Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 257 Blockbuster

Chapter 257 Blockbuster
When they returned to Yuxiu Pavilion, they didn't expect Ning Chen to come.

Seeing her coming in from the outside, he went over to hold her back.

"My hands are warm today, what are you doing outside?"

"I went to the imperial garden. These girls are careful. They take the stove and blankets with them as if they were moving house." Ye Yun said with a smile

Ning Chen led her to sit on the small couch, "It's better to be more careful, you are now double, so you can't be sloppy at all."

He didn't say anything to stop her from going out.

After all, Doctor Zhang has long told me not to just lie down, but also to exercise, otherwise the birth will be difficult.

Ye Yun nodded, took two sips of warm milk from Nan Zhi.

Suddenly remembering what happened in the imperial garden just now, he glanced at Ning Chen narrowly.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Ning Chen was puzzled.

Ye Yun raised his eyebrows, "Looking at the emperor's handsome appearance, he has made all the beauties in the harem jealous. Today, my concubine met Wan Wanrong in the imperial garden. The smell of jealousy made my concubine sour."

Seeing her treacherous appearance, Ning Chen knew that this woman was probably bullying again.

It was very funny in my heart, but I continued to ask in full cooperation.

"What did Wan Shi say? I told you to say that."

"Tsk, put eye drops on the concubine, Qi Wanrong is so favored, she wants to incite the concubine to bully others." Ye Yun curled her lips, raised her hand to look at the red cocoon on her nails, her eyes were very disdainful, "It's a pity Now, concubines are not meant to be used as gunmen."

Unexpectedly, she would speak so bluntly, Ning Chen felt very used to it but not quite used to it.

It made her speechless.

I don't know what to say.

Fortunately, Zi Baishu came in at this moment to spread the word, saying that Imperial Physician Shen had come to ask for Ping'an's pulse, so the slander was over.

Shen Pingzhi came in and saluted first, seeing that Ning Chen was there, he was not nervous at all.

According to the rhythm of the past, he first took the pulse, then asked about the meals in the past few days, and checked all the decorations and incense in the house.

It can be said to be careful.

"The shape of the fetus is very good, just continue to maintain the current routine, but I have eaten a little more supplements in the past two days, and I can take less supplements in the future. Excessive nutrition will cause the fetus to be too large, and it is easy to give birth difficultly gone."

After Shen Pingzhi finished the investigation, he said this.

After hearing this, Ye Yun smiled helplessly and looked at the two girls beside her.

"Look, I said that I eat too much, but you don't believe me. Now the imperial doctor has said the same thing, so let me eat less."

Nan Zhi scratched her head, a little at a loss.

Eyue was also in constant embarrassment.

During these times, the emperor secretly ordered people to send bird's nests to Yuxiu Pavilion for a whole day, and the two of them cooked soup alone, it was indeed too nourishing.

"The two around you are also kind, but after all, they are inexperienced and too young." Ning Chen frowned, "Speaking of which, you don't have any older nanny here, so you should pick a suitable one to serve you. yes."

"Indeed, Hui Yue and Nan Zhi don't know how to give birth. Someone needs to teach them." Ye Yun also nodded.

Ning Chen then ordered Yuan Jiu to personally go to the House of Internal Affairs to pick out a clean one.

Please pass the Ping'an pulse, Shen Pingzhi withdrew.

Only then did Ning Chen discover that Ye Yun did not drink anti-fetal drugs.

So I asked.

"The medicine is three-point poisonous. The body of the concubine is good, and the fetal image is also good. Why bother to take the bitter medicine soup? Imperial physician Shen also means the same. You only need to take it when you are sick. If you are well, there is no need to waste it." Ye Yun said.

Maybe it's because she's used to watching the concubines next to her concubines drink the anti-fetal medicine every day once she's pregnant, but Ning Chen didn't even think about this.

Now that I think about it, it really makes sense.

"Even though Imperial Physician Shen is young, he is very prudent in his work." Ning Chen said casually.

Ye Yun glanced at him with strange eyes.

Ning Chen felt a little uncomfortable, "What's wrong?"

"Your Majesty, Imperial Physician Shen is over 30 years old, ten years older than you." Ye Yun said speechlessly.

A young man said that another uncle was young.

That sounds really weird.

Ning Chen was stunned for a moment, raised his hand to his lips and coughed twice in embarrassment, and said stiffly, "I mean he is considered young in the imperial hospital at his age."

Well, after sitting on the throne for five years, he almost forgot that he was only 25-[-].

Playing games with the ministers all day long, if you don't show your maturity and prudence, those old ministers will always look down on you. After a long time, you almost forget that you are still a young man.

Thirty years old, he still has a few years before he can stand, and he should be able to hold the power of the court in his hands by then.

At that time, his and Ye's children should be three or four years old.

At that time, he can also protect their mother and child for life.

The more he thought about it, the more Ning Chen looked at Ye Yun's lower abdomen with anticipation.

Looking at the harem, Ye Yun's temperament is different from others in every way, and the children she gave birth to will also be different from others.

"It's the end of the year soon, and it will be announced in two days. There are many things at the end of the year, so I won't bother you without knowing it."

Ning Chen said suddenly.

Of course, what he didn't say was that he suddenly wanted everyone to know that Ye Yun was pregnant with her child.

Ye Yun narrowed her eyes and smiled, "I listen to the emperor."

So on the tenth day of the first month of November, Doctor Zhang, the judge of Yutai Hospital, personally released the news.

Ming Xiurong of Yuxiu Pavilion has been pregnant for more than two months, and will be three months soon.

This blockbuster caught everyone in the harem by surprise.

The queen was surprised, but before she was annoyed at Ye Yun's concealment of her pregnancy, Ning Chen spoke first.

"When Ming Xiurong was pregnant, he contracted a congenital illness, and the fetal image was extremely unstable. I was afraid that too many people would know about it. Congratulations came and went and frightened the fetus, so I only said it when I recovered from the illness."

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of rewards entered Yuxiu Pavilion like flowing water.

There was a Fang Jieyu who had been pregnant for a long time and had killed countless concubines, and Ming Xiurong, who was the most favored now, was also pregnant.

It's just that Yao Xiang is the most angry.

In her opinion, Ye Yun must have known that she was pregnant early in the morning, so she deliberately pushed her to come forward at the Chongyang Palace Banquet.

During these days, Ye Yun has taken good care of the baby, and he doesn't know how many arrows he has blocked for her!
But this time, she really thought too much.

If Ning Chen hadn't suddenly called someone to take his pulse, it would have taken a while for Ye Yun to find out that she was pregnant.

In any case, there are now two pregnant women in the harem at once, and they are all from good families.

As a result, the pressure on the queen who has not yet given birth to a son is even greater.

Fortunately, Ning Chen still cared about Zhonggong's face.

On the day it was announced that Ye Yun was pregnant, she went to Fengqi Palace to stay overnight.

Firstly, it was to comfort the queen. After all, the concubine should tell the queen that she is pregnant. This time, it was Ning Chen's own selfishness, and he helped Ye Yun hide the truth from the queen. This move will inevitably make the queen sad, so I still need to appease her.

Secondly, it is also necessary to implement the matter of changing the residence for Ye Yun.

And, Ning Chen plans to give Ye Yun another promotion during the Chinese New Year.

 Today and tomorrow will be updated again. I’m going to be a volunteer. I assist nucleic acid screening until nine o’clock every day. I really don’t have the energy to write more. Try to do more on weekends. I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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