.

However, in less than half an hour, people arrived at Jiaotang Garden.

"It's hot time, why is Eunuch An here now, Luzhi, quickly pour a cup of tea for Eunuch An."

Ueyue welcomed him in with a smile.

Although the master is not in a panic, they are always worried. Seeing the people around the emperor coming, they are happy.

Huai'an was indeed hot, so he didn't refuse and drank a cup first.

He took the handkerchief from Luzhi to wipe off his sweat, and took a breath before opening his mouth.

"Isn't this the order of the emperor to send lotus seed soup to Ming Jieyu? The emperor eats it well. My master and I remembered that Jieyu had picked lotus pods two days ago, so we mentioned it by the way. Our emperor always loves Jieyu, so we will Called me to send it."

How could Huiyue not understand the meaning in it, as soon as she rolled her eyes, she stuffed a very heavy purse in it.

"Your Majesty loves you so much, you have to be reminded by Eunuch to remember, right? I will definitely tell Jieyu what Eunuch wants, and I hope Eunuch will speak more kind words for us in the future."

"Hey, you're so polite, Miss. Jieyu didn't burn to take care of me on weekdays. I should, I should. I have to go back to work. Jieyu is taking a nap right now, so I won't go in and disturb you." Huai Huai Ann smiled.

Huiyue nodded, and personally sent the person out of the courtyard.

Turning around, he returned to the inner hall excitedly.

Ye Yun just woke up and was stretching.

"Who came here just now? I listened and talked for a while."

"Arguing for Jieyu to rest, it's Mr. Huai'an, the emperor specially ordered him to bring lotus seed soup to Jieyu, Jieyu woke up, do you want to taste it?"

Huiyue came over with a cup of warm tea, and first served Ye Yun to moisten her throat.

After putting down the cup, Ye Yun caught a glimpse of a small celadon bowl on the table.

There was a slight smile in the winking eyes, and he waved his hand, "Bring it here."

Huiyue responded and presented it carefully.

While she was eating, Huiyue relayed Huai'an's meaning.

Ye Yun took two bites and put it down.

It's not that it's not tasty, but the lotus seed soup is made with white fungus, and it's iced, so she dare not eat more.

"Hui'an can be regarded as caring. He is not rewarded in vain on weekdays, but this time, it is considered a favor, and he will have to pay it back in the future."

"But it can also be seen that the emperor has you in his heart, otherwise, what can a slave be?" Huiyue said.

Ye Yun smiled, but did not speak.

Whether there is, but whether it is important is another matter.

Light is not enough.

"Then Jieyu, do you want to give the emperor something?"

Eyue asked with a smile.

Ye Yun shook her head resolutely, "No, he really thinks I'm a cat, and I'll be coaxed by a fish, and I'm going to get close to him?"

Just accept what should be collected, and forget about everything else.

Wait another three or two days and if the emperor doesn't come, then do something.

Putting a long line and catching big fish is not.

Tell him to put all his thoughts and dreams on his own, so that he can work harder, otherwise this fight would be for nothing.

A woman who is easy to coax, but few dog men know how to cherish it.

Seeing that she couldn't be persuaded, Huiyue didn't say much, and retreated obediently.

It's just that Ye Yun can sit still, but some people can't sit still.

Hearing that the emperor sent something to Jiaotangyuan, Taohuawu wanted to do something.

You can't ask her to regain favor easily.

(End of this chapter)

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