Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 437 Husband and wife

Chapter 437 Husband and wife
This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Following the downfall of Concubine Jingxian, Ying Wanrong was the first to panic.

All night long, he was afraid that the imperial concubine would liquidate her in the next moment, so he frightened himself into a sickness.

At the same time, Sandalwood and Rosary in the Department of Punishment suffered all kinds of torture, and finally they couldn't stand it anymore, and they wiped out all the things that Concubine Jingxian had done for so many years.

After all, I know that in less than two days, the cook Zhou He will be escorted into the palace, and the master will not survive. Now that he is being tortured, he just wants to die happily.

Concubine Jingxian has really done a lot of things for so many years.

The crimes written down are twice as many as those of the abolished Empress Xie.

It's heart-numbing.

She was the one who killed the second prince's biological mother, Yang Shi.

Back then, Mrs. Lin hated the deposed Empress Xie so much that she bribed the girls around Mrs. Lin and instigated her to instigate Mrs. Zhao, who was next to the Empress, to murder Mrs. Yang, and Mrs. Lin exposed Mrs. Zhao as the murderer.

With Lin's hands, the two concubines were killed.

But Lin died of illness by herself, so it really has nothing to do with her.

Needless to say about Xie's miscarriage, what surprised Ye Yun was that she was the one who killed Wan's infertility and replaced safflower powder with bone powder.

He even personally poured a jug of poisoned wine into Xie Shi, the deposed queen, and did something for the execution slave.

And all kinds of things that happened to Ye Yun, including the accident when she gave birth to her second child and what happened on the Double Ninth Festival later, were also done by her.

In order to kill Ye Yun, the Song family spent a lot of time and effort, went to Kang Wang's mansion outside the palace, found the Xie family to do it, and forced the Qin family to make her a scapegoat with the life of the fifth prince.

And how she murdered Qi Shunrong's child later, and her ambition to push the second prince to the crown prince, were all clearly confessed by the servants.

Ye Yun originally thought that it was only because the empress was abolished that the Song family gradually developed a heart of infidelity, but she didn't expect her to hide it so deeply.

If the witnesses hadn't been caught this time, it's unknown how many people this femme fatale would continue to harm.

It is also disgusting that the Song family murdered the second prince's biological mother, Yang family, and can still raise the second prince so indifferently for so many years.

Such a mind is really rare.

The crime was announced to the public, the Song family was already doomed, and it would not be a pity to die a thousand times.

Ning Chen was indeed furious. This time, Mrs. Song didn't even have a choice of how to die, and was hanged directly.

Her family members were also implicated and sent down.

On the day of execution, Chu Yunhong had already escorted Zhou He back to the capital, so he happened to be executed together.

After Ning Chen came to power, this was a rare massacre in the harem. Those who participated in the Song family's plan were punished and those who should be killed were all killed.

Being so strict is also why Ning Chen made up his mind to clean up the palace and suppress the evil wind in the harem.

It's just that the second prince was pitiful, and before he had time to grieve over the death of his adoptive mother, he was stimulated by the news that his biological mother was killed by his adoptive mother and fell ill.

For a while, I didn't know how to deal with myself, whether I was sad about my adoptive mother's death, or happy that my mother's death was avenged, or angry that I had accepted a thief as my mother for many years, it was ridiculous to be sincere.

Suddenly falling into such a situation, the second prince didn't know how to face the people outside.

Such depression and fear made his illness rapidly worsen, and he couldn't get out of bed within three or four days.

When Ye Yun heard about this, she couldn't sit idly by, so she went to the Ruyi Hall in person.

Seeing her coming, the second prince showed timidity in his eyes, he hurriedly got up and knelt down on the bed to salute.

"Son pays respects to the noble mother and concubine."

Being so cautious also shows how difficult it is for a child in the palace.

Ye Yun knew that if she didn't come, the child might not be able to survive.

"Get up, you don't need to be polite when you are sick. Your father is also very anxious about your illness these two days. You are an older child, and you can't always be indulging in grief. You have to think about your father. You are the noble prince of Nanqi, how can you belittle yourself."

"Really? Father isn't angry with me, doesn't he want me?" The second prince asked timidly.

There was grievance and fear in those eyes, and the teardrops were already spinning.

It turned out that these days, he was not only entangled with his biological mother and adoptive mother, but also worried about how he would live without his mother and his father would not want him anymore.

Ye Yun sighed, raised her hand to support the second prince's thin and immature shoulders, stared into his eyes, and spoke seriously.

"You and your father are close blood relatives. How could he not want you? If he really doesn't want you, these days, slaves and imperial doctors, who would take care of you so wholeheartedly? Even if Mrs. Song made a mistake, But your father is not a fatuous person, and he will definitely not blame you innocently, so you can rest assured that you will not let your father down if you take good care of your illness and become healthy."

Hearing this, the second prince finally let go of his heart that had been hanging for many days, and nodded heavily.

Seeing that he had thought clearly, Ye Yun told the servants a few more words before getting up and leaving.

Not far away, they heard crying from the back yard.

"Your Majesty." Nan Zhi glanced back at the Second Prince's courtyard, feeling a little worried.

Ye Yun narrowed her eyes, "Don't worry about it, if you figure it out, you have to cry to get rid of your depression. I told everyone in the palace that no one should neglect the second prince's place, otherwise the palace will never be soft."

Nan Zhi responded, helped her into the sedan chair, and left Ruyi Hall.

And Ning Chen heard that the imperial concubine had gone to the second prince's place, so he also sent someone to inquire about the news.

After hearing Ye Yun's words of comfort, I felt even more affection for Ye Yun.

As a father, even if he loves his son, he still doesn't know how to express it verbally. Ye Yun's move undoubtedly relieved him of his concerns.

In the evening, Ning Chen came to Zhaochun Palace as usual, but this time he had something very important to say.

He has considered this matter for a long time, but decided to ask Ye Yun first.

After dinner, when the two of them lay down, Ning Chen spoke solemnly and in a low voice.

"I want to make you my empress, to be my wife, and to guard this country with me, are you willing?"

Ye Yun didn't expect him to say this, and was slightly taken aback.

Facing those sincere eyes, Ye Yun could see that every word Ning Chen said at the moment was serious.

But in the end, Ye Yun still didn't nod.

Gently holding Ning Chen's hand, Ye Yun adjusted his mood, took a long breath, and met Ning Chen's eyes seriously.

"Your Majesty, forgive me for being ridiculously selfish, but I only want to be the emperor's only concubine, not my successor. That position was once held by others, and I want to be unique."

"Even if you don't become a queen, in the hearts of the concubines, the emperor has always been the concubine's husband. If you say something outrageous, the concubines have long stopped considering themselves as the emperor's concubine. It's all secondary, if there is no friendship, it's just a status, and it's not a husband and wife."

Ning Chen didn't expect Ye Yun to refuse, but such a statement also echoed her haughty temperament, and such a sincere tone and eyes could be seen to be absolutely fake.

After a long time, Ning Chen sighed, pulled him into his arms and hugged him gently.

"Forget it, since that's the case, I won't force you. After a while, let's go out of the palace. I haven't toured the north for a long time, so I just take you out to relax and get some air."

"Okay, I'll listen to the emperor." Ye Yun smiled and put his arms around Ning Chen's waist.

At this moment, both of them are sincere.

 Thank you for your support. I have seen the recommendation tickets and rewards. I will thank you here. This story will end at the end of the month, and the next story is already being conceived and prepared.

(End of this chapter)

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