Chapter 285
"Your Majesty, how do you deal with this matter?" Yuan Jiu said cautiously.

The jade pendant that Ning Chen was playing with was tightly pinched, and his eyes were dim.

"How to do it, didn't I say it a long time ago, it doesn't matter if you kill it."

He had already given An Shi all his patience and kindness, and what An Shi did this time had already touched Ning Chen's bottom line.

Ning Chen is indeed nostalgic, but it is by no means promiscuous.

Especially right now, Ye Yun is already a different existence to Ning Chen, and An's touches not only Ye Yun, but also their children.

He promised Ye Yun that he would protect the safety of their mother and child, so this time, there is absolutely no possibility of mercy.

"Take the white silk, the poisonous wine, and the dagger to the Qingxin Pavilion. For the sake of the eldest prince, I will leave her whole body and the lives of her family members, but in the An family line, all three clans will be dismissed from office, and their property will be confiscated and sent to the army." , I have tolerated her enough."

After Yuan Jiu heard this, he immediately responded, "Your servant obeys, slave, do it immediately."

When I left the main hall, I just met the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and the Minister of the Ministry of War.

He sighed in his heart, now that the war is tense, but this time there will be trouble, An's life is really too long.

It took less than a stick of incense to enter and leave the Qingxin Pavilion, and An Cainu was gone.

She died so badly that she chose the dagger.

He stabbed himself in the heart of fear.

Yuan Jiu watched the little eunuchs wrap her up in a white cloth and send her out.

This person had no chance to enter the concubine's mausoleum, so he was dragged out and buried outside the imperial mausoleum.

After dealing with An's, Yuan Jiu went to Zhaochunxuan in person.

Ye Yun didn't say anything.

The deceased is gone, and if there is any hatred, it will be gone, and it cannot be carried all the time in this lifetime.

The next thing she should do is confinement and take good care of her body.

Hearing that Wei Ruixuan fainted twice a day, Ye Yun also takes her health seriously.

Fengqi Palace.

When the queen heard the news, a smile appeared between her brows.

"Look, Mommy, no matter how much you were favored in the past, didn't you end up being gifted to death by the emperor himself?"

"Only the empress is orthodox, and only you can have the same brows and heads as the emperor. Those concubines are nothing more than concubines. Who can have such a fate like an empress." Ding Momo said with a smile.

The queen narrowed her eyes and her eyes became dark.

"It's just that the An family is gone, but there is another Ye family. I really hate it. This time, the Ye family is really lucky."

Nanny Ding snorted coldly, "If she can escape this time, there will be a long time to come. She may not be able to escape every time."

"Okay, since the emperor likes the Ye family and the fourth prince, the empress of this palace will naturally have one heart with the emperor. You haven't congratulated Ming Xiuyi on the birth of a son, so you just send someone to Zhaochunxuan Bar."

The queen waved her hand.

Not long after, Suqin went to Zhaochunxuan with a bunch of rewards.

With the empress taking the lead, all the concubines who gave rewards gave rewards, and those who gave congratulatory gifts gave congratulatory gifts, making Zhao Chunxuan very lively for a while.

This directly caused Ye Yun to be quarreled for a whole day and became extremely irritable.

She knew that these people did it on purpose, but they all followed the rules, and Ye Yun couldn't refuse.

I can only endure this day.

Turning around, he directly announced his thanks behind closed doors.

Concubine Chong also has to show some concubine Chong's temper.

After calming down, Ye Yun was catching up on sleep every day, but was very sleepy.

At first, he wondered if there was something wrong with his body, but Shen Pingzhi said that this is a normal phenomenon, and having a child is a matter of losing energy and blood, and it has to be made up for.

And Nanny Liang also kept her word, massaging Ye Yun's waist every day.

According to half an hour every day, combined with the slimming ointment made by the Tai Hospital, it is very effective.

But half a month later, Ye Yun obviously felt that she had retracted a lot more than when she was just born.

And the fourth prince has also grown very well in the past half a month. The little guy was born with a weight of seven catties and two taels. This size is not considered small, but now he has grown round and plump in half a month.

Although I can't tell who the other facial features look like, but those eyes definitely follow his father.

Same as Ning Chen, with phoenix eyes.

The child loves to sleep, but Ye Yun still enjoys watching it several times a day.

Later, I simply asked someone to move the child's crib, and the mother and child slept together.

Take the baby away for a while while breastfeeding.

Originally, Ye Yun wanted to feed her by herself for the first three months, but there was no rule in the palace, so she didn't insist in the end.

Four wet nurses were also arranged for the fourth prince, two during the day and two at night, taking care of them alternately.

What made Ye Yun most uncomfortable was that the servants really didn't allow her to wash her hair.

If it feels uncomfortable, comb it with a comb.

Ye Yun is really glad that it is still in May, otherwise it will be painful to death, and it happens that Ning Chen is busy with government affairs and has no time to come to the harem.

Otherwise, she felt that Ning Chen would fall out of favor soon after seeing her current appearance.

In fact, this is what she thinks, the servants are very convenient for cleaning and serving, and there is no peculiar smell at all.

When the confinement reached 20 days, what Ye Yun was most worried about happened.

Ning Chen is here.

When Luzhi came in to pass on the message, Ye Yun was in a bad mood, and immediately said that he didn't want to see her, so he could only talk through the bead curtain.

This made Ning Chen a little confused.

"The concubine can't wash her hair and take a shower during her confinement period. I'm afraid it will be stinky in May. The emperor should not approach or look at it, otherwise the concubine will be ashamed and indignant." Ye Yun insisted.

Hearing the resistance in her voice, Ning Chen had no choice but to speak honestly through the curtain.

"Your brother has made great achievements again. He met the veteran of the Liao Kingdom and killed him under his horse. The Liao Kingdom fought with our army for more than a month, and finally made some progress. Your brother is better than the blue, very good."

Even through the curtain, Ye Yun inside could hear that Ning Chen was in a great mood.

Of course, upon hearing the news, Ye Yun was also in a great mood.

"This blow to the spirit of the Liao army must have greatly encouraged the morale of the army. My concubine congratulates the emperor."

Ning Chen smiled, but took another long breath.

"Although progress has been made at the moment, it seems that the fight will take a long time. The Liao Kingdom is now in a season when water and grass are abundant and cattle and horses are in full bloom. They will definitely seize the good time of summer to increase their offensive. It's been a tough fight."

Once autumn and winter came, the Liao Kingdom would not have enough food and grass, and the army and horses would not be able to go to battle without food. At that time, the Liao people would have no way to continue fighting.

The nomads are not like the farming people like Nanqi, their hoarding of food and grass will definitely not support a long war.

It is also because of this that the Liao people are very ruthless in fighting now.

"The concubine doesn't know how to fight, but there is only one concubine. I believe in the emperor, I believe in my brother, and I believe in all the soldiers in Nanqi. The late emperor's reputation is far and wide. The emperor will not lose to the late emperor." Ye Yun said.

At this time, as a woman, she couldn't go to the battlefield to tell her what to do, all she could do was cheer up.

(End of this chapter)

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