Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 244 Exhausted

Chapter 244 Exhausted
Her death greatly irritated Imperial Physician Hu.

Hurriedly kneeling and crawling forward a few steps, trying to get closer to Ning Chen.

Huai'an strode over to stop him.

Imperial Physician Hu cried out with snot and tears, "Your Majesty, I am useless, I have not been able to understand Su Jieyu's pulse, but I have never done anything harmful to the fetus in Su Jieyu's womb, I am willing I swear by the reputation of the Hu family's century-old practice of medicine, if there is any act of murdering the emperor's heir in Su Jieyu's womb, there will only be no successors for this doctor, and there will be no place for the Hu family to stand in Xinglin from now on!"

For people of this era, this oath is considered a poisonous oath.

Moreover, Imperial Physician Hu is sincere in every word, and it should be true that he did not do anything to Su's children.

Ning Chen closed his eyes slightly, still indifferent, but he spoke to Zhang Yuanju who was next to him.

"Physician Zhang, from your point of view, can there be a diagnosis of wrong pulse?"

"Returning to the emperor, if there is a drug effect, there will be a wrong diagnosis, just like some people are very good at using medicine and poison, and they can't be found out until they are terminally ill and there is no cure. Su Jieyu's child , It seems that the protection has reached the limit." Doctor Zhang cupped his hands.

Although what he said was correct, he somewhat interceded for Dr. Hu.

Having worked together for many years, the two also have some friendship as colleagues.

Ning Chen glanced at him, then looked at the weeping Imperial Physician Hu, and lowered his eyes.

"Hu Shouyuan, his medical skills are not good, and he is not worthy of serving in the palace. He will be stripped of his position as an imperial physician and demoted to a commoner. The descendants of the Hu family will not be allowed to enter the palace to select an imperial physician. He will be taken away from the capital from now on and will never return to the capital."

"My lord, thank the emperor for your grace!" Imperial Physician Hu burst into tears and hurriedly kowtowed.

Saving his life today is also the royal family's ancestral motto, unless it is necessary, the imperial physician should not be killed.

If the emperor would kill the imperial physician at every turn, who would dare to enter the palace to serve the most skilled medical practitioners in the world, and who would dare to see the illness of the royal family.

It is obviously not Ye Yun's ultimate goal to kill a Baicao and drive away a doctor Hu.

Sighing lightly, she shook her head, "Su Jieyu is really confused. She harmed her own flesh and blood and heirs in vain. How could there be good results if she went against the sky? Fortunately, Sister Yi discovered the clue early on. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen, and at that time, the third prince will suffer if he doesn't."

"There are few people in this palace who are as kind and sincere as Sister Ming. I am also extremely heartbroken when something like this happens."

Yi Xiuyuan wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and looked at Ning Chen.

"Your majesty, this concubine is already a mother, and the worst thing is to see the child suffer. Su Jieyu's miscarriage this time reminds the concubine of the first child that was lost for no reason. Back then, the murderer behind it was not found. The concubine was pregnant The third prince almost had a miscarriage, and he was involved with Fang Xiuyuan, not because the concubine likes to be suspicious, but, it’s just a coincidence, the concubine is afraid that something will happen to the child, so I really feel uneasy!"

Ning Chen was extremely irritable at the moment.

Near the end of the year, the queen was assassinated again and was recuperating, and he was so entangled in the affairs of the previous court that he couldn't get away. If he really wanted to investigate, it would be troublesome.

What's more, I still think about Yao Xiang's act of sacrificing his life to save his life.

It is really difficult to decide whether to investigate or not to investigate, to punish or not to punish.

Seeing his expression change, Yi Xiuyuan wanted to say something more.

Ye Yun stopped her with a light cough, and signaled her not to act too hastily with his eyes.

Then he blessed himself slightly, "Your majesty, the concubine is a little scared today, so I will leave first. Your majesty must take care of the dragon's body. Don't be too sad. The healthy princes and princesses in the palace still rely on you to protect them." .”

"The concubine has also resigned." Yi Xiuyuan hesitated, but she followed suit.

Ning Chen waved his hands irritably, but didn't stop him.

Yi Xiurong winked at the outstretched hand, and Yunxiu pulled Yunxi who had been frightened beside her to her feet.

The emperor didn't say how to deal with Yunxi, so she can take it back and deal with it herself.

The two came out of the main hall, and they coincidentally glanced at the side hall where Su Jieyu was at the moment.

Now it's quiet, Huai'an is instructing people to use soft sedan chairs to carry Su Shi out of it.

It is impossible for her to be confinement here, as long as the emperor doesn't say anything to keep her, she will be carried back even if she is unconscious.

After walking all the way, I finally reached a quiet place where no one was there.

Yi Xiuyuan took the initiative to open her mouth, "Thank you Ming Xiurong for reminding me this time, I will remember this kindness."

Ye Yun smiled, "Xiuyuan is polite, there will never be an eternal enemy in this world."

There will be no forever friends.

I didn't say the last sentence, but Yi Xiuyuan understood it too.

It means that the two of them just joined forces once in a while, and they each get what they need, and they don't really want to form an alliance.

When the words are clear, both parties are more relaxed.

"In your opinion, the emperor will investigate this matter carefully, and how will he deal with Yao shi." Yi Xiuyuan said.

"I won't investigate, but heavy punishment is inevitable." Ye Yun raised his eyebrows, "It's so boring to put it bluntly, let's just wait and see the emperor's holy will."

Yi Xiuyuan was stunned for a moment, and then laughed too.

Ye Yun politely gave a farewell ceremony, and the two separated.

Sure enough, that day, before everyone had recovered from the news of Su Jieyu's sudden miscarriage, the emperor's driver went to Wei Rui Xuan in the afternoon.

Yao Xiang was also nervous.

But she thinks that her rear hand is handled cleanly, and others don't dare to grab and bite at will, but she is still stable.

"My concubine pays respects to the emperor." Yao Xiang saluted respectfully.

But Ning Chen didn't call out.

After being so stiff for a while, although Yao Xiang still held his breath in his heart, his body shook a little.

Ning Chen finally spoke, "Su's fetus, how much have you moved?"

Yao Xiang was taken aback, and looked up at Ning Chen in astonishment, "The emperor wronged me, how dare my concubine do such a thing, what happened to Su Jieyu's baby has nothing to do with my concubine!"

"Then why did you recommend Hu Shouyuan to Su's pulse?" Ning Chen said coldly, staring at her sharply.

"Su Jieyu complained that her stomach was unwell that day, and my concubine is familiar with Imperial Physician Hu, who is also proficient in gynecology, so I recommended it without any other intention." Yao Xiang hurriedly denied, "Could it be that Imperial Physician Hu and Su Jieyu What is involved in the miscarriage? Your Majesty, you have to trust your concubine, your concubine has never done anything outrageous!"

Although her tone was sincere and her expression was sincere, Ning Chen was still indifferent.

If it was said that Yi Xiuyuan almost had a miscarriage last time, being involved with Yao shi was a bully, but this time it happened to be her again.

The King's natural suspicion did not allow Ning Chen to trust her any longer.

"Master Yao, I have thought of the merits of you and your family, as well as the favor of the imperial concubine and Prince Ping. This time, I will save face for you. Whether you do it or not, I don't want to investigate it, and I don't even want to do it. Once it is related to you, my patience will be exhausted."

Facing Ning Chen's gaze, Yao Xiang's throat tightened, and he was speechless for a moment.

"Fang Xiuyuan lost her manners in front of the imperial court, and her words collided with me. She was stripped of her title, demoted to Jieyu, and banned for three months."

(End of this chapter)

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