Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 248 Intense Competition

Chapter 248 Intense Competition

Regardless of what the harem woman was thinking, the draft still started as usual.

Ning Chen didn't pay much attention, but he had never been there before, and handed everything over to the Queen, with Concubine Shu and Concubine De assisting.

This is a bit called the queen's dominance.

After all, Concubine Shu and Concubine Jing are not favored. Although they have children, they are no match for Zhonggong.

Therefore, Ning Chen made a special trip to Fengqi Palace before the start of the draft.

Don't talk about beating, at least explain the few that should be selected.

The queen mother didn't pay attention this time, after all, she knew that it was impossible for anyone from the Chen family to come in.

At these times, her old man always called Chen Jieyu to the Palace of Compassion and Ning, obviously to serve her, but actually spent a lot of time cultivating the relationship between Chen Jieyu and the eldest prince.

Others dare not say how Chen Jieyu and the First Prince are, but the First Prince and the Empress Dowager really show some genuine grandchildren's friendship.

The eldest prince was weak and left his biological mother, so he was very close to his relatives. After all, the nanny was a slave, she did not dare to overstep and kept the rules, so naturally she couldn't get close to the child.

Maybe it's also because of the blood, the eldest prince is so sticky that he is the queen mother.

As for the queen mother, she was already lonely when she was old, and she was busy fighting for favor when she was young, but she didn't establish any mother-child friendship with her son Ning Chen. Now that she is old, her heart is soft, and she is her grandson, she really likes her.

Anyway, everyone in the Compassionate Ning Palace knew that the Empress Dowager laughed a lot now.

Moreover, the old man now worries more about her children, and cares less about Ning Chen's former court and harem, and the relationship between mother and child has eased slightly.

The First Prince was raised by the Empress Dowager, with few people close to him, and he happened to have the opportunity to recuperate, and his body looked slightly better than before.

These are also surprises.

Looking back to the harem again, Yao Xiang, who had been neglected for more than four months, finally found a chance to stand up.

Relying on the experience of living two lifetimes, she quietly delivered a letter to her family.

Let his father and brother shine in this year's law on corvee tax filing.

The method proposed by Yao's family is not only novel, but also completely reliable, which resolved the unresolved knot between Ning Chen and the ministers after a month of stalemate.

After this incident, Ning Chen naturally didn't want to neglect Yao Xiang too much.

As for Yao Xiang's understanding of Ning Chen, he really knows what to do to soften Ning Chen's heart.

So after Ning Chen stayed at Wei Ruixuan for two consecutive days, Yao Xiang also officially announced that he had passed the difficult four-month cold period.

Ye Yun was not too surprised.

As long as the Yao family survives for a day, Yao Xiang will be able to rely on him, and the time of being left out is only a matter of length.

Looking at the current court, the queen's natal family is gradually showing a little powerlessness.

The Chen family is supported by the British father-in-law, and the concubine Chen Xianyi is also capable. With the support of his father, he is very proud of himself. Needless to say, the Yao family has just gained the limelight. The Wu family behind Yi Shunrong is also very powerful. ability.

Then there is Ye Yun, now Ye Zhe has the support of his father-in-law Yin's family in the Lingzhou army, and he is holding the power seriously, and his grandfather Chu's family is slowly gaining a firm foothold in the court.

Calculated, these are all those who have already entered the palace, and the power of the mother's family is in the first echelon.

I don't know if the newcomer will disrupt the current situation after entering the palace.

All in all, competition is fierce.

Greetings today, the draft has come to an end, and tomorrow is the grand finale. Once this round is over, the remaining show girls are this year's new seedlings.

"Tomorrow will be the last round. There are still forty people left. This palace looks very good. I don't know how many people will be able to enter in the end." The queen laughed.

Concubine Shu obviously didn't sleep well, her eyes were slightly black and her temper was not very good.

Hearing what the queen said, he hummed.

"It's just a group of innocent girls, and the empress is too flattering on them."

Don't blame her for being angry, Concubine Shu was refuted by the rookie girl yesterday, she was very angry.

This group of girls also came from Yuzhou, she was the younger sister of Huo Pingbei, the third-rank Weiyuan general in Yuzhou, and she was eighteen this year.

It's not too young, Nanqi draft is a girl who arrived in the fifteenth year, and she also just falls on the age line.

Concubine Shu's Mrs. Zhang defected and went to the Queen's place. She just wanted to win over one of the newcomers. Seeing that Mrs. Huo from Yuzhou was a fellow villager with her, she was naturally moved.

Yesterday afternoon, they sent someone to spread the word, inviting Huo Xiunv to sit in the Changchun Palace for a while.

Unexpectedly, Huo Shi directly said that he was ill and did not go.

This person was fine yesterday, but he is sick today, how could it be true.

It's clear that I don't want to give face.

But concubine Shu was very angry and even lost face.

"Look at what my sister said, who hasn't come from the girl's film? If they can stay until the day of the palace selection, these beautiful girls must have their own merits." Concubine Jingde said.

It's just that when he said this, there was a bit of sarcasm in his eyes, which made Concubine Shu even more angry.

What Concubine Pianjing De said was also good, she had no way to refute, she snorted coldly and shut her mouth.

The queen put down the teacup in her hand, and also made a serious look.

"Okay, concubine Shu, you should also be more generous. Why are you always angry with the younger generation? The eldest princess is now six years old, and you should be more stable."

Such plain satire on her being old and small-bellied made Concubine Shu's face even redder.

Without Zhang's help, she is not very smart, and she really has no power to fight back at this moment.

Seeing Concubine Shu's deflated appearance, the Queen's mood is very good.

The smile on the face is even bigger.

He waved his hands to his subordinates very happily, "That's it for today, you all go away."

Everyone stood up and saluted, then retreated in order of their positions.

Outside Fengqi Palace, Wang Shunyi took the initiative to stop Ye Yun and Zhou Wanrong.

"The two younger sisters stayed for a while. Red Dou has made some fresh snacks in the past two days. The taste is not bad. The two younger sisters may not have sat with me for a long time. Why don't we have a meal together now?"

Ye Yun curled her lips into a smile, "I've always loved food the most, sister, don't think I eat too much."

The two of them agreed, and Zhou naturally had no objection.

He also nodded, "Then I'm the most idle person, and I just want to chat with my sisters to relieve boredom."

The three of them hit it off immediately and went to Yimeixuan together.

Obviously not just drinking tea, there must be other things to talk about.

And they were not the only ones who had to discuss things, the queen and Yi Shunrong were also thinking about the newcomers' affairs after entering the palace.

Among this group of show girls, there are quite a few low-born but good-looking girls, and the queen already has a candidate in mind.

One Zhang Wanrong is certainly not enough, she needs more people who are easy to control to consolidate her position.

But Yi Shunrong is different from the queen, her eyes are set on those beautiful girls from good family backgrounds.

Because she already has a son.

She needs a concubine with a good family background to plan for the future of the third prince together.

As for whether this beautiful girl from a good family will have a son herself, and not help her support the third prince, that is a matter for the future.

In this harem, it is a question of whether she can conceive, let alone give birth.

(End of this chapter)

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