Chapter 239

However, things like going out are really not something that can be avoided if you want to.

Within seven or eight days, Ye Yun received an invitation from the financial master.

Huai'an came to pass the message with a smile, "The emperor heard that the orchids in the imperial garden are blooming very well, so he asked Xiurong to go shopping together."

"Excuse me, father-in-law, I'll change my clothes right away." Ye Yun smiled.

Bai Shu sent people out, and asked in a low voice, "Did the emperor only ask us to repair the appearance, or did he also call someone else?"

"Of course it's only called Ming Xiurong, how can others be so lucky." Huai'an heheed.

After hearing this, Bai Shu felt relieved.

When Ye Yun changed her clothes and came out, she told her.

"It's good to have fewer people, I don't want to be the star among the stars." Ye Yun said.

After tidying up his clothes, he got into the sedan chair and drove out.

Since it was Ning Chen who asked her out, naturally Ning Chen arrived first.

But unexpectedly, when Ye Yun came, he found both Zhang Cairen and Cui Baolin were there.

Just now Huai'an clearly said that she was the only one called, it seems that these two came here after smelling it.

This made Ye Yun feel somewhat upset.

It was obviously a beautiful woman going to a banquet, but it was turned into a vegetable market.

When they arrived at the place, when Ye Yun came down, he saluted Ning Chen politely, and then accepted the salutes from Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Cui.

"The clothes look good, like Suzhou embroidery?" Ning Chen looked her up and down.

That foggy blue pleated Ruyi skirt was very eye-catching, and she wore a plain shirt over her hood, showing a bit of liveliness in her calmness.

Ye Yun smiled, "The emperor invited my concubine to see Hua'er, and I don't want to be inferior to Hua'er, so I specially dressed up, just"

He paused in the middle of speaking, and glanced at the two behind him.

"I didn't expect the emperor to invite more than one concubine. It's hard to compare the flowers. I didn't expect there to be beauties."

Mrs. Zhang reacted quickly, and bowed her head in a hurry, "Ming Xiurong was joking, how can the posture of my concubine Puliu be regarded as a beauty, and Xiurong is the beauty."

"Really, I think Zhang Cairen is very bright in this body. If I don't say it, I really think Cairen is here to compare my beauty. Tell me, Cui Baolin."

With a slight smile on Ye Yun's face, Cui Shi was also brought in as soon as the conversation changed.

Suddenly he pretended to be surprised and said, "Ah, I didn't notice, Cui Baolin is also very beautiful today."

In the end, he gave Ning Chen a reproachful look.

"Since the emperor already has a beautiful woman to accompany him, what is he calling his concubine to do? Just now he said that he should dress up carefully. Now he will be embarrassed by the comparison in front of the two younger sisters."

Knowing that she was making trouble on purpose, Ning Chen liked to see her acting like a fool.

Originally, Zhang Shi and Cui Shi posted it by themselves, so they didn't want to take them with them, so they simply went down the ladder.

"It's just that you are modest. If you are not beautiful, countless women in the world will cry to death. Okay, both of you step back, and I will walk with Ming Xiurong."

"Yes, the concubine is resigning." Zhang Cairen was still more agile.

After all, she just wanted to brush her face, and didn't think about what to do.

It's not that I haven't tried to rob people before, but the past is unbearable, so don't step on the thunder now.

Cui Baolin was a bit unwilling, but seeing the emperor's eyes seemed to grow on Ye Yun's body, and Mrs. Zhang walked away quickly, she had no choice but to leave.

The two walked all the way, but Cui couldn't hold back.

"Cairen has been in the palace for some years, why did he see Ming Xiurong, he was very timid, and he didn't dare to say a word."

Mrs. Zhang turned her head and glanced at her lightly, "If you are courageous, why bother to follow me and retreat, the emperor is still there, hurry up and post it."

Cui Baolin was speechless, angrily tore off his handkerchief, and led his girl away from the side path.

At this moment, Mrs. Zhang raised her eyes and looked into the garden.

From a distance, I saw the emperor holding Ye Yun's hand, and the two walked together, very intimate.

Looking back, Zhang Cairen really didn't know when he would be able to make his mark.

Maybe she made the wrong choice when she stood with Concubine Shu in the first place.

But at that time only concubine Shu could take refuge.

But it is different now, there is no one available around the queen, what if she turns to the queen instead?

After all, the middle palace has more power to speak than the concubine's room.

Attaching to a concubine's room is too risky.

Looking at the current Li Wanrong, the Sun family who was attached to and favored in the past, and later the Sun family disappeared, and the Li family did not ingratiate themselves with others in time, and now life is extremely miserable.

From the position of the sixth rank, it is not as expensive as her talent.

Even Concubine Wen De who was favored like Zeng Jin can be overthrown, let alone the brainless and unloved Concubine Shu.

But the queen is the middle palace, and she will never be abolished easily.

The more this balance was made, the more firm Zhang Cairen's thoughts became.

She really wanted to get ahead, and she didn't want to let go of a chance.

No one can know what Zhang is thinking. At this moment, Ziye Yun is being coaxed by Ning Chen to put flowers on her head.

"Your Majesty looks like a child, and your concubine's hair is full of pearls and emeralds. Where can I put these flowers on hairpins?"

Ye Yun was a little helpless, even a little disgusted.

Because the flower in Ning Chen's hand was the color of Barbie pink, she didn't want to plug it in 1 times.

But a certain emperor was very firm.

"The shape of this flower is graceful, and it matches you very well."

When it comes to this matter, there is no room for rejection, so I can only stand honestly and ask him to put the hairpin on.

However, Ning Chen looked around, but couldn't find a suitable place to start, and finally pinned the flower above Ye Yun's left ear.

Ye Yun took a deep breath, trying not to associate her celestial face with the word matchmaker.

It's just that I can't laugh anymore.

She looked at Ning Chen with such a compromised look, it was extremely funny.

In fact, Ning Chen deliberately wanted to make trouble for her.

What fun.

If he knew what the dog emperor was thinking, Ye Yun would definitely scold him for fun!
But in line with the principle of treating others in the same way, Ye Yun held back.

Turning around, he picked the same one, and he had to pin it to Ning Chen.

"Such beautiful flowers can't be enjoyed by only my concubine. There are men's hairpin flowers in other countries. The concubine has only seen it in the story books, but I have never seen the real thing. The emperor will do it today. Also call the concubines to take a look."

This coquettish and fussy one was pasted to Ning Chen when he was unaware, so he pinned it to him.

Next, the accompanying servants saw the emperor and Ming Xiurong, each wearing a big red flower, standing in place and looking at each other.

In the end, it was Ye Yun who laughed first.

Even more disrespectful, he clutched his stomach and bent down to laugh.

Ning Chen gritted his molars, wishing he could fight her.

Quickly took off the one on her head, and felt that the one on Ye Yun's head was also an eyesore, so she also took it off.

After finishing this, he walked forward with a straight face.

Knowing that this man couldn't wipe his face off, he was a little angry, so even though Ye Yun couldn't stop laughing, she hurriedly followed.

 Ye Yun: Dai Hua, how are you?
(End of this chapter)

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