Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 227 Flexibility and Stretch

Chapter 227 Flexibility and Stretch
The next day was the day to go to Wutong Hall to pay my respects.

Yesterday, Chen Jieyu took the initiative to go to Jingqian Palace and was stayed overnight as a servant, but today she did her part and became the protagonist.

"After all, the emperor cares about friendship. Chen Jieyu should come out more if she has nothing to do. You are the emperor's direct cousin, and the emperor still misses you."

On the main seat, the queen spoke softly with a gentle and magnanimous smile.

"That's right, the emperor just went to the empress dowager's place for dinner yesterday, maybe the brothers and sisters are united, and Chen Jieyu went to Jingqian Palace after turning around. This kind of bond of hearts cannot be obtained by courtiers and concubines." Yi Yi Xiuyuan said.

Shaking a round fan in his hand, his eyes were cold and stern.

In the past few days the emperor went to Jiaotang Garden more often, which suppressed her limelight to death, and finally did not go, and asked Chen Shi to take the lead, and she was holding her breath.

"The emperor is the son of heaven, how dare the courtiers and concubines speculate on the holy will at will, but they dare not be Xiu Yuan's words of mutual understanding." Chen Jieyu blessed herself.

The tone is flat and calm.

"I remember that Chen Jieyu was very strong when she was a girl, but now she seems to be much gentler. After two or three years in the palace, her temperament has changed a lot." Yao Xiang said with a smile.

The queen glanced at her and nodded, "After being in the palace for a long time, there should always be some improvement."

"If you don't make progress, I'm afraid you will be forgotten by the emperor." Concubine Shu sneered, paused, and laughed again, "Oh no, Chen Jieyu is different from us, she is supported and taken care of by the empress dowager."

"Okay, Concubine Shu, how old are you, and you still say such harsh words to them." The queen stopped everyone at the right time, "It is good that the emperor is willing to walk around in the harem more, always staring at one place, which is not good for the emperor's heirs, and you also can't do it." Be clever, learn how to improve your appearance, and make the emperor happy, that's the most important thing."

Hearing this, Yi Xiurong glanced aside.

"Speaking of Ming Xiurong, there are still a lot of servants, and the Holy Grace is so favored, but there is no good news, could it be?"

"Could it be that Yi Xiuyuan is too idle on weekdays and always stares at the concubine's belly?"

Ye Yun interrupted her with a glance of the knife.

"If Yi Xiuyuan is busy, if the concubine sees the emperor in the future, he must ask the emperor to sit with Xiuyuan more, and ask Xiuyuan to spend more time with the emperor, and don't stare at the wrong person all day long. Watching."

She was as fast and precise as ever, and choked Yi Xiuyuan in one fell swoop.

To say that she has a strong mouth, no one in the harem can surpass her.

The main reason is that Ye Yun is not taboo about meat and vegetables, and he is very courageous, so he dares to speak out.

"Hey, why is Ming Xiurong so angry? Yi Xiuyuan didn't say anything, it seemed like he poked your sore spot." Yao Xiang curled his lips.

"Hey, I didn't realize that Fang Xiuyuan could sing like this before, but some day my concubine will set up a stage, and I will definitely ask Xiuyuan to sing two songs."

Ye Yun glanced at her lightly, equally impolite.

Yi Xiuyuan regained her strength at this moment, her face flushed red with anger, she got up and said to the queen.

"Your Majesty, look, Ming Xiurong is too sharp-tongued, and the status of concubines and Fang Xiuyuan are all above her. It is too disrespectful to tell her how to behave like this, and she doesn't know the rules. !"

As soon as she got up, Ye Yun followed.

Those bright eyes blinked, full of innocence.

"Why is Sister Yi really angry? It's all because of my stupidity. I thought it was just a bickering game between us sisters. Why do I have to make trouble in front of the empress with a few words? I don't dare to joke with my sisters in the future. "

Seeing her pretending like this, Yi Xiuyuan was even angrier, pointing at her nose and annoyed, "Mr. Ye, who made a joke with you!"

"What's the matter, are you still angry?" Wang Xiuyi said at the right time, "Yi Xiuyuan and Fang Xiuyuan are both high-ranking, you two said one after another, why don't you call Ming Xiurong back? If you are a family of sisters, you should be angry if you say a few jokes."

Wang Xiuyi's two or two strokes of a thousand catties gave Ye Yun an assist in a steady manner.

He insisted that the bickering was a joke, and even insinuated that Yi Xiuyuan and Yao Xiang, two high-ranking officials, joined hands to bully Ye Yun, who was low-ranking, and was angry when he didn't gain the upper hand.

"Okay, okay, what does the noise in the morning look like?"

The queen finally spoke.

"The three of you entered the palace together, and your affections are different. The most important thing is to be harmonious. Wang Xiuyi is right. You are all sisters. Why are you still making trouble? It's very ugly. Today, the three of you have lost your sense of proportion. Go back Copy the palace rules three times by yourself, calm down, you are no longer children, and when newcomers enter the palace in the coming year, you will all be old people."

"Yes, I know my mistake." Ye Yun bowed her head sharply.

Such rapid face-changing, the other two people didn't keep up.

He glanced at her before saluting.

Anyway, in the end, the queen is probably the biggest winner.

He punished three concubines who were still favored in one go.

This is another way for the queen to suppress the harem.

Tell everyone to watch, no matter who is favored in the harem, she will always be an unstoppable existence, and the concubines in the harem will always listen to her.

So this greeting, from the initial targeting of Chen Jieyu to the punishment of the other three concubines at the end.

After dismissing everyone, the queen's face showed a bit of fatigue.

Su'e served her a cup of tea and took two sips.

"Look at it, servant girl, Ming Xiurong is very flexible."

The queen narrowed her eyes, raised her hand and rubbed her forehead, "How could the emperor like her so much if she was only domineering, Mrs. Ye is smart, she can't bear it when it's time to show off, and she can lower her head when it's time to back down, without ambiguity at all."

"In this way, she is the most powerful in this batch." Su'e said.

"No matter how smart you are, you can't beat four hands with two fists. There are always newcomers in the harem, and there will be no shortage of smart people." The queen snorted coldly, took a long breath, and got up, "Go and see the eldest prince."

Su'e nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Now that the second prince is given to Concubine Jing, the empress is very angry, but the eldest prince is still in her hands, even if she doesn't keep her by her side, she should act like a loving mother so that the emperor can see it.

It's not that the queen doesn't understand that Ning Chen wants her to give birth to a son, but pointing the second prince to Concubine Jing like this cuts off the queen's way out, and the queen feels very uncomfortable.

At the moment, I can only hope that I can get pregnant again and give birth to the prince.

On the other side, just as Ye Yun returned to Jiaotang Garden, she was thrown into her arms by rice cakes.

This dog has grown up, and he likes to hug his thigh when he comes up.

The girls and eunuchs around Ye Yun were all hugged by Nian Gao, and they were too enthusiastic.

"The more lively the palace is, the more noisy you are!"

Stretching out his hand to rub the dog's head, Ye Yun had a smile on his face.

"As soon as Xiurong comes back, hug the dog, wash your hands quickly, and wipe your face. You're sweating from the heat."

Nan Zhi came out of the room, muttering nonsense.

Ye Yun let her help her into the room, wiped her face and washed her hands, and changed into loose regular clothes.

In the end, like an old man, he leaned on the pillow with a crooked body, very disrespectful.

(End of this chapter)

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