Chapter 260 Family
"I don't know if Fang Jieyu has lived in the spacious main room for a long time, but she can't live in the side room anymore."

Luzhi smiled so happily that her eyebrows almost flew up.

Ye Yun told her that she was in a good mood because of her beaming appearance.

"It's not up to her to decide whether she can't live. If she is not a concubine, she can only live in a pavilion or a side room in the pavilion. Yi Shunrong's move is based on the palace rules. All good."

It's more than good, it's really satisfying.

Thinking of Yao shi's repeated frame-ups before, Ye Yun didn't like to see her get better.

It's just the last word.

"You are the best at inquiring about the news by my side. Now that I am pregnant, everyone knows about it. You should watch it carefully. Don't be afraid that I think you have too many things. Just tell me if there is any trouble, and you can't be careless. .”

Luzhi nodded solemnly, "Don't worry about repairing your appearance, this pair of eyes of this servant must be used as two pairs to see everything outside clearly."

While talking in the room, footsteps were heard outside.

Huiyue and Nan Zhi opened the curtain and came in, and saw Bai Shu commanding four young eunuchs to carry two big boxes into the house.

"What are these?" Ye Yun asked suspiciously.

Nan Zhi frowned and smiled, "While Xiurong was sleeping, the madam asked someone to bring things in, and the maidservant and Huiyue took someone to pick them up. These two boxes are all here."

Looking at those two big wooden boxes, they must have packed a lot.

Ye Yun felt warm in her heart, and hurriedly asked someone to open it.

The first box contained many close-fitting clothes made by the Chu family himself, but they were all made for Ye Yun, and there were no children's clothes.

There are a total of ten or so pieces. It can be seen that they are usually ready and sent in together at this opportunity.

Looking at the familiar stitching method, Ye Yun couldn't hold back her red eyes.

When Huiyue saw it, she immediately coaxed her up.

"Why is Xiu Rong crying? It's all Madam's wish. If Xiu Rong is hurt, Madam will be sad when she finds out. Look at this, it's the same material as your pajamas. They are all soft cloth, presumably Madam sent them in to make clothes for the little master."

After speaking, he picked up a piece and gave it to Ye Yun to touch.

They are indeed made of extremely soft cotton cloth, so it is no problem to make clothes for children to wear next to the body.

Ye Yun wiped the corners of his eyes before showing a smile.

"Go and call Madam Liang to have a look together. Some of these are usable. I will use them now, and I will put away the ones that are not needed for the time being."

"Hey, servant girl is going right away." Lumei blessed herself and went immediately.

Not long after, Nanny Liang entered the house.

A few girls in the room have already sorted out all the things in the box.

From clothes, fabrics to medicinal materials, there are also a few packets of Ye Yun's favorite snacks in her boudoir, dried plums, dried meat and some snacks sold outside the palace. Of course, there is also a thick envelope stuffed with bank notes.

Here are some from Chu, and some from my aunt Yang.

This is the family, even if you live in the richest place and enjoy the rich clothes and the emperor's favor, they still worry about your poor life and want to give you supplements.

Ye Yun was very moved.

I don't know if it's the pregnant woman's emotional sensitivity or some other reason, but I couldn't help crying for a while.

I suddenly missed my mother, my brother, and my father who had passed away for more than five years.

After she grew up, her father was stationed in the frontier, and the father and daughter didn't meet much, and they didn't even have time to see each other for the last time.

But at this moment, the outline of the father, which was already a bit blurred, became extremely clear at this moment.

Thinking about it this way, I couldn't hold it back anymore, crying so much that the girls became anxious.

As soon as Liang Momo came in, she was stunned when she saw that Ming Xiurong was crying.

After I caught Luzhi and asked about it, I guessed the reason.

He waved his hand and told everyone else to go out first, leaving only Hui Yue and Nan Zhi in the room.

"Is Xiurong homesick?" Liang Nanny asked softly, and without waiting for Ye Yun to reply, she continued, "It's the New Year's Eve soon, and Madam has an order, so she can also enter the palace to meet Xiurong." Let’s meet each other, this is New Year’s Eve, and I can still sit and talk alone on the first day of junior high school.”

While speaking, he looked at Ye Yun's expression.

Seeing that her crying was a little better, but it didn't stop, she closed her eyes and slowed down her voice.

"It stands to reason that a concubine who is pregnant can meet her family members. If the emperor is gracious, her family can still stay overnight. The servant and maidservant are familiar with Mother Qin, so you can drag her to the emperor to mention this matter to the former son."

Having said this, Ye Yun stopped crying.

Feeling a little embarrassed again, she wiped the corner of her eyes and said, "It's too embarrassing to say it in front of the emperor alone. What the nanny said is that there is still one month left, and I will be able to see my mother when I go to the palace for a banquet at the end of the year. Don't be in a hurry at this moment, I also suddenly miss my family, I can't help it, it makes you laugh."

Nanny Liang smiled, and first asked Nan Zhi to fetch a basin of water for Ye Yun to wash her face.

While carefully enlightening her.

"Don't be shy about trimming your face. Pregnant women are always more sensitive, or irritable or easily hurt. This is normal. It's normal to want to see your family. If you don't want to be too conspicuous, At worst, let Fang Jieyu's natal family also enter the palace, it's not too difficult."

Ye Yun lowered her eyes, thought carefully for a while, and finally nodded.

It's a feeling that others can't quite understand.

Emotions surged up all of a sudden, and I couldn't stop it.

Nanny Liang is also agile and clever.

After two or three days, Ning Chen heard from Nanny Qin that the two pregnant women in the harem were not in a good mood.

With a wave of his hand, he summoned the two wives of the Ye family and the Yao family to accompany him in the palace, and granted permission to stay overnight.

Both Jiuchen Palace and Yuxiu Pavilion were tight-lipped.

Others couldn't figure out anything, so they all thought it was the emperor's kindness and consideration.

But Yao Xiang, as one of the parties involved, faintly sensed that something was wrong.

Ning Chen is not such a meticulous person, a young man, how could he think of such trivial matters, someone must have reminded him.

But she didn't say anything about missing her family, so it was probably because Mrs. Ye missed her family, so she followed suit.

For a while, Yao Xiang wanted to seize this hard-won opportunity to meet her natal family, but was very shy.

At the same time, he hated Ye Yun even more.

At this time in the previous life, Ye's ashes were all melted, and now not only is he living well, but he is also quite loved, which is really hard for her to accept.

Ye Yun doesn't care whether others are comfortable or not, she herself is very happy.

Thinking that he would be able to see his family tomorrow, he immediately asked people to change the mattresses on the bed, and ordered them to go to the dining room in advance to order that all the snacks that Minger brought would be Chu's favorite.

After a long night of waiting, it was rare to get up early the next day.

After breakfast, he repeatedly asked Bai Shu to go to the gate of the palace to see if anyone was coming.

It wasn't until halfway through the hour that people were finally brought into the palace.

It's just that we can't see each other for a while, Mrs. Chu and Mrs. Yao have to go to Fengqi Palace together, first to greet the queen.

 There is another chapter, I am working hard, although it is late but it will arrive
(End of this chapter)

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