Chapter 294
When Hui Shunyi said these things before, although Ye Yun understood what she meant, she couldn't understand her heart.

Now that I am a mother myself, I feel the same when I hear such words.

Just like Ye Yun herself.

She didn't want to force her son to be the emperor, but if the emperor wasn't her son, let alone her, how could the fourth prince have a biological mother with such a powerful mother like her, who could tolerate the fourth prince.

So, have to earn.

Being born in the royal family is all about surviving.

Hui Shunyi's visit this time can be regarded as a thorough confession with Ye Yun, and the alliance is very strong.

They left their mother and daughter after lunch at Zhaochunxuan.

In the afternoon, Fei Cui, who was beside Zheng Cairen, came to Zhaochunxuan to express her gratitude.

Ye Yun also only told her, "The queen made things difficult for Zheng Cairen because she felt that Zheng Cairen was on the same side as me, and I spoke for Zheng Cairen because I believed that Zheng Cairen was on the same side as me."

"The servant girl understands what Xiuyi means, and the talented man also understands it. The talented person also asks the servant girl to talk to Xiuyi. In the future, he will follow Xiuyi's lead." Fei Cui knelt down and said.

It means surrender.

After all, although they had some contacts in the past, they did not formally hand in the name certificate, so it is considered to be handed in today.

Ye Yun was also unambiguous, and sent some things to both Zheng Cairen and Zhou Wanrong after changing hands.

The status of the two people is different, but the things are given the same.

This also means equal treatment.

Don't worry about Mr. Zhou having ideas.

Ye Yun can now see that although Zhou Wanrong is smart, she doesn't like to use her brain.

To put it bluntly, he just followed Ye Yun wholeheartedly, and didn't worry about anything else.

The harem is back on track.

Except for two more children, everything is similar to the original, the only thing is that Ning Chen is too busy to come to the harem again.

The best time for Liao people to adapt to war is summer. From June to July, the Liao people's offensives are extremely fierce.

Even Ye Zhe and Huo Pingbei teamed up and suffered a few times.

This time, the Liao people did not intend to start with Zasak, but instead focused on attacking Lingzhou.

General Xian and General Lu are both old, and the general Yan who came to support him has never fought. Huo Pingbei and Ye Zhe are young, and they are easier to fight than the fierce Zasak people.

The Liao people were also cunning. They divided their troops into two groups. The main force was all in Lingzhou, and part of them were in Zasak, so that the Zasak people could not leave their side to support.

After all, the Liao army is basically cavalry, and running on both sides is a fast thing, and neither side can relax.

So right now they can only guard one side.

The fierce fighting was followed by an accelerated reduction of soldiers and horses and an accelerated consumption of food and grass.

Soldiers and horses can be dispatched from nearby to support, but food and grass are transported from Kyoto, which is very slow.

It takes fifteen days to travel day and night.

The person escorting the rations was Shun Yuanhou's second son, Yao Xiang's second elder brother, Yao Xin.

Their elder brother Yao Xu had already arrived with the first batch of people supporting Lingzhou.

This time the military rations were urgently needed and the quantity was large, but it was a coincidence that there was a thunderstorm in summer just as we were on the road.

Although it is an official road, the current official road is just a gravel road, and it is still muddy when it rains, making it difficult to drive.

Yao Xin sent people back to the capital to spread the word that they could arrive in 25 days by traveling day and night, but because of the weather, it may take [-] days to arrive.

However, according to the news from Lingzhou, the Beiling Pass where Ye Zhe, who is the most aggressive of the Liao people, is located, can last up to ten days with food and grass.

General Xian's Qingqiang Pass and General Lu's Huyu Pass both sent people to distribute some food and grass, but they could last for up to fourteen days.

Originally, I could wait for food and grass for one more day, but now I suddenly said that I would have to wait ten days longer.

At Beiling Pass, the Ye family army and the Huo family army now have a total of nearly 9 people alive. With so many soldiers, how can they survive without eating or drinking for eleven days.

When Ye Yun heard the news in the harem, his legs were so weak that he couldn't stand up for a moment.

"Hurry up, write to uncle quickly, what I told them earlier in the morning, now implement it quickly, go quickly, go quickly, Bai Shu, go in person!"

"Xiuyi, don't worry, Hou Yeji has his own aura, and nothing will happen. This servant will go outside the palace to spread the word."

Bai Shu kowtowed, and ran out all the way.

Ye Yun wanted to pick up the cup to drink water, feeling uneasy, and spilled all of it if he didn't hold it firmly.

He couldn't drink anymore, so he stood up and paced back and forth in the room, taking deep breaths to force himself to calm down.

Suddenly, a person flashed in my mind and said hurriedly.

"Come on, I'm going to Huo Cairen's place, get ready for the sedan chair."

Huiyue nodded hurriedly, and immediately made arrangements. In less than a stick of incense, Ye Yun arrived at Changxin Pavilion.

Huo Cairen was as anxious as she was, and he was in a state of confusion at the moment.

When I heard her coming, I was surprised at first, and then thought that it might be related to the border war, so I hurriedly welcomed her in.

Before saluting, she was supported by Ye Yun.

"Don't make such nonsense at this moment. Now you and my brother are tied together. I only ask you a question. I hope you can answer me truthfully."

"Just ask Xiuyi, the concubine will tell you everything." Huo Cai said humanely.

Ye Yun frowned seriously, "Your brother has held military power in Yuzhou for so long, has he hoarded food in private?"

Unexpectedly, she would ask this when she came up, Huo Cairen was stunned.

Although it is known that there is, such a thing is not allowed by the court now.

The military power is in your hands, but the soldiers are the emperor's soldiers, and the soldiers of the imperial court have to eat the military rations of the imperial court, and they are not allowed to hoard rations privately.

This is also to prevent people from being self-respecting. If there is enough food and grass for people and horses, wouldn't they be able to rebel at any time.

But in the past dynasties, those who have military power in their hands will hoard some privately. This is also a means of self-protection. As long as it is not excessive, the court will turn a blind eye.

Ye Yun was born in the general family, so he naturally knew this.

Seeing that Huo Cairen hesitated, he took the initiative to say.

"I don't know if my elder brother hoarded food, but I had a feud with the Yao family in the household department, and I was on guard against it early in the morning. My grandfather's family was a merchant, and they had some money and food. They prepared a lot early in the morning, and it was stored in Zhasa. Ke handed over the border with Lingzhou, but looking at it now, those are not enough, and the rest depends on your Huo family."

She took the initiative to say that Huo Cairen finally let go of her guard, but she was in a dilemma.

"There is grain and grass, but how to transport it is troublesome. It is impossible for such a large amount of grain and grass not to attract suspicion."

"If someone pretends to be a businessman, they say they donate food to the imperial court and send it directly to the front line. If you don't have any manpower, my grandparents' family does have some, and they are all serious businessmen, so they can stand interrogation." Ye Yun said.

After all this, Huo Cairen was finally persuaded.

Immediately, I asked someone to rush to Yuzhou to deliver letters to my family.

Both Ye Zhe and Huo Pingbei are the pillars of the family and must not fall down.

Of course, the strength of the two of them alone is definitely not enough.

After thinking about it, Ye Yun went to Jiuchen Palace to find Ning Chen.

 Make up
(End of this chapter)

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