Chapter 252
Ye Yun sat next to her.

From the very beginning, it was discovered that Yao shi didn't eat much or drink, and now he vomited, so he naturally thought of something.

"Yao Jieyu has eaten too much, or is it something else, I remember that the woman is pregnant, and she looks like this."

When Ye Yun raised his head like this, everyone looked over.

Yao Xiang frowned, and smiled stiffly, "No way, there is such a coincidence."

"What Ming Xiurong said is not unreasonable, Yao Jieyu, you go to the side hall to rest for a while, I ordered someone to invite the imperial physician to show you."

The Queen's words were like blocking the road to death.

Yao Xiang had no choice but to get up and go to the side hall.

After a long time of burning incense, the news came that Yao Jieyu was already one and a half months pregnant.

As the person involved, Yao Xiang naturally knew that she was pregnant.

But she didn't want to say it so early at all, and she was really surprised today, smelling the mutton smell, she couldn't help but retched.

He also hated Ye Yun's talkativeness, which made the queen insist on her seeing an imperial physician.

Otherwise, she would have to hide it for three months, and then she would tell the truth after she had settled down.

It's early now.

The concubine is pregnant, which is a great joy.

Everyone immediately congratulated, but Ning Chen didn't smile much.

His eyes went to where Yao Xiang was at any time, but finally fell on Ye Yun.

Obviously he had the most sex with Ye Yun, why didn't there be any movement.

But no matter what, the protagonist at the banquet is still Yao Shi.

This led to changes in the original list of promotions, and Yao Xiang was added.

But after all, Ning Chen was still hesitant, he didn't resume her position, but only resumed her title, she was still Fang Jieyu.

Qi Cairen and Wan Cairen were promoted to Wanrong, Huo Baolin and Li Baolin were promoted to Cairen, and Yu Cainv was promoted to Baolin.

Just as Ye Yun thought, they were all promoted.

Ning Chen is also a master of Duan Shui, and the four family backgrounds are not biased.

The banquet continued until very late, and when it finally broke up, the queen mother and queen had already left.

The queen mother couldn't hold it anymore, the queen thought that Ning Chen would go to accompany Fang Jieyu at night, so she wouldn't keep it to make things difficult for the emperor.

But who knows that Yuan Jiu went straight to Ye Yun's seat.

"Ming Xiurong, the emperor announced that you will go to Jiuchen Palace to attend the bed tonight, you can go with Yujia."

Ye Yun glanced in the direction of the main seat, not knowing why the emperor was crazy, but still nodded.

Naturally, concubines are not qualified to sit on the throne of the emperor, so they followed behind.

When they arrived at Jiuchen Palace, Ning Chen took Ye Yun into the palace and locked all the servants outside.

Obviously he was a little drunk, his face was flushed from drunkenness, and his eyes seemed to be covered with fog.

When he came in, he pinched Ye Yun's shoulders with both hands, and looked her over carefully from head to toe, and finally his eyes fell on her stomach.

He murmured, "Why not yet."

Ye Yun froze for a moment, then laughed, "The concubine doesn't know, maybe the emperor didn't work hard enough?"

It was only the next second that she regretted saying that.

Ning Chen immediately picked up the man and strode into the inner room.

With a bit of evil in his drunkenness, he squinted his phoenix eyes and whispered in her ear, "Qingqing is right, so I will work harder tonight."

After speaking, he bit Ye Yun's ear gently.

It was clear that he wanted to let go of eating meat, and it was the strength of wine that made Ye Yun want to bite his tongue in regret.

But how could a wolf listen to the rabbit's excuses when he was hungry? After a full meal, Ye Yun's fingertips were sore from tossing.

Ning Chen was already drunk, so he had no energy after the incident.

The two hugged each other naked, Ye Yun only felt that his body was sticky, and he had to take a bath before going to sleep after arguing.

Ning Chen couldn't resist her, so he pulled his robe to wrap them around them, and went directly to Shuangyan Pond behind.

There is also a place to sleep here. After bathing, I didn't go back to the bedroom to sleep.

On the second day, when it was time to go to court, Ning Chen was woken up by Yuan Jiu, and he really had a splitting headache.

I was too crazy yesterday, and I didn't drink the hangover soup, so I was naturally uncomfortable.

Looking at the charming lady who was still sleeping soundly beside her, my heart softened a little.

After staying at the bed, I went to the outside room to change clothes so as not to wake her up.

"Go to the empress yourself, Ming Xiurong doesn't have to go to pay her respects today."

"Yes, the servant will go immediately." Yuan Jiu nodded, and was about to leave.

He was called back by Ning Chen again, "Call Zhang Yuanpian to give Ming Xiurong a pulse later."

Having not conceived for so long, Ning Chen was a little worried that it was because of Ye Yun's body.

I also remembered that it was Shen Pingzhi, a young imperial physician, who usually waited on Ye Yun's pulse. Maybe he was not skilled enough in medicine, so he didn't diagnose any problems.

Yuan Jiu understood, nodded, and went out again.

In Fengqi Palace, the concubines who were paying their respects heard that the emperor deliberately spared Ming Xiurong from paying her respects, and they were so jealous for a while.

It was also taking advantage of Ye Yun's absence to enjoy the quick tongue.

But Wang Shunyi and Zhou Wanrong were not bad either, they somehow saved Ye Yun's face.

It's just that Fang Jieyu is the one who attracts more firepower now, and what everyone wants is the treasure in her stomach.

Ye Yun, out of sight and out of mind, just fell asleep for a long time.

The servants came in and yelled once, but before she could sleep enough, she lost her temper and knocked out the soft pillow beside her.

No one dared to shout this time, so when Ning Chen came back, she saw that she was about to comb her hair.

As for the story of her smashing the pillow, Ning Chen naturally heard what the servants said, and came in with a joking smile.

"Lazy cat, you didn't wake up until this hour, I'm afraid you are the only one in the harem."

"The emperor is physically strong, but the concubines are delicate. If the emperor takes pity on her, she won't be unable to get out of bed."

Ye Yun snorted, but stretched out her hand to Ning Chen coquettishly.

Holding the man's big hand, she pulled him over and sat beside her to watch her make up.

Huiyue was dexterous, and it didn't take much effort to tidy it up.

And at this time, Zhang Yuanjuan, who had been waiting outside for a long time, was finally able to see him.

Afraid that Ye Yun would think about it too much, Ning Chen gave her instructions early in the morning.

Therefore, as soon as Imperial Physician Zhang came in, he said, "My minister is here to ask the emperor for a safe pulse."

"Oh, please." Ning Chen nodded, and finally said, "Ming Xiurong is also there, so you can also show her."

"Yes." Doctor Zhang cupped his hands.

Show it to Ning Chen first.

I prescribed a prescription for clearing the fire, and I have become a little angry recently.

Asking for Ye Yun's pulse again, his expression became more cautious.

He touched his left hand first, his eyes lit up, and then switched to his right hand.

Ye Yun frowned, "There's something wrong with my body, why did Doctor Zhang take the pulse twice?"

After hearing her words, Doctor Zhang smiled and shook his head.

"No, no, Xiurong's body is very good, but I feel the pulse, it seems to be the happy pulse, but the month is still shallow, less than one month, I don't dare to make a conclusion, so I felt another pulse."


Ye Yun and Huiyue's master and servant blurted out almost at the same time, with surprise written all over their faces.

While Ning Chen was surprised, his brows were filled with joy, and he grabbed Imperial Physician Zhang and asked.

"Then the happy pulse can be detected accurately, are you sure? The pulse is still stable, what should I avoid in the future?"

 Dear friends, don't panic, you panic and I panic, so let's send it in advance
(End of this chapter)

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