Chapter 441
After a day of banquets, even though it was just a small gathering in the palace, it was exhausting.

The main reason is that Ning Chen also took time to go to Jiuchen Palace in the afternoon to meet the royal family members who came to the palace for an audience.

In the evening, Ning Chen came to Zhaochun Palace as usual, only to see the fourth princess playing with rice cakes in the courtyard with a small wooden sword.

"Yuan'er, where's your sixth brother?" Ning Chen looked at his younger daughter with a smile in his eyes.

The fourth princess was sweating from running, turned around and saw her father was also smiling, threw the sword in his hand to the servant and ran over to hold it.

"I went to the Ruyi Pavilion, and I followed the fourth brother. Mother said that they are like-minded." The fourth princess said.

As he said that, he rolled his eyes, his appearance was undoubtedly a child taught by Ye Yun.

Ning Chen was amused in his heart, well, these three are all like Ye Yun in temperament, that is, they look like him.

"Smells congenial, do you know what it means?"

"That's right. Brothers all stink." The fourth princess couldn't tell why, so she was vague.

Hearing the movement outside, Ye Yun came out, and saw father and daughter talking.

After a short salute, he squeezed the handkerchief and wiped the fine sweat from his daughter's forehead.

"If the brothers don't accompany you, you just toss the rice cake. It's not young, so it can't stand to be crazy with you."

Nian Gao is two years older than the fourth prince, so he is considered a grandpa among dogs.

But the victory lies in the meticulous care. Now it seems that the spirit is still very good, but I don't like to run. I like to lie at Ye Yun's feet every day, or go to Ruyi Pavilion, stay by the fourth prince's side for two days and then come back.

"Let's go find your fourth brother, and bring your sixth brother back by the way. Your fourth brother has to write an article tonight. Don't make a fuss. Come back after dinner." Ye Yun patted her daughter's head.

The fourth princess nodded and left immediately.

When the children were not there, Ning Chen led Ye Yun into the house.

Seeing that today's dinner was eaten by the two of them.

Ye Yun, the fourth prince is grown up, and the task of taking care of the baby cannot be undertaken by his elder brother.

The fourth prince of the Ruyi Pavilion looked at the elder brother who was fumbling around in the room, and he heard the voice of the younger sister from the courtyard, his head was really getting bigger.

"Let's ask the dining room to cook something lighter for dinner, they can't even eat very spicy food." The fourth prince ordered.

Bai Shu nodded with a smile and went to install it.

Although the fourth prince disliked him on the surface, he made meticulous arrangements every time, and they were still close relatives after all.

On the other side, without caring about the taste of the children, Ye Yun took Ning Chen to eat the pot together.

Although it is summer now, it is still very comfortable to eat hot pot, with iced melons and fruits, it has a special taste.

Ning Chen gently picked up a slice of mutton with his chopsticks.

"You should eat more now. Then you will go to Zasak. The journey will take about a month, so it will be more difficult."

"But you can eat barbecue when you arrive. The barbecue over there is different from that in Kyoto. Think about it, it has a unique flavor." Ye Yun said with a smile.

But Ning Chen thought of drinking.

That would be really fatal. People in Zasak drink, whether it is a cup or a bowl, which is several times larger than that in Kyoto. This time, you can bring a few more drinks that you can drink.

Thinking of bringing someone along, Ning Chen asked.

"Which ones are you going to call this time? Take all the children with you, it's rare to go out once."

Ye Yun raised her eyebrows and said intentionally, "The emperor probably wants to talk about more than just the children. It's enough for the concubines to arrange a few young and beautiful concubines to follow. Cui Jieyu, Huo Xiurong, and Ying Wanrong are all good."


Ning Chen looked at her helplessly.

"I don't mean that, I just want to tell you, don't bring too many people with you on this trip. The situation on Zasak's side is a little unstable. En and Jin are very ambitious. It's not good to involve too many people. Just bring a few people with you." A quiet and sensible one."

Ye Yun nodded, and put away her playful look.

"Then it's better to just go with the biological mothers of the prince and princess, and bring Huo Xiurong along. This time, her brother must be escorting her, so General Huo must be honored."

"Well, then arrange it like this." Ning Chen agreed, but then said, "It's just that there should be someone in charge in the harem. In your opinion, who is suitable?"

"The emperor doesn't have to worry about it. Concubine Huide came to find her concubine today and took the initiative to stay in the palace as a director. Her family members are not in the north, and she won't be able to see her when she leaves the palace, so she won't go out." Ye Yun said.

Speaking of which, Concubine Rongxian is from Yuzhou, she was sent back to the palace many years ago and she didn't see her family, this time she finally has a chance.

Ning Chen nodded, "That's fine, Concubine Hui De is a steady and sensible person. At the end of this year, I will ask his father to report on his duties now, and let her meet the family."

Concubine Huide's family has a low official position, so there is no chance to go to Beijing to report on her work. Ning Chen's move is a special kindness.

"The concubine thanked the emperor for Sister Hui, she must be very happy." Ye Yun smiled.

At the end, he said, "The concubine still has something to ask the emperor, I wonder if the emperor will agree."

Ning Chen waved his hands indifferently, "Just say it, when will you be polite with me?"

During these three years of getting along day and night, the two of them became more and more casual.

Ye Yun then said, "The concubine wants to bring Shu Ran along with her. She hasn't seen her parents for three or four years."

It was Ye Shuran, the eldest daughter of her elder brother Ye Zhe. This girl was also 12 years old this year, a little older than the fourth prince.

It is difficult for border generals to return to Beijing, and they have not come back for three years when there is a national funeral. It is not easy to prevent the whole family from seeing each other.

However, the sister-in-law Yin found out she was pregnant before the queen mother died, and gave birth to a boy, who is now over three years old, named Ye Zeqian.

This youngest son got Ning Chen's permission to be raised by his parents until he was 12 years old before returning to Beijing.

It's also because of Ye Yun's grace.

"It's all trivial, since you love the child, you can take it with you." Ning Chen said.

Suddenly thinking about other things, he said something unexpectedly.

"That girl is only one year older than Jing'er. I've seen her a few times. She looks beautiful, behaves dignifiedly, and has a good temper. If there is a destiny in the future, it would be great to marry Jing'er."

These words made Ye Yun choke in shock, it happened that he eats spicy food, and tears kept flowing for a while.

Ning Chen hurriedly passed the herbal tea in front of him, and Ye Yun drank several cups before stopping.

"Cough, cough, please don't mess with the mandarin ducks, the concubine is not willing to let the child marry Jing'er, siblings are siblings, they have to get together as a couple."

What's more, it's a blood relationship, it's not good for close relatives to marry.

"Okay, okay, I'm just saying, don't worry, does your throat hurt? Look at your face is flushed." Ning Chen worried.

Ye Yun waved her hand to show that she was fine, and asked Huiyue to bring ice watermelon and eat a piece to make her feel better.

Ning Chen put down his chopsticks and sighed, "Jing'er is not yet old, but Jia Yu's marriage is about to be seen. Concubine Rong Xian is not safe, so you can help her to see each other."

"The eldest princess has just reached the age of Ji, so there is no need to be in such a hurry. The charming girl of the sky always chooses the best one carefully." Ye Yun said while eating, "I went to Zasak this time, and there are many young princes. Let's go together, the concubine will watch carefully."

Ning Chen nodded, he was assured of Ye Yun's work.

(End of this chapter)

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